No pics
DaTick, just wondering what browser you are using. If you're using Mozilla (or maybe Netscape - not 100% sure), then it's possible the setting to not download images from this domain is active. The links should still show where the blanks are, though - just click on the blank to initiate the download. To get the image back, goto "Tools" --> "Image Manager" --> "Unblock Images from this Site". Then refresh the page.
If you are using Opera, there is a similar setting for images. There should be a little camera icon somewhere in the top area - just click it until it appears as a complete camera.
If this fails, & you are not using IE5.5+, then maybe you should download a copy of the latest IE (6). Otherwise if not IE, then maybe you have an earlier Netscape or Opera & should download an update to them.
If none of this helps, then I'll be fooked!!:weird: