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Polyphylon Girls - Chapter 7 - Strapped to the Devil (MF/fffff nylon feet,everywhere)


TMF Expert
Jun 16, 2004
Chapter 7 – Strapped to the Devil

“You can’t hide forever little girl, I’ll find you soon enough and you’ll be punished accordingly,” the Mistress said as she scanned the floor for Niesa. She was still holding Christy tightly in her right hand.

Niesa had been hiding in a small hole underneath the steps when she felt someone poke the back of her neck. Startled she turned around. It was a young woman, but it was so dark she couldn’t make out her face. There was someone else with her. Suddenly the lights were turned on and the room was lit up almost blindingly. After Niesa’s eyes adjusted she saw that she was standing next to Luvia and Amanda. They were dressed like schoolgirls with jackets, ties, plaid skirt, their black pantyhose and loafers.

“Follow us, Niesa,” Luvia whispered as they retreated deeper into the hole. As darkness engulfed them Amanda lit a small toy light that lit their way forward. It seemed that they were under the steps. Cobwebs were seen everywhere and Niesa struggled to wipe them off as she walked through them. “Watch out for spiders,” Luvia warned. Niesa shivered, she had a great fear of spiders, and now that she was only five and a half feet high she had greater reason to fear them. She suddenly felt her soft sensitive stocking foot step on something furry that tickled her. She giggled and fell over as it moved then screamed in fear.

“Oh God what did I step on!” Niesa shrieked as she curled up into a fetal position.

“A spider,” Luvia said calmly as Amanda revealed the scurrying spider with her light. “Don’t worry. You’re still bigger than them. Just try to watch where you step.”

“I can’t take this!” Niesa said. “I have to get out of here, I can’t stand spiders. I can’t walk down here without shoes.”

Amanda shined her light on Niesa’s twitching stocking feet. “Oh you poor thing, where are your shoes?” Amanda asked sympathetically.

“Well one of my sneakers got destroyed by a car, who knows what happened to my gold flats, but they’re probably way to big for me now anyway. I did have a nice pair of red flats that more or less fit me at my new size, but that fucking psycho glued them to a petrie dish and I had to abandon them. I’ve had no luck with shoes it seems.”

“We have extra shoes in our doll house,” Luvia said reassuringly. “Now get up so we can get there,” Luvia said helping Niesa up.

Amanda led the way through some more cobwebs until they saw a light up ahead. Passing through another hole Niesa found herself in another dollhouse, this one not as nice or well kept as the first one she was in. Dust was all over the place, and it seemed as if there were a lot of cracks in the walls on the floor. Joyce and Tamara were sitting on a table munching on some pieces of bread when they entered. Tamara was dressed like a barmaid like Christy was, and Joyce was dressed like a librarian with a conservative dress, glasses and high heels.

“Niesa!” they said surprised to see her. “How’d you get here?”

“I wish I knew,” she said gratefully dropping into a chair next to them. “I fell asleep in an ambulance and woke up in a dollhouse with a crazy lady who packages miniaturized women as dolls. How’d you guys get here?”

“It’s a long story,” Amanda said. “Why don’t you fill her in while I try to find her some shoes?”

“Well, it’s really Christy’s fault,” Joyce said as Amanda walked upstairs to the bedrooms.

“That’s not fair, Christy couldn’t have known what Fred was going to do,” Tamara said.

“True, but if she hadn’t promised Fred a favor and dragged us along we wouldn’t be here,” Joyce explained, “You see, Fred helped Christy get rid of a few undesirables at her party today, or was it yesterday?”

“Who knows what day it is anymore, so much has happened I lost track of time,” Luvia said.

“So anyway, in return for the favor, Fred took us to his uncle’s furniture store. He wanted us to do some modeling for the store. Little did we know the sort of furniture we were going to be modeling,” Joyce said.

“Vanessa came with us, but she had enough sense to bail before setting foot in that place. Saved her little foot a lot of torture,” Luvia commented.

Amanda came down the steps with a pair of white high heels. “I’m afraid this is all I could find. No strap I’m afraid, but I find that any shoe is comfortable with these nylons.”

“That’s okay,” said Niesa as she slipped into the pumps. “It’s better than getting tickle tortured any time you step on something soft.”

“You don’t know the half of it,” Joyce continued. “The ‘furniture’ Fred had us sit in was something he called the devil.”

