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Polyphylon Girls - Chapter 2 - The Past Comes Back to haunt (F/f nylon,feet)


TMF Expert
Jun 16, 2004
Chapter 2 – The Past Comes Back to Haunt

“School’s going well,” Beth Turam said trying to sound interested in the line of questioning. It was only her second weekend at college, and already her parents were visiting her. It’s not like she was a freshman anymore. She twirled her wavy red hair with her finger trying to look interested. Dressed in a t-shirt jeans, and sneakers, she looked like a typical college girl. She was smart, pretty, and confident. But boys usually found her somewhat intimidating. Standing at 6 foot even, she was a rather strong presence.

“That’s good hun,” her stepmother, Catharina, said. Beth hated it when she called her hun. She never really warmed up to her stepmother, and secretly resented her father for remarrying. Her real mother and sister disappeared mysteriously seven years earlier. Their bodies were never found. Beth still believed that they were still alive, and always felt her father remarrying was his way of giving up on finding out what happened to them.

“So how are you doing Kev?” Beth asked her step brother Kevin who was sitting in the corner of the dorm room. Kevin was 13, and was a hopeless nerd of the worst kind. Beth tried to be nice to him, but he barely spoke to anyone about anything but video games and anime. He just grunted back at her and continued fiddling with some strange gadget. Beth always wondered if he had Asperger’s syndrome or something. His mother must have had him when she was in high school as she is currently only 30.

“Ever since he found that thing he’s done nothing but fiddle with it,” Cat said. “It’s so much fun visiting you up here. I missed out on college life. It’s nice to get the chance to enjoy it.”

Beth rolled her eyes. Cat, as her father liked to call her, was so immature. She was young, yes, but she was also a mom. It was embarrassing having a stepmom that dressed and acted like a teenager. Today she was wearing her typical tight fitting tang top shirt with low cut tight jeans that showed off her ass. On her feet were her brown expensive Uggs boots of which she had several pairs. Beth always felt her father pampered his high maintenance wife a little too much. One thing Beth noticed as Cat removed her fur coat was that underneath her tang top Beth was wearing a somewhat familiar looking ultra sheer hot pink body stocking that covered her flat stomach and arms. She was about to ask her about it when Beth’s roommate, Niesa, entered.

“Hi Niesa,” Her father, Patrick Turam, said as she entered. “How’s it go—,” his thought process was interrupted when they saw she was crying softly. The Japanese beauty looked severely unkempt. She was still wearing her cheerleader outfit but her shirt looked a little baggy and loose. Her skirt was hanging off her body and she was holding onto it with both hands. One of her sneakers looked like it was falling apart and was barely staying on her stocking foot. The other one also looked quite loose and was slipping off her heel with each step despite how tightly it was tied. And on her legs were a pair of ultra sheer black nylons that looked strangely familiar to Beth, just like the ones her stepmom were wearing.

“What happened?” they all asked her at once. Niesa just looked at them, burst into tears, and ran out of the room slamming the door behind her. It was clear she didn’t want to talk about it. Beth noticed that she had left her damaged sneaker behind. She picked it up.

“Wow,” Beth says. “It looks like a car ran over it. Something terrible must have happened at practice today. I better talk to her in private.”

“Why don’t we go pick up a pizza,” Patrick said getting up, “come on Kev, let’s give these girls some privacy.” Kevin, still engrossed in figuring out the workings of his gadget, got up and followed Cat and Patrick out of the room.

Lisa was very careful not to step out of her sneakers as she stepped onto the train. She had managed to change out of her shirt and skirt, but could not change out of her pantyhose. She almost spent thirty minutes in the locker room pleasuring herself trying to find an opening in her pantyhose to get them off. But she eventually gave up and decided to just wear her jeans and sneakers over them. For some reason she decided not to put socks on, but she regretted that now, because her sneakers were so very loose with just the pantyhose, even when tied tightly.

