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Powerpuff girls story: TPGB chapter 6, f/f tie-up, f/f/f, fff/f


2nd Level Orange Feather
Jun 30, 2004
Next chappie, here it is! I'm currently in the middle of writing...***pauses as he starts counting***...chapter 12. Anyhoo, here's chapter 6. Have fun! 🙂

Hairy Gregory Studios​

in association with
Scotty Boyo-PPGTKL Productions
is proud to present
The Powerpuff Girls
Laughter in Townsville:
Tickled Pink, Green and Blue

Chapter 4C: Bubbles - Fun with Robyn


Quick recap: Bubbles tied Robyn up and tickled her silly; Robyn in turn found out that Bubbles weakest point is her feet, especially when they're nibbled (Evil Grin). Now it's Robyn's turn to tie and tickle Bubbles; what will happen next?

Bubbles was thinking this was maybe not such as good an idea as it had seemed originally. At least when we were wrestling before, I had the chance to fight back, she thought. Then again, did she really need to defend herself - surely she could trust her friend...her girlfriend?...to be gentle and not go too far?

Some apprehension was clearly showing on her face as she chewed a strand of stray blond hair. Robyn looked up from where she was tying Bubbles' feet to the bedposts and smiled reassuringly at the powerpuff.

"Don't worry Bubbly," she said, using her pet name for Bubbles, "I won't hurt you."

"O...I know that Robyn," said Bubbles, relaxing slightly where she lay, "but this is kinda different to the wrestling match, isn't it?"

"Yeah but, it'll feel the same", said Robyn, finishing off the knot and standing up to examine her handiwork. All the knots were secure - she didn't ask Bubbles to test them, because at full strength the girl would simply tear the ropes from where they were tied. Instead, she tested them by pulling on them herself.

Just as Robyn was selecting her tickling instrument of choice with which to start the session, both girls heard a voice from downstairs.

"Bubbles? Robyn? You two here?" it asked.

Bubbles winked at Robyn knowingly, and Robyn quickly untied Bubbles from the bed and they hid the equipment underneath the bed as Robyn shouted back, "yeah, we're up here Blossom", for that is who it was.

A few seconds later, Blossom's head appeared around the door (To clarify, this is a holo-Blossom).

"Whatcha doing?" she asked. Bubbles and Robyn shared a sideways glance before answering the question.

"Oh, nothing much", said Robyn.

"Yeah, just hanging out," added Bubbles, with a grin, "having a laugh".

"Okay", said Blossom, entering the room, "mind if I join you?"

"Not at all," said Robyn, patting the bed, "come on in."

Blossom moved over to the bed and sat down in the space that Bubbles and Robyn had made for her, between them.

"So," said Robyn, turning to face Blossom fully, "how'd the baseball match go?"

"Well, we got off to a good start, but Buttercup showed off and knocked the ball all the way to the moon, so the umpire gave our team a 3-run penalty, and we lost by 2 in the end."

"Oh, that's too bad", said Bubbles, reaching under the bed and taking a long thin feather out of Robyn's special box, "did she get the ball back?"

"Yeah, but they couldn't use it; it was so cold, it shattered on the next pitch."

At that moment, Blossom noticed that both Bubbles and Robyn were now holding feathers; Bubbles had the one mentioned, while Robyn's was shorter and fluffier. "Umm, guys, what's the feathers for?" asked Blossom, vaguely nervous.

"We're gonna cheer you up!" chirped Robyn, with a mischievous smile.

"You mean you're gonna tickle me?" asked Blossom, incredulously. The girls either side of her merely nodded enthusiastically. Blossom's expression changed to one of condescension. "How childish."

"Oh reeeeeeeeeally?" asked Bubbles and Robyn at the same time, in a sing-song type voice that told Blossom all she needed to know. "So how come you look like you're about to fly out the window?" asked Bubbles, noticing her redheaded sister had begun to scoot across the bed towards the window on the other side of it.

At this question, Blossom realised there was no point trying to sidle out of the room and literally flew for the open window, only to be brought down before she could move more than 2 feet in its' general direction. The reason for this abrupt halt to her motion was that her friends had both managed to grab hold of her ankles as she flashed past, and were pulling against her with all their combined might. Whilst Blossom wouldn't have worried about zipping off with Bubbles holding her leg, she was more wary of hurting or scaring Robyn and so didn't pull hard enough. This was what sealed her immediate fate.