“You’re getting ahead of yourself, Joyce,” said Luvia. “At first he had us sit in regular couches and stuff. It seemed normal enough. He snapped some pictures of us as we posed on beds. But then he led us into the basement.”

“Yeah, I thought it was just going to be more couches and stuff that we just sit on and look pretty,” Amanda continued, “But it turned out to be some sort of bondage chairs that he called devils. The back was shaped like an x, where you would strap your arms up leaving your armpits exposed. But the worst part was the bench section. It was adjustable so that your feet could hang off the ends and could be placed in shackles at the ankles leaving them extremely vulnerable.”

“As soon as he turned on the lights and I saw the ‘devils’ lined up along the walls I wanted out,” Joyce said. “There was no way I was sitting on that thing, strapped in or not. Fred told us to calm down, he said that we didn’t have to model it if we didn’t want to but if we did we would get paid something like a thousand dollars or some ridiculous amount.”

“I didn’t buy it,” Amanda said. “It just seemed too creepy. He was looking at our feet the whole time we were there. Our shoes were very loose because of the pantyhose, mine and Christy’s especially, and I think he liked our stocking heels slipping in and out of our shoes as we walked. I knew as soon as I saw the bondage chairs that he wanted to tie us down, strip us of our shoes and probably the rest of our clothes and tickle us. That was the last thing I wanted to happen, especially after what happened at practice. So I tried to leave. The door was locked! Christy demanded that he let us out but instead he tickled her sides and she nearly collapsed in his arms.”

“I didn’t know what to do,” Luvia said, “we outnumbered him but he was so much bigger than all of us and we felt so ticklish and vulnerable, especially with our shoes so loose. But I knew that we had to get the key from him. So while he strapped a struggling Christy to the first Devil I lunged on top of him and shouted at the other girls to get him. He kind of just swatted me away. I fell on my ass but didn’t get hurt, thankfully, so I tried to kick at him in defense. I had forgotten how loose my sneakers were though. He just knocked them right off of my feet. I knew I was in trouble then, because as soon as his fingers brushed my stocking soles I lost it. I pulled my feet away but it was too late, I was at his mercy. He grabbed me and before I knew it I too was being strapped to a devil.”

“Bet you regret pulling that stunt,” Fred said mockingly as he strapped Luvia down. Luvia squirmed angrily, her freshly exposed toes wiggling through her sheer pantyhose. Fred couldn’t resist tickling them.

“Hahahaha!” Luvia laughed uncontrollably. But with her feet strapped down she couldn’t pull her feet back this time. She was quite angry the other girls didn’t come to her aid when she called to them to back her up.

“Wow, those stockings are soft, really sheer too. Never felt anything so smooth. This is going to be more fun that I thought. You girls are really in for it he said looking up at Amanda.

Amanda who was still on the steps felt cornered. She backed away to the door which was still locked. She didn’t know what to do, she had wanted to help Luvia when she lunged at Fred but was too afraid. She knew she would lose her shoes and be overpowered and tickled. But now she was certain that was going to happen anyway. “Please,” Amanda said holding out her hands defensively, “Don’t touch me.”

“Well, whether I do or not is up to you. Would you like to voluntarily sit in one of the devils, or shall I carry you to one?”

Amanda thought for a moment. Either way she was going to end up strapped to a devil. So she figured she may as well sit down on her own terms. So she approached the devil adjacent to Luvia’s. It was an intimidating chair. Seeing Luvia’s and Christy’s armpits exposed for tickling was overwhelmingly tempting. Their bellies were also easy prey and unprotected tickle targets. Poor Christy’s loose pumps hung off the end of the chair and were ripe for the taking. Luvia’s delicious stocking feet were already exposed for horrible tickle torture. And soon Amanda would wind up in that chair. Both girls looked at her sympathetically.

“It’s not going to eat you, sit down,” Fred said smiling. And so, reluctantly, Amanda sat. And carefully placed her feet still in very loose mary janes up on the edge of the chair. She wondered how long he would let her keep them on her smooth stocking feet.

As Fred strapped Amanda into the Devil, Joyce stood back wondering if she should attack. It would be her last chance. She, too, was too timid when Luvia had made her move earlier and was too afraid of being overpowered, stripped and tickled. She knew that kicks would certainly result in the loss of her sneakers and then she would be at the mercy of his tickles which would result in her being strapped to the Devil with her stocking feet exposed just like Luvia. She would need to come at him with something else.

