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Polyphylon Girls - Chapter 5 - Aliens in Wonderland (FF/f nylon,feet,tummy,armpit)


TMF Expert
Jun 16, 2004
Chapter 5 – Aliens in Wonderland

Niesa was beginning to hate walking. Every movement tickled her. Her shirt still hung on loosely but lightly tickled her breasts as she took each step. Her skirt was so loose that she had to hold it up with her hands. It glided past her pantyhose clad legs so gently and tickled terribly. Her shoes also slid halfway off with each step, and each time she felt the leather slide past her slippery feet she giggled. She could feel herself shrinking out of her clothes and hated it.

Beth and Kevin were busy talking about the gadget as the group headed back to the dorm room. “I discovered this compartment on the way over here,” Kevin said opening up a small latch in the back and taking out a cylinder. “It looks like a battery of some sort, probably lithium ion, 12 cells at least, but smaller than any I’ve ever seen.”

Beth took the battery from his hand and examined it. “Yes definitely a powerful battery, you can tell by the weight. It looks so advanced though, and these markings, they don’t look Chinese or anything. Niesa, can you recognize this?” she handed the cell to Niesa.

The writing was like nothing she had seen before, definitely not Japanese. “That’s not Japanese. That doesn’t look like anything.”

“Do you think I found some alien remote control?” Kevin asked getting excited.

“Don’t be stupid, it’s probably some secret government code,” Beth said taking the battery back from Niesa.

“I thought maybe we could hook it up to your laptop battery and get it working,” Kevin said pointing to two electrodes in the compartment to which he could connect the battery.

“That sounds like a great idea. We’ll try it when we get back to the dorm room.”

Pat who was walking in front, suddenly chimed in, “I think it should wait for tomorrow Kev, it’s getting late and we should head to the hotel and let these girls get some rest.”

Beth didn’t even know he was listening in. “Can he stay over Dad?” Beth asked, “This gadget would be perfect for an engineering project I’m working on for class, and I need to poke Kevin’s brain tonight. We probably won’t have time to do it tomorrow since you’re leaving pretty early.”

Kevin looked up eagerly, hoping his step-father and mother would approve.

“That doesn’t sound like a good idea, Beth,” Pat said, “A teenage boy spending the night in a girl’s dorm room? You’re just asking for trouble.”

“I’ll drive him to the hotel when we’re done,” Beth said. “You didn’t get me that car for nothing after all.”

“Well it certainly didn’t cost nothing,” Pat laughed. “Just make sure he’s at the hotel before 1:00, I know how late you kids can stay up.” Beth and Kevin smiled at each other knowing they were victorious and continued fiddling with the gadget.

As the group was about to cross the street Niesa’s phone rang. “Hello?” she answered.

“Where is Lisa?” a woman on the other end demanded.

“Excuse me who is this?”

“Lisa’s mother! Did you get my daughter into more trouble?”

“Wait what? Lisa didn’t make it home?”

“No! I swear, when I got that call from the coaches today informing me of the sort of ‘cheerleading’ your having the girls participate in, I was livid. I can’t believe they put you in charge! Now where is my daughter?”

“Calm down ma’am, I don’t know. She left with the other girls after we were escorted off the fields. Last I heard she was in the locker room getting changed to go home.”

Suddenly, the woman started crying hysterically, “Well she’s not home, and I’ve been calling all of her friends to find out where she is, and no one knows. Please you have to call me if you find out where she is!” Niesa stood in the street stunned. Lisa was missing? She was the sweetest girl, only 18, just starting her first semester in college. She felt terrible.

“Niesa look out!” Beth shouted. Niesa looked to her right and saw an oncoming car careening out of the bend. She screamed in fright and tried to jump out of the way. She was too late. The car hit her head on. Her small frame flew back as if punched by a giant … her skirt and shoes flying off behind her. Niesa flew like a ragdoll as her body arched and bounced a few times on the hard pavement.

It was devastating hit. All parties looked on in horror. She was surely dead. Beth was the first to run up to her friend. Niesa looked up at her in shock. She was alive. Beth cried in relief, but worried that she was seriously injured. “Can you speak?” Beth said crying.

