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Private Eyes (*/F)

Johnny Pseudo

Registered User
Jun 19, 2013
From the ashes would come to rise a phoenix, or so the legends go. A creature who has arisen to deliver a new tale. I wanted something ambiguous that anyone could relate to. I noticed that seems to be a trend I haven't done much with: ambiguity. I like to set parameters with my stories, have a clear set of boundaries I adhere to; but I figured what would the harm be in leaving everything completely to the imagination for once? No planning went into this, aside from the locale really. Not bad for a passing thought while busy at work.

As it goes, there's nothing wrong with a bit of teasing, right? Some of us prefer watching to actual doing, but there's no wrong in either. If you can do it and do it well, then go for it; there ought to be more people in the world like this willing to risk a little for a dirty payoff (or two). Perhaps even... more? I know I enjoy being on both ends, personally.

Now that that's out of the way, it feels good to be back. Hopefully this phoenix will stay a bit longer this time around. And with less of a preface next time around.

:redstar: :feather:
- - - - -

~I see you, and you see me...
Watch you blowin' the lines, when you're making a scene...~

Sitting on the bus, the lyrics droned out into a young woman's headphones. Her leg twitched to the rhythm, foot dangling out into the isle as she did so. She cast a glance down towards the same foot, clad in a skimpy brown sandal. The same eyes darted around to see if anyone else was looking, but to no avail. A few people sat nearby, playing with phones, looking out the window, you name it. The girl cleared her throat, exchanging one leg for another. Sunlight trickled through the glass, warming her foot slightly and casting a sheen across her toes. A stark contrast to her pale skin, the black polish cast across her nails seemed to shimmer in the glowing sunlight.

Ah... There. Out of the corners of her vision, she saw it. A boy, her age from what she could guess, sitting off near the back of the bus. She saw him look towards her after she had switched legs; saw the slight twitch in his eyes when she started to playfully dangle her flip-flop. Turning towards the front, she gave off a slight grin before putting on a stoney expression once more. The small handful of people riding the bus besides didn't seem to be paying any mind to her, so why not test a small theory?

She looked off in his general direction, acting as though she were looking out of the glass window at the passing scenery. He seemed to fluster a bit; rubbing his arm before stretching some. She watched inattentively as he pulled out his phone, seeming content in scrolling through some page or the like. Moving her right leg forward, she began gently flicking the skimpy piece of footwear back and forth once more, giving off a wiggle of her toes every now and again. Even with the sound of the engine and cars surrounding the moving vehicle, she could make out the light slap of the sandal against her soft heel. From what she could gather, the boy seemed to hear it too. After a few passes, she could see him glancing up now and again, settling back into his seat and trying to keep from glancing out of the corners of his eyes.

~Private eyes...
They're watching you...
And they see your every move...~

He wasn't particularly bad looking; a faded black beanie obscured his locks of dirty blonde hair. His face was freckled, and he seemed in good shape. A tight pull-over hoodie and ripped jeans covered the rest of him. Sitting besides was a skateboard; must have been catching a ride to the nearby skate park, that or the beach front. Seemingly dressed for the weather all right, but so was she; tight acid wash jeans and a leather jacket. Of course, she had sandals on though; not the most appropriate fall attire, but it was comfortable if a bit cold on the feet. Not that she minded; more footwear was cumbersome, not to mention she only really wore the least possible by society's standards.

Now the game was afoot, so to speak. If she was right, she had a bit more time left on her ride before she got off. Maybe I could try something different...

To her, this was a regular ordeal. She couldn't explain why she did it, or why it was so enjoyable, but it was addicting. Getting strangers to notice her so; seeing who she could interest or fluster. All for something so innocent as a simple movement of a foot. It brought on a sense of... accomplishment? Maybe, but perhaps there was more to it than that. Something so simple as playing with her feet... the fact that it could have such an effect on people was an interesting concept to her. Maybe it was the fact that for as much as she did it, she knew there were no consequences, no repercussions. For all the bravado, there was a feeling, deep down inside. Something that gnawed away at her every time she started.

Maybe... this time...?




What was she thinking? There was no way.

Of course... this idea she fancied was taboo, but how could she not think of it? It was the same she'd think almost every time she rode the bus, or the times she found herself in idle thought.

Thoughts of someone, be it man or woman, becoming fed up with her constant playing, the teasing. Try as they might, eventually they'd get tired of seeing those pale feet of hers dance to and fro; get tired of watching her wiggle them so, without a care in the world. Giving off a teasing show, every now and again showing hints of tender sole beneath those thin, almost wispy pieces of protection she called sandals. She'd watch them get flustered, see them fidget around in their seat before they got up, eyeing her with a almost lustful hunger in their eyes... Yes... Those eyes!

They'd come right up to her... much to her “dismay”, and sit before her on the cold floor. They'd be staring at those feet of hers, and then that's when her self-imbued punishment would start. Oh, they'd tear them off, those worthless little protectors of her feet, right in the middle of the bus. Deservedly, of course, and unabashedly. Then, they'd start, oh how would they! Turning their back to her and whispering idle threats, holding her ankles together; she was sure they could feel her eyes widen before the giggles set in. She'd look around, hoping that others would notice; pull whomever off of her and berate them, tell them to leave her alone, but they wouldn't. More to the point, they'd encourage it; tell them that this little minx deserved it. Her head would turn, looking away before peeking back, just in time to watch the sultry grins creep up on the other patrons... Feel the oh-so-gentle pressure against the soles of her feet... Wait... Was that hot breath that she felt...?

