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Polyphylon Girls - Chapter 9 - Nylondon (M/f nylon)


TMF Expert
Jun 16, 2004
Chapter 9 – Nylondon

They were definitely in some sort of storage closet, that much was certain. But it was huge and well lit. Niesa led the way, navigating a maze of empty doll boxes and dusty doll houses.

“Do you really think it’s a good idea to be wandering around out here? We’ll be discovered for sure!” Amanda said nervously.

“There’s no room for a normal sized person to step through here. Besides, do you want to hide in that doll house forever? Plastic food won’t sustain you for long,” Niesa responded.

“Don’t talk about food,” Tamara said, “I’m starving. In fact, I’m starting to smell cookie dough. I must be hallucinating.”

“No, I smell it too,” Joyce said, “It’s coming from that doll house,” she pointed to a rather well maintained dollhouse nearby. Compared to the other dollhouses, this one was significantly less dusty. “Let’s check it out.”

From inside the dollhouse, voices could be heard, although they couldn’t make out what was being said. The girls looked at each other quizzically. Luvia knocked on the door nervously. The voices from the inside were quieted at the sound. Finally a female voice was heard “who is it?”

“Umm …” Luvia stammered, “We’re cheerleaders for Oregon State University?” she answered uncertain if it was a wise response.

Tamara punched in her the arm indicating her dissatisfaction at the response. “Why don’t you give them our home addresses while you’re at it!” she said.

“Hey!” Luvia said rubbing her arm, “I didn’t hear you recommend any …”

The door swung open, interrupting their quarrel revealing a beautiful woman clad in Victorian clothing. Niesa recognized her immediately. “Penelope?” she asked nervously.

“Oh shit, she’s one of her pets!” Tamara said. “I knew we shouldn’t have poked around here.”

“Relax girls, I’m on your side,” Penelope said. “I won’t tell her you’re hiding down here. You’re not the only ones. Why don’t you come in and have something to eat, we have water too.”

The girls were all feeling very thirsty, but were still suspicious. “How do we know we can trust you?” Niesa asked.

“Well, I guess there’s no way I can prove it to you. But what else are you going to do, run away and hope I don’t rat you out?” Penelope said reassuringly. A Chinese girl came up from behind her, this one dressed astonishingly like a video game character Niesa recognized.

“We have cookies, and some miso soup,” the girl said.

“Haha, you’re dressed like Chun Li,” Tamara laughed as she examined the blue dress, brown pantyhose and white boots.

“From Street Fighter, I know,” the girl blushed. “It was the Doll Collector’s idea, not mine.”

“So, are you going to come in? Or stand out there until she finds you?” Penelope asked as the girls looked to each other for approval. With no clear alternative they decided to follow her inside the well maintained dollhouse. She led them to a dining room and gestured for them to sit. There was another girl, dressed like another popular character Niesa could not put her finger on. She had green hair and wore a black leotard with purple bat patterned pantyhose and purple boots. She also had bat shaped wings on her back and on her tiara. She proceeded to serve them doll sized cookies, miso soup and water in plastic doll sized cups.

“So where did you get this food?” Niesa asked suspiciously.

“I sneak it down here when I get the chance,” Penelope replied as she bit into a cookie, indicating that it was safe for them to eat.

“Where are we anyway?” Tamara asked gratefully sipping from her soup.

“This is one of her storage closets. She keeps most of her junk in here. She never seems to come here, so it’s an ideal place for escapees like you.”

“Is it always this well lit?” Niesa asked.

“Yes, Dr. Jasmine keeps the light on for us,” the Chun Li girl said.

“Dr. Jasmine?”

“She’s my sister,” Penelope said as the girl who had served them sat down to join them, “She helps us out when she can.”

Niesa looked at the girl curiously. “I’m sorry, but it’s driving me crazy. Who are you supposed to be?”

The girl sighed, “Morrigan, from Dark Stalkers. The Doll Collector found a buyer who was into buying dolls designed after video games so we were kind of a ‘custom design’. Thank god we escaped before she boxed us.”

“That woman’s a monster,” Luvia said shaking her head. “So what are your real names anyway?”