Fortunately, she had noticed a wooden block by one of the devils while Fred was strapping Luvia down. During his confrontation with Amanda, she managed to grab it and sneak it behind her back. With enough strength she may be able to sneak up behind him and knock him out while strapping down Amanda’s feet.

Summoning up all of her courage, she waited for his back to be turned to her and slowly snuck up behind him. The other girls couldn’t help but look at her with hope in their eyes. But their looks betrayed her as if Fred saw her behind him in their eyes. He suddenly turned around just before she was about to deal the deadly blow and caught the block in his hand. He lifted Joyce up by her wrists and brought her face up to his. Her sneakers dangled off her heels as she was lifted off the ground. He shook the block out of her hands and her sneakers slipped off of her feet. Joyce’s eyes lit up with fear as he bit the glasses off of her face and flung them the ground where they shattered.

“I’m going to have to keep an eye on you, but at least now I won’t have to worry so much about your sneaky eyes,” he said as he carried her to the last devil and strapped her in. He resisted the urge to tickle her beautiful wiggly freshly exposed stocking clad toes as he did not want to make the mistake of getting distracted before taking care of unfinished business.

Last but not least was Tamara who stood petrified in her loose sneakers the whole time watching the horrific events unfold. But as soon as Fred approached her defenses kicked in and she went on the attack. She was like a whirlwind of punches and scratches, but was careful not to kick off her precious sneakers that were protecting her ticklish stocking feet. She actually caught Fred off guard and knocked him on his ass. He didn’t realize who he was dealing with. “Don’t you dare try to get me into one of those chairs! I’ll turn your ass inside out!” She threatened.

Fred started to laugh as he slowly and purposely started to get up. “Get back down!” she said kicking him down with her right foot. Fred grabbed her ankle and laughed even harder. Tamara’s confident expression suddenly changed to shock.

“Oops,” Fred said smiling as he slipped the sneaker off her foot. He purposefully allowed the top of the shoe to glide across her sole so that it tickled her as it came off. She fell over laughing. Using her sneaker he gently tickled her sole until she became a tickled mess on the floor. Then he carried her to the last devil and strapped her down. She kicked and thrashed as she tried to strap her feet, “That will cost you your other shoe,” Fred said as he knocked it off her foot and gave her a vicious toe and sole tickling to weaken her before completing her bindings. He now had every girl strapped down and at his ticklish mercy.

He looked at his handiwork with pride and kicked at the empty sneakers on the floor. He lightly tickled Joyce’s stocking feet. She giggled and wiggled her toes uncontrollably and tried to pull her feet away to no avail. Fred just laughed. “Look at these feet. I’ve never seen such pretty little feet. And so soft,” he said as he stroked Luvia’s left foot, she shrieked and curled her toes. “What smooth and slippery stockings. You girls must be dreadfully ticklish. It’s kind of ironic that you sneaker wearing girls all lost your shoes already,” he said as he moved towards Amanda. “I thought for sure that Amanda here would be the first. Surely her shoes are by far the loosest.”

Amanda began to panic as his hands began to move towards her feet. Her mary janes were still on but there was really nothing she could do to keep them on. Her feet were swimming in them and her slippery pantyhose provided no resistance to their removal. Fred did not take them off. He threatened to at first by holding on to the heels of her shoes. She closed her eyes tightly waiting for the moment when she would feel the cold air on her feet. But she didn’t feel it. The anticipation was killing her. He let her shoes go and left them precariously on her feet prolonging her anticipation. Amanda was both relieved and uneasy.

Fred noticed the wide open gaps in her shoes and decided to slip his fingers inside to tickle her with her shoes still on. Amanda’s feet were so warm and soft still in her shoes. Amanda burst out laughing and nearly cried. Fred stopped almost as soon as he started, though he wanted to continue. “I shouldn’t punish Amanda,” he said, “though it is hard to resist tickling her. But she did comply. She didn’t resist when I asked her to sit in the devil. You naughty sneaker wearing girls did. That’s why you all lost your shoes. That’s why you all deserve to get tickled on your stocking feet.”

