If you are printing art or photos or graphic stuff then go with an inkjet. They produce better graphics.
If you are printing lots of documents and lots of text stuff. Go with the laser printer. Cheaper.
This. If you don't need any bells and whistles (and this implies you don't print much), you shouldn't spend more than $80 for a printer. Inkjets are way cheaper, but the $80 would be a personal laser printer, which is more expensive than inkjets.
If you are printing art or photos or graphic stuff then go with an inkjet. They produce better graphics.
If you are printing lots of documents and lots of text stuff. Go with the laser printer. Cheaper.
If you are printing art or photos or graphic stuff then go with an inkjet. They produce better graphics.
If you are printing lots of documents and lots of text stuff. Go with the laser printer. Cheaper.
Yeah, I agree too. As for brands HP used to make the best laser printers but I think Canon has caught up if not surpassed them. I don't know about inkjet brands these days.