Chun Li and Morrigan looked to each other for approval. “We’d prefer not to give our real names. We’ve grown a little paranoid, if you understand, just call me Morrigan,” Morrigan said a little embarrassed.

“And me Chun Li,” Chun Li said with a hint of a giggle. The rest of the girls couldn’t help but laugh.

“Tell us more about this Dr. Jasmine,” Niesa said eager to get back on topic.

“She’s the brains behind this whole operation,” Penelope said. “She’s the one who invented the polyphylon pantyhose. But don’t worry, she’s on our side. Ever since she found out what the Mistress’s true intentions were, she’s been secretly helping us to escape.”

“So she knows how to turn us back to normal size?” Niesa said excitedly.

“Yes, of course,” Morrigan said.

“So what are we waiting for, let’s find her and get back to our normal sizes!”

“It’s not that easy,” Penelope said calming her down, “The Mistress has her under surveillance at all times. And if we blow our cover by returning to our normal size and escaping, there’s no telling what she’ll do to the girls still in captivity. On top of that, she has minions all over this mansion. All of whom are clad in polyphylon and are pretty much unstoppable. You never know who to trust here. For all I know, one of you could be her minions.”

“So why did you trust us?” Tamara asked suspiciously.

“Well, I know that you just got here, and you were all brought against your will. You haven’t been programmed yet.”

“What do you mean by ‘programmed’?” Niesa asked with a shiver.

“Dr. Sedgewick figured out a way to use polyphylon to control the wearer’s mind, at least to a limited degree. It doesn’t work on everyone, but it’s worked on enough girls to make them soulless minions of The Doll Collector.”

“Dr. Sedgewick?”

Penelope shook her head. “Don’t get me started on him. He was a colleague of my sister, and helped her come up with the designs for polyphylon pantyhose. Unfortunately, he also is the one responsible for twisting my sister’s invention to suit the Doll Collector’s sick needs. He’s just as bad her, if you ask me.”

“I don’t know about you guys, but I think it’s dumb for us to trust any of these mad scientists, your sister included. Why would she invent such a cursed thing?”

“She didn’t actually invent it,” Penelope said defensively. “Well yes, she invented the pantyhose, but not the polyphylon itself. She’s trapped here just like the rest of us.”

“What are you talking about?” Niesa asked.

Penelope sighed. “Let me show you something, I’ll explain on the way.” The girls nervously followed her out of the dollhouse, not quite sure where she was going to lead them. But the tale she spun kept them interested so they followed.

It all started seven years ago. I was in graduate school at the time, at NYU. Jasmine was my roommate. It was Saturday, and Jasmine and I were walking through central park. There was a man there selling polyphylon body stockings. We couldn’t believe how indestructible the things were. Intrigued by the chemical composition of the garment, we each bought one and decided to find out what it was, exactly.

Soon after trying it on, I found that it could not be removed. That’s when we decided to go to Dr. Sedgewick, my chemistry to professor, to see if he could figure out what was happening. This might have been a bigger mistake than putting the cursed thing on.

I was dressed casually: jeans, a sweater, sneakers, but with the white body stocking underneath. My prof seemed like a nice enough guy … very smart, always helpful to his students, so it started off well, but things got very creepy later on.

“Hello girls,” he said as we walked in, “What can I help you with today?”

“We found a material that I think you’ll find very interesting,” Jasmine said. She was in her final year and was definitely on more equal terms with Dr. Sedgewick than me. She presented him with the body stocking she had bought.

“Lingerie? I didn’t know you girls were into that sort of thing,” he joked as he carefully handled the very sheer thin body stocking. “My god, I’ve never seen nylon so sheer. It looks like it’s only one denier, maybe less. I don’t even think Sophisticate has a line of hosiery this sheer. Was this imported from Nylondon City?”

“Maybe, some small time dealer was selling it for 20 bucks in central park. But I don’t think it’s nylon,” Jasmine said. “Look at the mesh carefully, and test how strong it is. It can’t be ripped. The guy at the shop couldn’t even cut it with a knife.”