Fred suddenly turned his attention to Christy who was trying to hold back her tears. “Christy, on the other hand, did try to resist getting put in the devil. She did manage to keep her high heels on though,” Fred said as he walked towards Christy’s feet.

“Fred, please don’t,” Christy pleaded. “You’re really scaring me. If you let us go now I promise I won’t tell anyone about this.”

Fred just ignored her and gripped the heels of her shoes. “Haha, look, your shoes have handles. They were designed for easy tickle access.”

“Fred, please don’t pull my shoes off. I’ll pay you. You know my father’s rich. Just let us go and name your price.”

“I don’t think he can match my price.” The response didn’t come from Fred. It came from a woman who had just entered, a very over dressed woman in her thirties. She looked very wealthy and was dressed in a Victorian dress. She almost looked like a porcelain doll. “Very good work Mr. Geldling,” she continued. “I’m surprised you got them all in bondage by yourself. I’ll have more work for you in the future if you want it, although with the money you’ll be getting from this job, I doubt you’ll need work for awhile.”

The girls all looked at the woman in fear and awe as she gracefully walked down the stairs towards them. “Can I stay Mistress?” Fred asked still gripping the heels of Christy’s shoes, “I was starting to really enjoy this.”

“Of course, Mr. Geldling,” the Mistress said. “I’ll need some help shrinking them down to size. And these bindings won’t hold them as they get smaller so I may need your help containing them.”

“Shrink us down?” Amanda asked worriedly as the Mistress approached her vulnerable mary janes.

“Yes my dear,” the woman smiled. “Don’t worry, the process is quite pleasurable. Oh what cute shoes you’re wearing. Mind if I have a look?” The Mistress said cupping her hands around the heels of poor Amanda’s loose shoes.

“I suppose there’s no use in me saying you can see them fine without taking them off my feet,” Amanda said nervously as her feet panicked to stay in her shoes.

“You’re funny and cute. I’m going to enjoy your company.” The Mistress slid Amanda’s shoes effortlessly off of her dainty wiggling stocking feet.

“Noooo!” was all Amanda said as she felt the cold air on her sensitive ticklish feet.

The Mistress looked at her cute little feet and smiled. “I never get tired of doing that,” the Mistress said. Dropping Amanda’s shoes on the floor she instantly began her assault on Amanda’s soles with her long fingernails. Amanda screamed with laughter.

Fred watched and smiled. He soon turned his attention back to Christy’s pumps which he was already sliding off of her heels without even realizing it. “Please,” Christy pleaded, “Don’t take them off.”

Fred slowly pulled on the high heel of her shoe exposing more of her soft pink heels through the nylon. He left her shoes dangling for a moment off her toes. Christy curled her toes to try and slip her heels back into the shoes. The shoes were pretty big on her feet and she managed to slip her heels back in. “Thank you, Fred,” she said sighing in relief. Fred looked at her shoes again for a bit. They were so loose and slipped off and on so easily. He had to see her do that again. He grabbed the heels of her shoes again and slipped them off her heels.

“Sorry, I couldn’t resist,” he laughed and let go of her shoes. Christy sighed and curled her toes again, wiggling her feet back into her shoes. Fred laughed at the sight and decided to give Christy a bigger challenge. This time Fred decided to pull her shoes way off her feet and left them dangling off the tip of her big toes. He exposed most of her arches and all of her toes except for the tip of her big toe from which her shoes hung precariously. Christy shrieked at the predicament.

“Fred, leave my shoes on my feet please!” Christy cried as she tried her best to wiggle her big toes to maneuver the shoes back on. She seemed to be making progress as the shoes were inching their way back down her toes and covering more of her feet. Fred was getting excited but decided to make it really difficult for her. He stroked her instep with his index finger. “Aaaaaaak!” Christy shrieked. Her foot jerked nearly kicking the shoe off. “Stop it Fred!” Fred took her protest as his queue to go all out and tickled her soles furiously.

Christy’s feet jerked wildly and her toes wiggled. All hope of maneuvering her shoes back onto her feet were dashed when she saw them fly off and heard them hit the floor. She cried out in laughter and terror as he tickled in between her toes through her very thin and very smooth pantyhose. This was a thousand times worse than when Jon tickled her because she couldn’t fight back. She was bound, worst of all she was scared as hell of Fred and the woman she was with, there was no telling what they were going to do to them. All she could do was hope it would end.

