Uh ohhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! I feel that my buddy Pucko is being disrespected by shaun harley. Da da da daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!! It is tickler26 to the rescue!!!!!!!!!!!! I fight for all good and wonderful people who make a good effort to do the right thing by we tickle fans. You asked for this Shaun!!!!!!! How dare you be so cruel and degrading to our people. What have you contributed to us other than your sorry and inappreciative commentary? Huhhhhhhhhhhh!? I'll tell you what, Nada, Nien, Neicht, Nunca, Nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are a true, and sorry individual. You need my special piece of advice as I have given several here who slam the posters that give us what we want. You are truly lower than the maggots that feed off of the bacteria growing from the shit on your upper lip from your dogs ass. At least be grateful that somebody is still posting. Shame on you G, ugggghhh doohhhh, Shame!!!!!!!!!
" If you don't like what is posted; log off, get out and don't let the E-door hit in the ass on the way off and out!" Like my dad always said, " If you don't like the food on the table, eat nothing and go to bed hungry."
To my new best friend Pucko who always posts in WMV.Format........hint hint. Keep up the good work my friend. You truly are a friend to the tickler and all of who appreciate good posts.