“Amazing!” he said trying his best to tear it. “It must come from Nylondon. I’ve heard Sophisticate moved their headquarters there, and are producing all sorts of new designs. In fact, hosiery has come back in style over there. I kind of miss the old days when it was in style here in New York. I always liked the look. I’d love to take a trip there one of these days

“Is that why they call it Nylondon? I always thought it was a weird name for a city,” I asked. I hadn’t heard much about Nylondon at the time, only that it was a city state established on a recently discovered archipelago in the Atlantic, and that more and more businesses were moving their headquarters there due to lenient taxation.

“No, the name is derived from New York and London, since it was first settled by businessmen from both cities. Although with what I hear about nylon being all the rage there, it is a somewhat strange coincidence.” Dr. Sedgewick continued to stretch and pull at the body stocking but it always found its way back to its original shape. “This is an incredible material. Have you tried wearing it?”

“Not me,” Jasmine said, “But Penelope here has, which brings us to the other reason why we came to see you. We can’t get it off!”

I blushed when he looked at me fascinated. I felt quite small and somewhat intimidated, although I didn’t know I was shrinking yet. He handed the body stocking back to Jasmine as he approached me. “Why don’t you bring that body stocking to the lab and run some initial tests on it,” he said to Jasmine as he looked at my sneakers. I started to feel uneasy, but Jasmine didn’t seem to notice and she left me alone with him. I was about to follow her out when he shut the door behind her.

“Do you mind if I have a look?” he said smiling, but clearly trying to peer through my clothes. “I’d love to see how it looks while worn.”

“Umm…” I stammered, not knowing what to say. “I’d rather not. I don’t think it would be appropriate.”

“Nonsense,” he said, “I’m not asking you to take any clothes off. This is purely for science. I just want to see the effect it has on your skin.” He dropped to his knees and grabbed by ankle. I shrieked, partly in surprise, and partly because it tickled. Especially when he started lifting my pant leg to expose my nylon clad ankle. “Fascinating!” he said as his finger gently glided across the top of my shoe. I couldn’t help but giggle, it really did tickle quite a bit.

“Ticklish are you? I bet these nylons really enhance the effect.” He said as his finger lightly entered my shoe. I let out a surprised squeak and backed away, but not before feeling my shoe slide off my heel a bit as his finger came out. My sneakers had been feeling quite loose all day. The last thing I wanted to happen was to lose my shoes in front of him.

“Are your sneakers always so loose?” he asked clearly noticing my heel slip back into the safety of my shoe as I backed away.

“Um … no,” I answered nervously.

“It must be the nylon then … so slippery and sheer. I bet you feel like your sneakers are going to fly off at any moment.”

He clearly was enjoying this a little too much and probably had a fetish of some sort, so I decided to change the subject as quickly as possible. “Maybe we should see how Jasmine is doing …”

“She just left, it will be some time before she gets the lab set up,” he said. “Why don’t you sit down for a bit? There’s another thing I want to check.”

I wasn’t sure what to do. I wanted to get the hell out of there, but he was my professor and had enough power in the school that I was afraid to do anything to offend him. So I sat down as I was told. I watched with trepidation as he got a ruler and approached my foot. I tried to move my feet away but
he caught my shoe and effortlessly slipped it off my foot. I shrieked in surprise, not expecting to lose my shoe so easily. The cold air on my foot made me feel quite helpless.

“Hmm, size 8.5 in women’s size. What is that, about 10 inches?” he said peering into my sneaker. I looked at him stunned. I tried to hide my foot behind my remaining shoe, but he simply grabbed that shoe and pulled it off as well.

“Why are you taking my shoes off?” I squealed as I felt the cold air hit this foot as well. My toes spread and wiggled reflexively.

“I want to measure your feet. I have a bit of a hunch and I want to test something,” he said grabbing my ankle and pressing it up against the ruler. “9.6 inches,” he said as he held my foot to the ruler. As he did so he caressed the top of my foot gently. I couldn’t help but squeal and giggle. “You really are ticklish aren’t you?” he said laughing.

“You got your measurements, hehehe, give me back my shoohooes!” I said between laughter.

“Wait a minute, I want to try something else!” he said smiling. He held my foot up in front of his face, and proceeded to tickle my arch mercilessly.

“HAHAHAHAHAHA!” I laughed hard. I had never felt this ticklish before, and he had clearly found my weak point. “STOHAHAHAHAAHOP!” I screamed as I tried kicking him with my other foot. He quickly caught it and secured both my ankles under his arm. He tickled both foot now with his fingers.