As she entered the train she saw her friend Sarah sitting in the corner of the train tapping her feet nervously. “Hi Sarah, didn’t expect to see you taking a train home this late,” Sarah said as she carefully walked over to the seat next to her.

“Yeah, I stayed after with Eddie and the boys,” Sarah said smiling nervously, and tugging uncomfortably at her piercings.

Lisa also gulped nervously after hearing this. “Do you mean Jon and Dean?” Lisa said staring at Sarah’s feet which were shaking loosely in her shoes. They were barely touching the floor.

“Yeah, I saw what happened. Guess it’s a good thing I quit when I did. Damn, these piercings hurt,” Sarah said as she took out her nose ring and lip ring.

Lisa took out her own earrings as she too noticed they were bothering her a bit. They sat there for several minutes quietly. A very pretty brunette woman in her thirties seemed to be sneaking peaks at them from behind her newspaper. Lisa didn’t pay her any mind, but she could tell Sarah was eyeing her nervously. She was dressed conservatively in a black business suit and leather boots. Her hair was done up in a bun. Lisa could tell that she was sneaking glances at Sarah’s nervous feet, and also was shifting attention to Lisa’s.

Lisa nervously looked down at her feet. Like Sarah’s they were also barely touching the floor. Sarah and Lisa were always short, but she never felt this short on the train before, her feet always touched the floor. She felt her sneakers slide off her heals a bit. She hated this vulnerable feeling, especially with the woman watching her so she started tapping her feet like Sarah. It helped a little bit.

“I hate these pantyhose. I can’t keep my shoes on, even more than normal,” Lisa finally said quietly hoping the woman couldn’t hear over the sounds of the train. “And you know I couldn’t even take it off after practice. They feel way too smooth. Some pervert probably invented them. I can’t believe we made such fools of ourselves on the football field. We’ll probably get expelled,” Lisa said angrily.

“So what happened at the end? I didn’t see it all. Did Jon and Dean go too far? Did you get caught?”

“Jon and Dean were just being idiots. They tickled Christy and Niesa until they passed out. They made so much noise laughing though that the coaches heard and came out. I guess it was inevitable though. I don’t think we were ever going to compose ourselves. They had security escort us off the field and gather up our clothes. It was so embarrassing. We all got written up. Niesa got the worst of it, since she was in charge. She’s probably in big trouble. I think Jon and Dean ran off before security got there. Bastards probably got away scot free.”

Sarah’s heavy shoe eventually succumbed to gravity and slipped off her heel. Lisa caught a glimpse of the sheer material on Sarah’s foot before she leaned forward and slid her foot back into her shoe in a frustrated manner. “You’re still wearing the pantyhose too,” Lisa said. “Why?”

“I couldn’t get it off either,” Sarah said seriously. “There’s seriously something weird about these tights … something supernatural. I feel so vulnerable wearing them, yet so indestructible at the same time. I think we should get a scientist to look at them or something. I’m being serious about that.”

“Normally I would think you’re crazy,” Lisa said, “but I’m going to have to agree with you. I don’t think any of us would have done what we did on that football field if we weren’t wearing these tights. I haven’t felt right since I put it on. Maybe we should see a doctor.”


And with those last words, the two girls arrived at their stop and carefully stepped towards the exit. But they never made it off the train. The last thing they remembered was a strange smelling rag smothering their noses and then fading to black.

“So what’s going to happen to you now?” Beth asked Niesa who had calmed quite a bit after retelling the day’s events.

“I don’t know,” she said sadly. “They’re probably going to call me into the Dean’s office on Monday to expel me. Hopefully they won’t get the police involved for public indecency. I’ll have to get a lawyer I guess. But it wasn’t my fault. I don’t know what came over us. It must have had something to do with the pantyhose they had ordered for us.”

“Who ordered those pantyhose, Niesa?” Beth asked very seriously, it was clear she knew something about them.