“Yes,” Niesa said softly as she lifted her head.

“Don’t move, you might have a spinal injury,” Beth said. Pat, Cat and Kevin came up to join her. Pat was already dialing 911. From the car the door opened. Vanessa came running out of the car to the aid of her friend.

“Oh my god! Oh my god! What have I done?” Vanessa said repeatedly.

“I’m alive,” Niesa said wiggling her toes in relief. “I’m not hurt or paralyzed. See my toes?” Niesa sat up, still a bit stunned. The family was shocked to see that she had no broken bones, not even a cut or a bruise. All she had lost were some clothes.

“Jesus Christ it’s a miracle,” Cat said as she watched Niesa stand up. Suddenly, everyone noticed how short she was. Niesa was definitely well under five feet now, and losing her shoes wasn’t enough to explain that change in height.

“Niesa, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t watching where I was going. I had a lot on my mind because …,” Vanessa looked down at her feet. Her white painted toes were poking out from under her jeans. She was shoeless and still wearing the pantyhose. “I guess my shoes fell off when I ran over to you,” Vanessa said. “I think I’m shrinking and I think you are too.”

Niesa nodded her head in acknowledgement. She suddenly realized that her privates were exposed. She quickly covered her vagina with her shirt which now hung pretty low but still barely covered her pussy.

“Oh, let me get your clothes,” Vanessa said, “It’s the least I could do.” Vanessa picked up Niesa’s shoes and skirt, and slipped back into her own loose sneakers, which she had indeed abandoned while running to Niesa’s aid. Niesa gratefully stepped back into her skirt and shoes and sat on the curb next to Beth and Kevin.

“Well it looks like they’re sending an ambulance,” Patrick said after getting off the phone. He had missed the whole shrinking conversation and was still clueless. “Even though you seem to be alright, Niesa, it’s probably a good idea if you get checked out anyway. You never know what might have gotten knocked loose. That was a bad hit. I’ve heard stories of people walking away from accidents and then dying months later from internal injuries … a very painful and slow death too.”

“Well, that ought to make her feel better Dad,” Beth scolded.

“The truth doesn’t always make you feel better, but it can save your life,” he said.

Beth sighed. “Dad why don’t you and Cat get her something to drink while we wait for the ambulance,” she said hoping to have some privacy. Her father was happy to comply, although Cat wanted to stay behind to hear what they were talking about. Nevertheless, Pat managed to drag her along.

“You’re fucking invincible, can you believe this?” Beth said excited.

“Not really,” Niesa said. “Let me guess, the pantyhose protects me from all harm,” she said getting quite immune to the surprises of the day.

“It has to be. I remember my sister telling me how vulnerable, yet PROTECTED she felt wearing the body stocking. My mother also said something about feeling no pain.”

“I haven’t felt any pain since I put it on. Just intense pleasure, almost to the point of torture,” Vanessa responded.

“Exactly, it enhances pleasure and eliminates pain at the cost of mass and volume. I bet you could survive in the vacuum of space wearing that thing. It’s a freaking space suit. Maybe Kevin was right.”

“Right about what?” Kevin asked interested.

“About it being alien technology. That device you have, and these pantyhose, they’re connected somehow. I bet if we figure out how to use it, we could change your size at will. You could be super heroines. Imagine being impervious to everything, and being able to change your size?”

Kevin suddenly got very interested in the conversation. “Not only that, but if you could change size, you could also shape shift. You could turn into anything. You’d be the ultimate transformer.”

“Now don’t go that far, but we’re on the right track. Right now it’s just shrinking you, but I bet, if we learn to control it, we could do a lot more with this polyphylon than meets the eye.”

“All I want to do is get it off,” sighed Niesa. “It’s brought me nothing but trouble.”

“It just saved your life, Niesa! But I’m sure we’ll figure out how to do that too. Since you’re probably going to the hospital now, we’ll need a new test subject,” both Kevin and Beth looked at Vanessa as if volunteering her.

“Test subject?” She asked nervously.

“Yes, if we’re going to get this gadget to work, we have to test it on someone wearing the polyphylon,” Kevin said continuing where Beth left off. “How are we going to know if we can change your size if we can’t see what happens when we use it?”