Meanwhile the Mistress had moved on from Amanda’s feet and was now tickling her armpits through her thin blouse. With her arms bound over her head there was nothing Amanda could do but laugh and laugh hard. “I thought I’d give your feet a break, you looked like you were about to pass out, love,” she said. “But it looks like you’re just as ticklish up here. Cootchie cootchie coo.”

“Oh God, ahahahahahahah!” Amanda laughed through her tears.

“How about your tummy?” The Mistress asked as she glided her fingers gently around Amanda’s narrow neck and down her perky breasts to her flat belly. Lifting Amanda’s blouse she tickled Amanda’s Belly with a feather she produced from her purse. “ticklee ticklee ticklee, this should shrink you down,” she said as she tickled Amanda mercilessly. Amanda laughed uncontrollably. Some of her stomach was covered by the pantyhose and the Mistress made sure to get both her sheer pantyhose covered belly her bare bellybutton exposed tummy. Both areas were ticklish, but the edge where both met was especially ticklish, and Amanda could hardly take it.

“Hahahhahahahahahahahahahaha,” laughed Christy as Fred continued to tickle her toes and soles. Christy’s feet were so ticklish that her laughter became so exhausting that she didn’t have the energy to continue to remain conscious. She started to become very dizzy and soon her head started to drop.

“You may want to stop tickling her feet and move onto something else,” the Mistress warned Fred. “She’s starting to pass out. These pantyhose make the feet very sensitive to tickling, these young girls can’t take it for long.” But it was too late. Christy was out cold. Fred continued to stroke her soft feet but got no reaction. “No use tickling her when she’s out like that. She won’t shrink unless she feels it.”

“Who invented these stockings?” Fred asked as he started tickling Joyce’s feet much to her protests. Joyce burst out laughing through her curses, all were ignored.

“I did,” the Mistress answered proudly. “With a little help from a few scientist friends I know of course. But it was my idea and my funding.”

“You’re a lunatic,” Tamara said. “How can you expect to get away with this you crazy bitch?”

The Mistress just laughed. “I’ve been getting away with it for years now love,” she said as she approached Tamara’s feet much to Amanda’s relief. “No one knows who I am, where I live, and everyone who works for me gets paid enough to keep their mouth shut which you would do well to do,” the Mistress said as she viciously tickled Tamara’s soles. Tamara burst out laughing and pleaded for mercy. “You should have thought about that before you opened your mouth. Think of this as your punishment, not that it matters much. I guess you would have been tickled anyway. But you pretty much drew attention to yourself with that little comment there.”

Luvia thought about what the Mistress had said. The woman wasn’t wearing a mask. Yet the way she was made up made her hard to recognize. She wore heavy makeup that made her face very pale, almost perfect looking and doll-like. She looked almost unreal. It was kind of creepy actually, but beautiful at the same time. But in a way, it was sort of like a disguise. She just looked like a very heavily made up woman. Any young attractive woman made up that way would look the same as her and would be hard to tell apart from one another. She started to become very curious about her and wanted to learn more. “Mistress, who are you?” she finally asked.

The Mistress suddenly turned to Luvia and stopped tickling Tamara. She looked at her quizzically. “Do you want to be tickled now?” she asked Luvia.

Luvia just shook her head. The Mistress walked towards Luvia’s feet and stroked them gently. Luvia giggled but tried her best to control her laughter. “Why do you dress like that?” Luvia asked showing no fear.

“Inquisitive one, very well I’ll answer your question. I won’t reveal my name. But I’ll tell you this. I am a doll collector. I love dolls. And I dress like this because of just that, I love looking like dolls.”

“Do you want us to become your dolls?”

“You are not dolls,” The Mistress said tickling Luvia’s feet more furiously this time. “You have not earned that title yet.”

“Ahahahahare yoyouuuhuu, wwwwweeaarrrrringgg, ttttheeeessee, pppppannntyyhosssee?” Luvia asked through bouts of laughter.

The Mistress suddenly stopped tickling her. “You ask too many questions. Do you have any ball gags down here?” As Fred tickled Joyce’s breasts he pointed to a ball gag hanging on a wall in the corner. “Good,” the Mistress said as she grabbed the ball gag and gagged Luvia.

Suddenly Joyce slapped Fred across the face. She had managed to get her hand free. “Oww!” he said covering his face. She tried for another slap but he managed to catch it. “She slapped me!”