At this point, it may help to describe Blossom's apparel. Being a hot and fairly humid summer's day, Blossom was wearing a sleeveless t-shirt with a picture of a rainbow and the words "Don't worry" across the front and "Be happy" written on the back. Along with this, she also wore a light pink checked skirt that came down to just above her knees, and a pair of well worn buckled leather sandals.

This greatly facilitated Robyn and Bubbles' in bringing Blossom down from her escape attempt, as both girls merely stroked the feathers, which they each still held in their free hand, up and down the arches of Blossom's feet in the space between the straps; at once, Blossom uttered a single "eek!" and fell to the bed, where she attempted to curl into a foetal position, so as to protect her otherwise vulnerable feet.

Bubbles leapt nimbly over the bed to stand on Blossom's left side, whilst Robyn climbed off the bed and walked quickly around it to flank the red-haired puff's other side. Blossom stood too, hoping for a chance at escape to present itself to her somehow.

"What, you wouldn't tickle me, would you?" asked Blossom, some apprehension creeping into her voice at the thought. Then, trying to sound far braver than she actually was, she added, "I'm your sister, Bubbles, AND I'm your leader."

"This isn't an emergency, Blossom", Bubbles calmly pointed out to her, "and aren't sisters meant to tease each other?"

As Bubbles had her sister's undivided attention, Robyn moved in even closer behind her and quickly goosed her sides, causing Blossom to almost bend double with forced laughter.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! No.....teeheeheehee...quitit!"

She tried to bat Robyn's arms away, but the smaller brunette held on tightly to Blossom's waist and continued to massage the flesh just above her hips on both sides. Blossom's knees soon gave out and her weight collapsed back against Robyn as the laughter continued to be driven from her relentlessly.

"Hahahahahaha.........o god, pleeeheeheeeheeeeeheeeeeaaaaaase.......aaaah! Tihihihihihihickles.......eeeeeeeeee.....heeheehee tee hee hee hee hee..."

With Bubbles' help, the two of them managed to heave Blossom back onto the bed, where she squirmed helplessly as Bubbles' fingers skittered all over her bared stomach. Robyn went for the ropes beneath the bed, but when Blossom saw what she held when she reappeared, she immediately screeched, "Oh no! You don't...heh...get me THAT easily!"

With a grace that was unexpected given her current position sprawled across the middle of the bed, legs overhanging the edge, she prodded Bubbles in the back of her knees with her sandaled feet, which caused Bubbles to drop to the ground. As Bubbles was no longer tickling her, and with Robyn still trying to get a hold of one Blossom's wrists, Blossom did a quick backward roll over the bed away from both girls, and skipped rapidly out of the room shouting behind her "Nyah! I'm too clever for you!" and blowing raspberries at them childishly.

"So that's the way she wants it, eh?" Bubbles asked Robyn, as she grabbed the gloves, a couple of feathers, and the pair of icy metal balls.

"Well in that case, that's the way she'll get it", said Robyn, and they grinned at each other again, a new playfulness added to the proceedings by Blossom's attempted escape and unusually juvenile attitude. They both ran out of the bedroom and down the stairs, where they stopped to decide which way Blossom may have gone.

Most of the houses in the street were identical in their floor plan, so the stairs came down next into the lounge, with kitchen/dining area behind it, looking out into the back garden. Blossom had easily had enough time already to flee the house and retreat into the safety of her own room, but something told the girls that this was not the case. Blossom seemed, at this point, more in the mood for playing a game than for simply running away.

Then they noticed a sandaled foot peeking out from behind the sofa. Blossom was lying, face down, in front of it, trying to remain unseen from the staircase. Unfortunately for her, she wasn't unseen, and moreover couldn't see that Bubbles and Robyn were sneaking up around the back of the sofa. The first she knew of this was when she felt Bubbles' hand close around her lower left leg and a feather being inserted between her foot and the sole of the sandal, and then it being swiftly swept up and down the gap that resulted from Blossom tightly, and subconsciously, clenching her toes in an effort to fight off the tickly sensations.

"Heh...hahaha....heheheheheheh.......hahahahahahahahahaha..........hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Blossom squealed, and pulled with all her might to try and dislodge Bubbles' grip. It didn't work, as the act of being tickled cancelled out all of her superpowers almost instantaneously.

As Robyn made her way around the other side of the sofa, Blossom's wildly flailing arms knocked her legs out from beneath her, causing Robyn to fall on top of Bubbles and for the two of them to become momentarily entangled in the ropes that Robyn still held in her hands. This gave Blossom enough time to once again pull her leg free of Bubbles grip and attempt to make a dash for freedom.