“Oh no, find someone else. I’m sensitive enough as it is.”

“Come on, Vanessa, How else are we going to figure out how to get you girls out of the pantyhose,” Beth said, “besides you owe it to Niesa, you just hit her with a car.” Beth always knew the right strings to pull.

“I’m going to regret this,” Vanessa said, “but I’ll do it, for Niesa, and to get out of this cursed thing.”

Just then, Eddie appeared from the path behind them. “Hey girls,” he said, “and boy,” he said realizing Kevin was there. “I’m looking for Sarah Gelman, apparently she never made it home and I’m a little worried. Have you guys seen her?”

“Sarah Gelman?” Vanessa asked. “Isn’t she that punk girl that was going to try out today but quit right before practice?”

“Oh my god!” Niesa said suddenly remembering the phone call she had before she got hit. “Where’s my phone?”

Pieces of the phone were scattered about the street. They did the best they could to gather up the pieces but it was clear the phone was destroyed for good. “What happened here anyway?” Eddie asked.

“Niesa got hit by Vanessa’s car,” Beth answered.

“Damn! You’re one tough girl,” Eddie commented to Niesa lightheartedly.

“Sarah and Lisa are both missing,” Niesa said seriously. “Aren’t they both commuters?”

“Yeah,” Eddie said. “They take the train to school together. They’ve been friends since high school.”

“Do you think something happened to them on the train?” asked Vanessa.

“I don’t know. Who was the last to see them?” Niesa asked.

“Last I saw Sarah was when I walked her to the train,” Eddie said. “I didn’t see her get on though, that’s why I thought she might have stayed on campus.”

“I saw Lisa in the locker room,” Vanessa said. “She was one of the last to leave. We were all struggling to get our pantyhose off, but she spent more time than most of us. I left before her. That was the last time I saw her.”

“So we can assume that they disappeared somewhere on their way home, probably together since they both take the same train,” Niesa concluded.

“It’s like my sister and mother all over again,” Beth said seriously. “Shrinking fabrics, people disappearing, this is scary.”

The ambulance arrived at the same time as Cat and Patrick. The paramedics were surprised to see the girl they came to rescue up and about. They had to talk her into lying down on the stretcher. “It’s just protocol, take it easy ma’am,” they said.

“Call me from the hospital and I’ll pick you up,” Beth said as they wheeled her friend into the ambulance. Patrick handed Niesa a bottled water he had bought for her before they closed the doors to the ambulance. The ambulance drove off, and Niesa was still. She was exhausted from the day’s events. It didn’t take long for her to fall asleep.

Sarah woke up for probably the seventh time since her capture. She was now about five inches tall. It was bewildering. She was buried in her pillow. She knew that every time she regained consciousness the robot would come back to tickle her so she tried not to move so much. Eventually, she got tired of lying still and decided to have a look around.

The room looked so much bigger than it did before. She could see Lisa’s bubble across the room for what seemed like miles, but couldn’t see Lisa, probably because she was tiny now as well. Sarah looked at her immediate surroundings. Although there were no openings in the glass she noticed a small panel at the base of the bed. Climbing off of the pillow she realized for the first time just how naked she was. Her pantyhose were so sheer they revealed everything, and her nipples were erect from the cold air.

“If Eddie saw me now he’d go nuts,” she said to herself, trying to ease her spirits. The bed tickled her as she moved across it. But compared to the robot’s tickling, it was a cakewalk. She finally summoned the courage to climb down off the bed.

Her slippery pantyhose didn’t make the climb easy. She slipped and eventually slid off the bed onto the floor with a thud. She didn’t feel any pain, but was annoyed nonetheless.

Approaching the panel at the base of the bed, she noticed that there was a small button next to it. “Very strange,” she said to herself, “I feel like I’m Alice in Wonderland.” She pushed the button and the panel electronically slid open to the side. It was a door! And it was just her size. It was as if it was designed to allow her a way out when she was the right size.

The doorway led to a brightly lit hallway. It was completely empty except for some small flashing panels on the sides. Sarah walked through it hesitantly fearing that she was being herded into a new trap. The hallway was long, and seemed to wind around the corner of the larger laboratory that she came from, but it she didn’t feel small in it, as it was matched to her new size. Finally, she reached a room that looked very much like a mini movie theater for 5-6 inch people. She saw Lisa inside.