“No! Plehehehehehease! Stop!” I cried, tears welling up in my eyes. He was only tickling me for about a minute, but it felt like hours, I had never felt so helpless in my life. I started to become weak from exhaustion, and he could see that I was about to pass out.

“Alright, alright!” he said laughing. He put the ruler up against my foot again and measured. “9.5 inches! Will you look at that? My tickling is shrinking you.”

I pulled my feet away and slipped them back into my sneakers, which felt roomier than before. After that moment I lost a lot of my trust in him, especially since he continued to tickle me “accidentally” several times afterwards. But he did help my sister figure out what the body stocking was made of. Unfortunately, by the time they isolated the compound I had shrunken down to 6 inches.

Because I was so small, they recommended I hide in Sedgewick’s private lab until they figured out a way to get me back to normal size. Jasmine was afraid to go public with the findings because she didn’t want other scientists to poke and prod me and run all sorts of tests on me. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what Sedgewick wound up doing in the end.

You see, Jasmine had given me some Barbie doll clothing to wear in the lab so I wouldn’t be running around in just my body stocking. One day Sedgewick spied me changing. He didn’t know that I knew he was watching, but I could tell he was getting off on it. That night, he came while Jasmine was away and cornered me.

“Hey Penelope,” he said. “I notice you’re not shrinking any more. I wanted to run one more test on you.”

“Go home Sedgewick,” I commanded fearfully, “before you do something you’ll regret.”

“I’m a little hurt by that,” he said. “After the straight A’s I’ve been giving you this semester … even though you weren’t able to attend any classes?” He grabbed me so fast I couldn’t react. I screamed as loud as I could but my tiny vocal chords couldn’t really project anything beyond the lab. Sedgewick laughed as he flicked the little plastic shoes off of my feet. I squealed in terror knowing what was coming. He put his free hand into a glove that had tiny, feather like tendrils sticking out of the fingertips. “Let’s see if tickling makes you any smaller,” he said as his feathered fingers swirled around the soles of my feet.

“Hahahahaha! You Bahahahahastard!” I screamed as I kicked wildly. It still tickled just as terribly as it did the other times, only now it was worse because he was holding my tiny body in his handand I was completely at his mercy.

“Bastard? I think you need a little discipline!” he said as he tore the dress off of my tiny nylon clad body.

“Noo!” I screamed trying my best to squirm out of his, grip, but it was too tight. He then proceeded to tickle my stomach and breasts, and even went so far as to tickle my pussy through the sheer nylon. I was so helpless and mortified I screamed, but the tickling made me powerless. I could do nothing but laugh, squirm and moan helplessly. It seemed to go on for hours, although, I have to admit it was probably only a few minutes. It’s amazing how time seems endless when you’re being mercilessly tickled.

“You’re not shrinking,” he said sounding disappointed. “I guess this is the smallest this body stocking can shrink someone. It’s as if it’s made for an alien race of 6 inch people.”

As he contemplated the situation I took the opportunity to bite his hand as hard I could.

“Aaaah! You little wench!” he shouted as he dropped me on the floor. Thanks to the body stocking, I was not hurt. I stood up and ran as fast as I could out of the lab. I could hear him running after me, and it wouldn’t be long before he caught up with me, fast as my tiny legs were. I also had hard time with the floor, as my stocking feet seemed to slide and trip me up. I tried using it to my advantage, and slid down a floor banister near a stairway to the lobby.

A cleaning lady had a cart of garbage at the bottom of the stairs. I managed to hide in it before Sedgewick could find me. But things took a turn for the worst when the cleaning lady put the lid on the cart, trapping me inside. For hours, I tried pushing the lid off of the cart, but it was simply too heavy. Exhausted, I finally gave up and fell asleep.

I woke up to the feeling of a hand gripping my body. I was being pulled out of a dumpster by a hobo. I screamed and squealed while the hobo poked me and prodded me playfully. I was frightened beyond all hope, as I knew this would certainly be the end of me. Fortunately, the hobo was not as sadistic as I had feared. I begged him to help me and he told me he would. He gave me some rags from which I could make some sort of clothing, and carried me around with him for awhile. I wasn’t sure what to do, I was afraid to go back home. Sedgewick would probably do everything in his power to keep my story under wraps. Still, I didn’t know how long I could last as a hobo’s pet.