Blossom sprinted away from the sofa and into the kitchen, where she tried to find something else to use with which she could hide from her tickle-obsessed sister and best friend. The first thing that came to mind was a tea tray.

Nah, not nearly big enough to hide behind, she thought, and then her gaze fell upon the dining table. She whipped it up and held it so that the tables' legs were on either side of her, and so that she appeared to Bubbles and Robyn to have become a large, broad slab of wood with two feet peeking out from beneath.

Bubbles and Robyn both tried to dive around the table, but Blossom simply turned to face them each time that they did, so that the table remained in the way. When both girls tried moving around opposite sides of the table, Blossom backed up slightly towards the outer door leading into the garden. It seemed that a stalemate had been reached.

"There's nothing we can do", said Robyn, pouting. "You're such a meanie, Bloss."

"Well," Bubbles whispered to Robyn, "I know one thing that could work..." and she finished by nodding down at the ground, drawing Robyn's attention to Blossom's still shod feet that were squirming nervously as Blossom herself tried to anticipate what the two girls would do now that she seemed to have stopped them dead in their tracks. Bubbles held Robyn's hand to help them both steady themselves, and then they each lifted up one bare foot and placed it on top of the nearer of Blossom's fidgeting feet. Then, once they were sure they were perfectly balanced, they started to stroke the tops of Blossom's feet with their toes, which caused Blossom to once again in explode into sweet giggles.

"Hee hee hee hee hee....no fair.......hee hee hee hee hee....that's toohoohoohoo much.........heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee..."

The table, and Blossom behind it, started to sway from side to side as the tickling and the laughter once again took control of her, and finally Blossom's strength gave out and the table fell to the side, and ended up leaning against the oven. Blossom just stood there, seemingly mesmerised by this ingenious method of being tickled, and continued to laugh like never before.

"Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee...........hahahahahahaha.........tee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee........tihihihihihickles more than....... hee hee hee hee hee.......anythihihihihihing...."

Adding to her laughter, both girls began to softly run their fingertips up and down Blossom's ribcage, and whenever they approached her underarms too closely, she would bite her lower lip and stifle a small squeal.


As both Bubbles and Robyn continued to tickle Blossom all over - varying the actions of their hands to also include stroking her stomach and the more sensitive skin on the inside of the arms - Blossom's laughter faded away gradually until all that could be heard in the house was fast, shallow breathing emanating from her mouth.

The girls, noticing this, stopped tickling her. Bubbles closely examined her sister's face for signs that Blossom may only be pretending so as to launch a surprise revenge attack.

"Is she asleep?" asked Robyn, curious and confused.

"Well," said Bubbles, peering at Blossom's eyes, which were dilated and unfocused, "she seems to be. But her eyes are still open. I think she may be in some sort of trance."

"Blossom" Bubbles continued, "are you awake?"

"No..." muttered Blossom in a voice slurred with sleep.

"What is your full name?" asked Bubbles.

Blossom's slurred answer of "Blosssssom Amelia Utonium" came as a mild surprise to Robyn.

"I didn't know Blossom has a middle name", she commented.

"Oh yes, we all do. Buttercup's is Anne, and mine is Abigail", replied Bubbles, casually.

A thought came to her friend. "Ooh, I've got a question!" squealed Robyn. "Blossom, where are you most ticklish?"

(Please note; this isn't the real Blossom, only a copy that Bubbles made using Blossom's psychological profile. That information doesn't include ticklishness, etc; which Bubbles made up for the purposes of this simulation).

The answer came almost immediately, though there was a slight tone of reluctance when saying "My most ticklish area is on my ribcage." Then, after a short pause, she added, "Buttercup's most ticklish area is on her stomach, and Bubbles' is all over both feet." Bubbles just wriggled nervously on the spot and gave a shy giggle, before turning the questioning back on the mesmerised Blossom again.

"What sort of tickling has the greatest effect on you?" she asked, and again there was an almost unnoticeable, but obvious, reluctant pause before the reply came, except this reply was far more cryptic.

"Extremes. Asymmetry."

"What does that mean?" asked Robyn of an equally baffled Bubbles.

As Blossom would not elucidate further on this point, they decided that it was time that she was awoken from her hypnotic state, so that the fun could continue. Bubbles simply shouted "Awake!" and Blossom did so.