“Who knows, someone in the phys ed. Department. All I know is that there were two boxes with our uniforms and a separate box with the pantyhose. There were instructions not to wear socks with the uniform, or any other undergarments besides the pantyhose. I thought it was rather strange and kind of perverse. But after I put the pantyhose on and noticed how good they felt I didn’t even want to wear them with panties or socks. There was a shipping label on the box with a name and address. I wish I could remember it. They’ll never let me back into the locker room now though.”

“It’s very important that we find out where they came from, those aren’t ordinary pantyhose. In fact, I think my stepmom is wearing a similar pair. But she’s wearing a body stocking, which is what my sister and mother were wearing before they disappeared.”

“What?!” Niesa was clearly very surprised and nervous by what Beth was getting at.

“Seven years ago, my mother was working with some mysterious scientists on a new type of material called polyphylon. It’s like nylon but much stronger and smoother. I remember her coming home one day wearing it. It was so soft and smooth, really beautiful. It made her more ticklish and sensitive, just like you. It was the same color and texture as the pantyhose you’re wearing now actually, except it covered her upper body too, like a body stocking.”

“She invented it?”

“I guess she was one of the inventors, but I never met or knew anything about the other scientists she was working. My mother was never a scientist, she was a model turned fashion designer. But to invent a new material? That just never seemed like something she was capable of. But, you see, the polyphylon did change her, for the worse I think. She never took it off which I found very strange. Her personality changed too. It must have been the stress. She used to be very nice and patient with us, but after she started working with the polyphylon she became very short with us, and often yelled at us. I would often see her crying, and screaming at no one begging them to take it off. It was like she was going crazy.”

“Damn, that’s scary, because I tried taking it off today and I couldn’t do it either. I couldn’t find an opening. I just wound up playing with myself.”

“I’m telling you, we have to find out where it came from, that’s your only chance of getting it off.”

“But how are we going to find out?” Niesa asked as she nervously wiggled her toes in her loose gold flats. She had changed into her flats since her sneaker was torn apart by the car that had run over it.

“I don’t know yet. We’ll have to figure out something. We’ll start by interrogating my stepmom. You see, once my real mother started mass producing the body stockings she brought a box of it home to run some tests. She told us never to wear it or to touch it. Unfortunately my older sister lost her pantyhose for cheerleader practice and stole one from the box. It was probably the biggest mistake of her life. Later that day, she came home from school several inches shorter. She was shrinking! The body stocking was actually making her shrink!”

“Oh my God!”

“And it turns out, she wasn’t the only one shrinking, there were several other women who had bought the body stocking from Frederick’s, the department store my mom worked for, and they were also shrinking. So my sister decided to meet them because one of them knew of a way to get the body stocking off. But I guess it was a trap because I never saw my sister or my mother again.”

“Jesus Christ! What happened to them?”

“I don’t know. To this day I don’t know what happened to them. I told the police my story. Of course they didn’t believe me. A body stocking that shrinks people? And I was only 12 at the time so of course they thought I was crazy. The only way I could prove it to them was to find a body stocking and show it to them. But the box with all the body stockings was gone. I searched all over the house and couldn’t find it. Eventually the police gave up the search. Everyone assumed they were dead. I still think they’re alive, but I think I’m the only one.”

“That’s terrible,” Niesa gulped nervously. “Do you think I’m shrinking?”

“I wouldn’t be surprised. Your shoes are really loose. That’s usually the first sign. Then your skirt starts to hang, check. And look your shirt is really baggy too.”

“Oh god!” Niesa said in despair.

“Well it could just be that your clothes are too big. My mom wore the body stocking for weeks and didn’t seem to shrink. But there’s one way to know for sure. Stand up against the wall and step out of your shoes,” Beth ordered as she grabbed a pencil and tape measure from her closet. As an engineering major she always had tools like this handy. Niesa did as she was told, but Beth looked down and noticed she was still wearing her shoes. “Niesa, we need this to be accurate, take off your shoes.”