“Good,” The Mistress said. “You probably deserved it. Plus it probably means the tickling is working. They’re shrinking and the bindings are too large for them. Her hand probably slipped out of the shackles. Make sure you tighten them more securely.”

“Eventually they’re going to be too small for the devils. We won’t be able to strap them down to them.”

“By that time they’ll be so small we won’t need them. Use their shoelaces or something.”

“It seemed to go on for hours like that. That wicked woman and Fred tickling us as we gradually shrunk,” Luvia said.

“It was horrible,” Amanda said. “The worst torture I ever endured, I passed out twice. Each time smaller than before and with less clothes. Before I knew it I was less than a foot tall and tied down with a pair of shoelaces.”

“They stripped us down to our pantyhose and tickled us everywhere, that woman deserves to be locked up, and so does Fred,” said Joyce.

“We woke up in a doll’s house dressed like this,” Tamara said, “and Christy was with us.”

“She took us to a dining room table and gave us some soup. Christy mouthed off to her pretty bad,” Amanda said, “probably why she wound up getting boxed, we all got scared and ran into the hole you just went through and found this old abandoned doll house.”

Niesa thought for a moment before finally speaking. “I woke up in a doll’s house too. And she also gave me soup. She said I was free to leave and that she would return me to my normal size. Must have been all BS, but there’s one thing I don’t understand. How come you all had to be tickled down to size and I just sort of woke up shrunken? I mean, I was semi shrunken when I was in the ambulance, but I was no where’s near 5 inches tall. I don’t remember going through any sort of tickle shrinking torture.”

“Maybe you’re just lucky,” Tamara said.

“The Mistress told me she knew a way to restore me to my original size. Maybe it’s a machine of some sort that we can use,” Niesa said.

“The Mistress is a liar. Didn’t she also tell you that we’re free to leave at any time, and that she was going to return you to your normal size? Don’t believe her lies, you just said it must’ve been all bullshit,” Luvia said.

“I know,” said Niesa. “But that still doesn’t explain why I came here shrunken without having to endure tickle torture. She must have shrunken me some other way. There has to be some sort of machine. Maybe we can use it.”

Beth took a deep breath as she slid the polyphylon body-stocking over her toes. It was the smoothest and softest fabric she ever felt on her feet in her life. She couldn’t help but moan as it softly glided up her leg. She quickly slipped the other foot on glided it up her leg. When she felt it touch her womanhood she was in heaven. She had never put on anything so sensual. As it glided up her mid section she almost lost it the moment it made contact with her breasts. Her arms quickly made their way into the sleeves. It fit better than a glove. Nothing compared to the feeling. It truly was a second skin. Looking in the mirror she never looked better. She looked like a super heroine. The Irish Avenger all decked out in her beautiful sheer green body-stocking.

The rug at her feet tickled immensely, and she knew immediately that this was going to be her greatest weakness from here on out. She tried to put her socks on but found that they just slipped off her feet and did nothing but tickle her more. She quickly pulled her jeans over her body stocking and slipped her feet back into her sneakers sans socks. Her sneakers felt quite roomy and loose now, but tied tightly they did their job. She completed her outfit with her sweater. On the outside, she looked just as she did before. No one would suspect that she was the Irish Avenger underneath.

Opening the door to her bedroom, she headed out. Vanessa and Kevin were standing there waiting.

“Well?” They both said. “Did you do it?”

“Of course, let’s go back to school,” was all Beth said.

“Don’t you want to test it?” Kevin asked about to turn the dial on the gadget. Beth snatched it way from his hand.

“No!” Beth shouted at him. “Kevin don’t ever touch this thing without my permission. In fact I don’t want you to use this anymore. I’ll take control of it from now on.”

“But how are you going to control it when you’re shrunken?”

“I’ll figure out a way.”

“But I was the one who found it and figured out how to use it, how come you get to keep it --,”

“Kevin, shut up, it’s mine now,” Beth said, “Now come on we have a mystery to solve.”

“Whatever,” Kevin said under his breath as he followed her to the car.

That was three hours ago. It was now daylight and Beth was standing in front of the Girls’ locker room holding the same gadget wishing she could take those harsh words back. “Kevin, wherever you are, I’m sorry, and I really need your help,” she thought to herself.
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