Eventually, he realized the same thing, and sold me to The Doll Collector for a pretty penny. I felt betrayed, but I couldn’t blame him, really. I probably would have done the same thing if I was in his position. And we both hoped I would become the pet of some rich lady who would spoil and pamper me. If I only knew what sort of twisted ideas The Doll Collector had I would have fought tooth and nail to stay living on the streets.

I was the first of the Mistress’s “dolls”. And she would pamper and spoil me. But I learned, very early on, how twisted she was. She would often punish me in the cruelest of fashions when I didn’t wear the clothes she set aside for me properly, or if didn’t address her properly. I would be stripped, spanked and tickled constantly. She became very interested in my story, and was obsessed with getting more dolls. She got in contact with Jasmine and Sedgewick and agreed to fund their research into polyphylon. For the first time since escaping, I had some hope. I was so happy to see Jasmine again. She assured me that with the money the Mistress provided they would be able to return me back to my normal size.

But, things did not go as we had hoped. The Mistress insisted that the research focus on finding a way to find more shrunken girls, and soon they had developed a machine that detected polyphylon which helped bring her several knew “dolls”. In the following years, Jasmine did eventually find out how to control the size changing mechanism, and even remove the polyphylon using a special device she invented, but it only worked the polyphylon material she managed to synthesize, not the ones that we were already wearing. But The Mistress was not interested in getting me back to normal. All she wanted was to get more “dolls” for her to collect, and sell to the underground market.

When Jasmine found out that The Doll Collector wanted the pantyhose mass produced so she could collect more “dolls”, she refused to cooperate any further. The Mistress turned to Sedgewick for help. He agreed to develop the pantyhose, but he needed Jasmine’s help, since she isolated the compound and was the only one with enough knowledge to synthesize more. Sedgewick tricked Jasmine into wearing one of her own pairs of polyphylon pantyhose to test to see if it could be removed.

But with her trapped in the pantyhose, she was now completely at Sedgewick’s mercy. He had the device that controlled her pantyhose and could shrink and grow her at will. She also could not remove it without the device. She became a prisoner like the rest of us, although one that was allowed to remain full size provided she cooperated. She decided to cooperate, not only for her own well being, but also because she knew that The Doll Collector’s seemingly limitless funding was the only way to find a means to turn the other girls back to normal. Together they mass produced the polyphylon pantyhose that you girls are now wearing.

But you are only one of hundreds of girls who have been trapped by The Doll Collector. Many are now her mind controlled minions, a small number of them have escaped and are hiding in the storage closet, but the rest are trapped in those boxes, ready to be sold to the sickos in the underground market.

As the girls listened to her story, they had traveled quite a distance. They journeyed through a hole in the wall and seemed to wander in darkness for some time, led only by Penelope’s voice. Finally, a bright light could be seen ahead of them. It looked like daylight.

“Are we going outside?” Amanda said excited.

“Yes, this is what I wanted to show you,” Penelope said at last. The sun was almost blinding as they stepped outside. The wind was strong, and the girls found themselves crawling to avoid being blown away. They were crouched on the edge of a cliff. Beneath them stretched an ocean as far as the eye could see. “Now you see why it’s not so easy to get out of here. Even if we could return to normal where would we go?” The girls looked around and noticed that the Mansion was seated atop a high cliff on an island in the middle of the ocean. More inland a city could be seen in the distance.

“Where the hell are we?” Tamara asked confounded.

“We’re on a small island in the middle of the Atlantic,” Penelope said. “That city, you may have heard of it, it’s called Nylondon.”

“What?! How did we get here in one night?”

“The Doll Collector is wealthier than you think. She owns several Concorde Jets and private airfields in the US.”

“Who in the world is this woman?” Niesa asked to no one in particular.

The girls just sat stunned, staring out into the vastness of the ocean. They couldn’t help but be in awe of the beauty and wonder of the view they were taking in. Even at this small size, they felt just as insignificant in the vastness of the world as they always had.
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