“My feet are too ticklish,” Niesa said blushing. “It’s the nylons!”

“Polyphylon,” Beth said correcting her. “And you’re going to have to get used it,” she said bending down to take off Niesa’s shoes.

“No please don’t take off my shoes!” Niesa begged as Beth made a grab for the heel of her left shoe. Niesa put all her weight on that shoe to prevent Beth from pulling it off. This prompted Beth to go for the more vulnerable right shoe, which Niesa promptly put all her weight on. Niesa couldn’t help but giggle at the anticipation of having her extremely tickling stocking feet touched and exposed.

Niesa’s shoes were clearly too large for her, and there were gaps on all sides around the heel and arch. Beth decided to very lightly tickle around the edge of her left foot to give herself the advantage. “pfhahahahahahah! Not fair! Okay, you win, I’ll take them off myself!” Niesa said.

“Too late,” teased Beth as she continued to tease around both arches. “You’re going to have to get used to getting tickled and having your shoes removed by force. It’s going to happen to you a lot in the days to come.”

“Oh god, hahahaa, this is the worst day of my life ahahahahah!”

“Consider this training,” Niesa’s feet shifted from side to side sliding in and out of her shoes. Beth finally flicked them off her feet and left her friend stocking footed on the carpeted floor. Niesa continued to giggle uncontrollably as the carpet tickled the soles of her feet horribly. “Come on Niesa, hold still. You have to get used to the feeling, or you’ll never be strong enough to solve this mystery and get this thing off.”

But it was just too difficult. Niesa’s laughter was so weakening that her knees began to buckle and she started to descend to the floor in a fetal position. “I can’t do it. It’s just too much … Too ticklish … Oh God, I’m getting wet!” Her hand started to move towards her crotch, just like it did when she was out on the football field.

“Stop it Niesa! Compose yourself!” Beth tried to lift her up from under her armpits. This only served to tickle her more.

“Hahahah! Armpits! Ticklish! Hahahaha!

“Damn, maybe these pantyhose are more potent than the body stockings that my mom and sister wore. I don’t remember them being THIS sensitive.”

“Just Hahahahaha! Put my shoes back on! Hahahahaha!”

“Okay, okay,” Beth said, lifting up her foot and slipping her shoe underneath and then doing the same with the other shoe. After a few minutes Beth calmed down. “That was ridiculous. It’s just a carpeted floor. It’s like it’s made of feathers.”

“I know,” Niesa said catching her breath. “It’s worse than the grass though. It’s softer.”

“Alright stand up. I’ll measure you with your shoes on.”

“Thank you,” Niesa said standing up straight against the wall.

“But just remember what I said is true. You are going to have to get used to going shoeless, because if you are shrinking you’re going to be losing your shoes quite a bit.”

Niesa just gulped nervously at the thought, unfortunately Beth was right. Even if she got new, smaller shoes, she would continue to shrink until those were too loose as well. Same could be said for the rest of her clothes. This was indeed the worst day of her life.

“Five foot and one inch,” Beth said as she measured at the line on the wall she had drawn at Niesa’s head, “definitely shorter, what are you normally?”

“Are you sure?” Niesa asked shocked. She gazed at the tape measure in disbelief.


“I’m normally Five foot six.

“That’s five inches you lost. How long ago did you put on your tights?”

“A little over four hours ago.”

“That’s more than one inch an hour. And I want to show you something,” Beth pointed to a crack in the wall above the line she drew. “Before I took your shoes off, I noticed your head made it to this crack in the wall. But after you giggled like a schoolgirl and nearly wet yourself, you dropped about a centimeter below the crack.”

“So what does that mean?”

“Maybe that the more you lose yourself in ticklish ecstasy, the more inches you lose. I don’t have proof of course, but be very careful. Try to control your urges as best you can.”

“Well don’t take my shoes off then,” Niesa said angrily.

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