“What the hell is this place?” Sarah asked as she entered. The door closed behind her as soon as she did, and Sarah jumped fearfully to the side. Suddenly the movie screen turned on.

“Welcome to Tranzomonar, Taaj’s most advanced spaceship,” a booming voice said as it panned over a picture of a spaceship. “You have been selected to help propagate our --,” suddenly the transmission was interrupted and a beautiful blonde woman’s face appeared on the screen.

“Just disregard that,” she said. Sarah recognized the voice as the woman, Yvonne, from the monitor that Lucy was talking to. “I’m sure you have a lot of questions, just sit down and I’ll answer them.”

Both girls were so baffled that they didn’t know where to start. Lisa seemed to take the bait first, “Where are we?”

“You are on a spaceship. You were brought here several hours ago by Lucy, the woman you saw earlier. She’s the one who captured you.”

Sarah and Lisa looked at each other like they had just gone insane.

“Why have you done this?” Sarah finally asked.

“Because you’re wearing polyphylon.”

“Polyphylon? You mean the pantyhose?”

“Yes, it was invented by the Taajians. It’s a protective suit that protects the wearer from all harm. I’m wearing it now,” the woman allowed the camera zoom out. She was truly a stunning woman, probably in her forties but it was hard to tell because she took very good care of her face and body. She was sitting in a chair with her legs crossed rather elegantly. She was wearing a pink leotard and fancy red boots that matched her gloves. She looked like a space super heroine right out of a pulp comic book. She caressed her sheer black pantyhose which were just like what the girls were wearing, except it covered her arms as well. “It took a long time to convince to Taajians to allow us to wear clothes over the body suits. They don’t seem to have any hang ups about nakedness, although I think they’re starting to.”

“That still doesn’t answer my question,” Sarah demanded.

“Well, we want to help you,” Yvonne said defensively.

“Everyone keeps saying that, yet all we get is stripped and tortured.”

“Hmm, yeah, I should bring you some clothes. I hope you don’t mind leotards and boots.” With that the woman turned off the view screen and turned on the lights in the theater. It was only a few seconds before a door behind the screen opened and the woman they were just talking to walked out, surprisingly not much taller than the two girls. She handed each of the girls their outfits and allowed them to get dressed.

“As you can see,” she said as they dressed, “I’ve also been shrunken. The only difference is I can change back to normal size.”

“Really? How?” Lisa asked.

“The details are rather complicated and not that important. Suffice it to say it involves alien technology that we don’t fully understand.”

“But will you return us to normal? Can you get us out of these pantyhose?” Lisa asked hoping she will finally find a way out of the nightmare.

“Unfortunately we don’t have control of your polyphylons. We’ve been trying to configure our devices to control it, but it doesn’t seem to work. You see, your polyphylons were not created by us, or by the Taajians. I believe they were created by a human who goes by the alias ‘Doll Collector’.”

“Doll Collector?” Sarah asked, the way she said it sent a shiver down her spine.

“Yes, a particularly twisted individual who enjoys shrinking and torturing young ladies in polyphylon. How she was able to create some polyphylon pantyhose of her own, I don’t know. I do know that you girls are in serious trouble, because if she sent you a box of her polyphylon, she plans on capturing and torturing you. And trust me, the tickle torture you went through here is nothing compared to what the doll collector will put you through.”

“She sent a box of pantyhose to the whole cheerleading squad!” Lisa exclaimed. Sarah looked at Lisa angrily, afraid that she revealed too much information.

“Oh dear, then I guess your friends are in serious trouble,” Fay warned, “You’re lucky that we found you first, she’ll never get to you here.”

“But we have to help them, or warn them or something!” Lisa exclaimed.

“What are you going to do on Earth at five inches tall?” Yvonne laughed.

“I don’t know, but we have to do something,” Lisa said in despair.

“Well, I could send you down with one of my agents. You could tell her where the rest of your cheerleading squad is and we could pick them up,” Yvonne said smiling.