Sadly for Bubbles, and for Robyn too, neither was prepared for Blossom's next move, which was to leap forward between them, arms wide, and knock both the girls to land sprawled across the lounge floor. Blossom herself landed no more gracefully, and a rapid melee of whirling arms and legs ensued as each tried to right themself before the other two girls could do so.

Blossom and Bubbles both tried to climb to their feet, thwarted as they were by the entanglement of their limbs. Robyn came up with the more ingenious solution of reaching out, grabbing the two nearest feet, and tickling for all she was worth, determined not to be subjected to any more tickling that day, having already had her fill in the bedroom. These feet belonged, one to Blossom and the other to Bubbles.

With her right hand, Robyn swept her fingers quickly over the bared sole of Bubbles' left foot in a fashion akin to a spider wearing roller-skates. Bubbles' leg at once started to shake violently in her grasp, and her foot squirmed and wriggled like a fish out of water, toes scrunching tight and spreading wide alternately as though she had no control over them whatsoever, which was true.

With her left arm, Robyn managed to trap Blossom's sandaled right foot in the crook of her elbow and stroked her fingers up and down her exposed arch, which elicited much the same response as Bubbles was exhibiting.

Both girls half-sat and half-lay there, writhing in the grip of the ticklish torment being exacted upon their helpless feet by their supposedly best friend, currently teasing them almost out of their minds. Bubbles bounced around on the carpet, unable - and, at least in part, unwilling - to escape, laughing in her usual high-pitched, melodic voice. Blossom, meanwhile, fell forward as the sensations ran through her, unable to support herself properly, and kept pleading with Robyn to stop and let her go.

Well, thought Robyn, I can't tickle just Blossom and leave Bubbles alone - she might try and sneak in a few tickles against me if I'm completely focused on Blossom. And well, they're both such easy targets, it's just too much fun to resist.

I don't believe it! thought Bubbles. I thought we were gonna gang up on Blossom - and now she does this to me. Well, two can play at that game!. With a mischievous twinkle back in her eye, Bubbles reached out to both her sister and girlfriend and planted her hands firmly against their underarms. Then, as both of the other girls dutifully squirmed against her fingers invading their senses - and as Robyn stared at Bubbles with a mild look of shock on her face, which faded moments later into an ear-to-ear grin when the tickling broke through her mental defences - she pushed harder and felt their arms come down, squeezing her hands still harder into their ribs in an effort to put a stop to this new tickle; in fact, it merely heightened the sense of helplessness as they couldn't rid themselves of her tickly digits whilst they were pressed so tightly against the girls' sides.

Blossom, not to be outdone, and with an ever decreasing portion of her conscious mind devoted to finding a way out of this situation - the rest being too busy with dealing with it and making her laugh her head off like some kind of crazy person - almost fell between her blonde pigtailed sister and her friend, and began to scrabble her fingers hard against their stomachs, feeling both tummies pushing back against her hands as their owners were laughing so uncontrollably by this time.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooo!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - pleeeeeeeeeeease, anything but the heeheeheeheeheehee feet, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohoho hehehehehehehehehehe........... I can't tahahahahahahahahahahake it!"

All three girls were now yelling incoherently, in between long, loud, forceful peals of laughter, for the others to stop their own tickling. The three of them were caught in a catch-22 position; if they stopped tickling, it might leave them defenceless against the others' tickling. None of them wanted to be the first one to cease, but this impasse clearly couldn't last indefinitely. Someone would falter, someone had to.

There was a knock at the front door, which no one answered as they were all far too busy trapped in this circle of tickling. Moments later, Buttercup appeared at the back door, wandering where all the sounds of laughter were coming from. She had first gone home - next door - to shower change out of her little league outfit - before heading back out to find her sisters and their next-door neighbour friend. The sight that greeted her in the lounge was one of the last things she would've ever expected to see.

Bubbles, Blossom and Robyn were all sitting on the lounge carpet, all laughing their heads off as they tickled, and were tickled by, each other. Bubbles had her hands buried in her companions' underarms, and trapped there by their arms clamped to their sides. Blossom was sort of sitting to her right, leaning so far forward that her nose was nearly touching the ground, chest heaving mightily with deep-chested laughter, and her hands pressed against Bubbles and Robyn's stomachs, scrabbling around for all they were worth. Finally, Robyn was sitting at the third point of this triangle of titillation, one each of the puffs' feet held in her lap, stroking and prodding and teasing and scribbling all over Bubbles' sole and in between the straps of Blossom's surprisingly still fastened sandal.

This was the scene that Buttercup took in upon her arrival in their house, and her reaction to it was fairly straightforward. What would anyone else do in a similar state of affairs?

"Cool!" she yelled, "Tickle-fight!" and dove straight into the middle of the triangle.

In seconds, all three girls recognised that Buttercup had joined the ménage a trios and all, as one, redirected their stroking, prodding, squeezing, scratchy, tickly fingers towards the fresh meat lying prone in front of them.

Buttercup hadn't been expecting such a sudden diversion of attention towards herself, and was unable to effectively counter three separate pairs of hands working over her flesh from three different directions.

"Heh....hey, quit it! No fair - that TICKLES!"

Bubbles went straight for Buttercup's stomach, particularly her tummy button, remembering what the hypnotised Blossom had said about her raven-haired sisters' weakest spot. Buttercup retaliated by trying to grab Bubbles' hands, and even succeeded in doing so for a few seconds.

"Nyyyyeh, can't gehehehehet meeeeee........hahahaha oi! Hahahahaha-OH!"

Bubbles tried to pull her hands free of Buttercup's grip, and was helped when a few moments later Robyn's hands went to work in Buttercup's underarms. As Buttercup reflexively released Bubbles' hands and tried to bat Robyn's away, Bubbles immediately resumed her own attack on Buttercup's once-more unprotected tummy.

Buttercup knew that she was fighting a losing battle here - Bubbles on one side, going for her stomach, and Robyn on the other side, working with Bubbles by keeping her occupied with quick, darting tickles to both underarms, so that the toughest puff couldn't anticipate her actions even slightly. Bursts of laughter kept slipping out between surprised yelps, barely concealed laughs, and uncontrollably goofy-looking grins that Buttercup couldn't keep off her face for long.

Buttercup tried twisting around to protect her ticklish spots from further molestation, but this just made her underarms an easy target for Blossom instead, and Robyn moved to take Bubbles' place around the girl's waist. Bubbles moved on to target another area of Buttercup's super-ticklish body.

Buttercup was unable to do anything. She couldn't fight back - they outnumbered her 3 to 1, and any defences she could muster were immediately blown away by the incessant tickling of her contorting torso. She couldn't escape - her power of flight had abandoned her to her fate, and she couldn't run - she was sitting with her legs folded beneath her, too weak from laughter already to pull herself up to stand.

Just as she thought that she had reached her body's ability to take this torment, it grew still further, as she felt her Mary-Janes being pulled from her trapped feet, and Bubbles' adept fingers begin rapidly drawing patterns all over the responsive soles of her feet.


Buttercup attempted to draw her feet entirely underneath her, out of Bubbles' reach, but couldn't properly change positions in such a cramped space between the three girls all keeping her laughing and squirming and fidgeting and twitching. Whenever she stopped one of them from tickling her at any time, the other two quickly distracted her and all three would once more soon be tickling her. Whenever she successfully covered one ticklish area, another seemed to present itself to be tickled.

Buttercup covered her stomach; Robyn switched to tickling her neck. She blocked Blossom from tickling her underarms; the redhead moved to tickle her stomach. She sat on her feet, stopping Bubbles from teasing them mercilessly; Bubbles, in response, began to tickle instead behind her knees (Buttercup was wearing the traditional Powerpuff "uniform" dress, but a slightly shorted version that came down not quite to her knees, leaving them bare).

When she tried to push one or two of them away from her ticklish form, the other one would zero in on her underarms, forcing the "toughest" puff to withdraw sharply with a loud shriek in the midst of her laughter.

Finally, all three girls ceased tickling at more or less the same time, and just lay back, laughing from the enjoyment. Buttercup sat where she was, panting for breath.

"Computer: end scenario 'Bubbles One'."

The computer emitted a single beep to signify that the command had been carried out. Bubbles hauled herself from her spot on the floor of the Danger Grid and returned to bed, being careful to turn off all lights along the way and not cause any sounds that might wake the others.

As Bubbles got into bed, having changed into her nightdress (she had also retrieved her errant footwear before leaving the simulator), and put her day-clothes away, she glanced briefly at her clock again. It now read 1:06 PM (it's set exactly 12 hours out - anyone notice it said 11:32AM when she woke up?).

Bubbles drifted off to sleep fairly easily, being thoroughly exhausted now from her nighttime excursion, thinking about how she could possibly tell Robyn - the REAL Robyn, that is - how she truly felt about her. She remained no closer to a solution.
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