“Wait a minute,” said Sarah, “How can we trust YOU? You kidnap us, tickle torture us, and shrink us five inches. Now you hand us some clothes and give us some cockamamie story about spaceships and aliens and a ‘doll collector’ and expect us to just give you the rest of our friends?”

Yvonne just laughed. “Well, like I said, I think you’re better off staying here where you’re safe.”

“I don’t like this woman. Let’s give her a taste of her own medicine,” Sarah sad lunging at Yvonne. Yvonne drew back surprised, but Sarah was faster than she anticipated and had grabbed both of her arms. Yvonne was taller and stronger than Sarah, and was about to wrestle her off when Lisa joined in the fray. She had grabbed both of Yvonne’s legs and pulled her off of her feet.

“Security!” Yvonne shouted when she realized she was outnumbered and in a vulnerable position.

“Pull her boots off, see how she likes it,” Sarah said as she held Yvonne down.

“You vicious little girls,” Yvonne said. “Don’t you dare take my boots off. Security, help!” Yvonne shouted to no one in particular. Yvonne’s boots came off easily, as her slippery stockings offered no resistance to Lisa’s tugging. “Arrgghh!” Yvonne grunted when she felt the cool air hit her panicking stocking feet. It had been a long time since she felt the sensation of having her shoes forcefully removed, and she hated it. Especially because she knew what was coming next.

“Tickle her, Lisa! Maybe we’ll get some truth out of her!” Lisa trapped both of Yvonnes feet under her arm and tickled Yvonnes soles. Meanwhile Sarah sat Yvonne’s arms and tickled her midsection and right armpit.

“Dahahaahahahah! You ungrateful little! Hehahahahehaheah!” was all Yvonne could say between hysterical laughter. Yvonne began to weaken and go into orgasm when several strange looking men rushed in wearing helmets and carrying bats.

“The queen is under attack!” The captain of the squad shouted as they rushed to Yvonne’s aid. They pulled both Lisa and Sarah off of Yvonne who lay there giggling a moment longer while the officers restrained them.

“It took you long enough,” Yvonne said angrily. “Couldn’t you come before they took my boots off?”

“Sorry my queen,” the captain said. Sarah was amazed by the look of the guards. They wore polyphylon armor it seemed, but a much thicker version, not sheer like the kind the girls were wearing. They also had hair that seemed to go down there backs. Their eyes were entirely black. Sarah began to wonder if the woman was telling the truth and this was actually an alien ship.

“I should strip them all over again. To think I provided them protection, gave them some of my clothes, offered them some of my resources to help their friends, and this is how they thank me. They need to be punished,” Yvonne said angrily as she slipped her boots back on.

Yvonne started tugging on Lisa’s boot. Lisa closed her eyes tightly. Sarah could tell she was dreading what was to come. The boot slipped off and Lisa’s stocking foot was exposed again.

“Wait, mom!” a young woman’s voice said from behind the screen. A very pretty young lady entered. She looked a lot like Yvonne, with the same long blonde hair and pretty face, but not quite as tall and regal looking. She must have been Yvonne’s daughter. She was also dressed in a leotard, this one blue, with matching blue boots. Her body stocking was tan.

“Cindy, this doesn’t concern you,” Yvonne said as she reached for Lisa’s other boot.

“But if you want to earn their trust, you have to stop,” Cindy said. “They’ll never trust you if you keep tickle torturing them.”

“They don’t have to trust me, they have to obey me. I am the queen.”

“But they are not your subjects,” Cindy said. “And they will never be if you’re not a merciful queen.”

Yvonne sighed. “You didn’t see what they did to me. I can’t let people get away with pulling my boots off and tickling me. It sets a bad precedent.”

“No one will have to know,” Cindy said, “Isn’t that right guards?”

“Yes princess,” the guards obeyed.

Yvonne struggled with Lisa’s boot a bit not sure what to do. Lisa opened one eye to see if she will be given mercy. Her large cute eyes were enough to convince Yvonne. Yvonne released the boot and slipped the other one back onto Lisa’s foot. Lisa sighed in relief. “Put them in a holding cell until I figure out what to do with them,” Yvonne said, “and guards, I want you by my side at all times next time I make contact with humans. This better not happen again.”
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