It was always the same; the only changing aspect was the person doing it. Every time it began the same, and it only encouraged her to keep doing it, hoping that one day her efforts would bear fruit.

~They're watching you, watching you, watching you, watching you...~

A sharp exhale escaped through her nostrils, while a shudder crept up her spine. It was a silly idea, but there was something so beautifully intoxicating about it all.

Pure, unadulterated torture.

Heavenly bliss in the form of her sweet laughter, filling the air for every passerby to experience.

Nails across the soles of her soft feet; the same ones that had let the sandal fall sometime during her daydreaming off her dangling foot. The girl finally noticed it had dropped after coming to. Her foot gently flexing and scrunching, as if now by habit induced by her “ghostly captors”. Even now, she could feel a tingling down in her legs, creeping up towards her womanhood, much as it always did.

Reaching down, she collected the piece of footwear, all while looking at her skater friend. He seemed caught up in looking over his board, though his gaze broke away as the two made eye contact. She shifted in her seat, setting both feet down onto the floor as she flashed him a warm smile. He rubbed at the back of his neck and returned the favor, deciding it was best to become intensely interested in some deep gash on the design of his board right afterwards.

She giggled a bit, pulling her other leg free from it's skimpy prison. Around them, some of the other passengers moved around, unaware of the coy gamble that was taking place. At last she tore her gaze from the boy, leaving him to his idle musings. Her legs stretched out, toes gently flexing while she let out a yawn. She kept them there for a short while, pointing her toes this way and that. A thought came to her, making her bite her lower lip gently. Bringing her legs down, she left them out in the walkway, letting her heels gently touch the cold metal of the moving bus. She brought her bag up and onto her lap, beginning to sift through it's contents before bringing out a small bottle. With a slight pop, she flipped open the cap and spread a bit of its contents into the palm of her hand.

She set the bottle down, looking at the “Autumn Harvest” scrawled across the label of it; something she made a habit of carrying wherever she went. Lotion by default was a great thing, or so she believed. Her hands came together, gently rolling the sweet smelling goop around before bringing up her left appendage. She made short work of massaging the substance onto it, making sure to not miss a spot and being extra generous between her toes. Out of the peripheral of her sight, she could see the boy beginning to fidget once more; eyes coyly looking towards her direction. The girl tried her best not to smile, not to give in to the satisfaction she was feeling at his helpless plight. She extended the first foot, letting out a few soft giggles at the little droplets still caught between her toes as she wiggled them back and forth. Once more, her hand reached into the bag, pulling out a soft cloth to which she wiped off the excess.

Now... let's see if I can stir things up some.

She turned towards the boy, bringing her right leg up and onto the bench. Stretched out as it were, she figured that even if he didn't look, someone else would. Out came the bottle, and this time a little more of the sticky substance. Her eyes stayed focused on her foot, though her mind was quickly traveling elsewhere.

“What? Oh no, we can't stop now. You knew exactly what you were getting into when you decided to show off those cute feet of yours, silly girl. Now, how about a few questions instead–”

It would continue like this for a while; being unable to do much else, save for gripping the padding of the bench seats while she struggled to keep what little composure she had left...

“–Too busy giggling to answer, are you? How about we go back to tickling under those pretty little black toes, hmm...? You seemed more inclined to answer when we were scratching under there, if I'm right.”

Curling her toes, she felt herself almost let out giggle at the obscenity. She continued on, attempting her best to quash such thoughts, but try as she might they continued all the same.

“Ah, so right under here... did you see how her toes twitched there? Right between these two here; yes, just like that.”

“How about some feathers, you sexy muse? I bet that would feel great dancing across those sinful little soles of yours, don't you think?”

Between bouts of laughter, she tried to shake her head, but could only manage to focus on those awful fingertips scrawling across the balls of her foot-bottoms. Thoughts were haphazard, and her breathing came in mirthful squeaks and gasps.

“You know... maybe you'd prefer a few hot tongues lapping against them instead?” She brought her hands up to head, letting out new laughter and shaking her head as tears began forming at the corners of her eyes.

“... No? What do you mean, no? Don't you think that's fair? I mean, just think of all those people you've teased...” the voice continued, as now more people began venturing close to get their hands on her encompassed feet. “... Especially that boy that you're teasing now? Don't you think he'd like a go? To get his hands on you right now, and see how helpless with laughter you could really be? Think of how you'd feel with his tongue dancing across those helpless arches... swirling around your toes only to come back to those fleshy heels...”

Through the course of her pseudo-massage, she had noticed her fingertips slightly twitching, causing her to wake out of her daydreaming. The girl slowly ran the cloth over her foot, deciding to bring the other up to join it before laying down onto the padded material. She swallowed hard, noticing how much she was beginning to salivate at the thoughts wracking her mind. The tingling in her legs had come to a head; she could feel her womanhood beginning to lightly throb. Oh god... If only...

Why you try to put up a front for me?~

“Yes... that's right, look. Look into his eyes; you see how he's watching those pretty feet of yours. Waiting. Waiting for you to drop your guard before he makes a move. It's the subtle things people look for; you of all should know this. Although... maybe you'd rather make the first move, hmm? What's stopping you from leaving your sandals here and going over to him; draping those legs across his lap and leaving things to fate? Surely you'd like to know, wouldn't you...?”

I... heeheehehe.... No... I hihihiii.... I don't....

The girl slowly came back around, feeling rather worked up. She could feel the slight indentations in the cheap pleather seating at her feet; no doubt from the squirming and twitching at those heinous thoughts. She decided to sit up, wondering if the boy had been watching. It seemed he had, as his elbow was nestled on his knee, chin resting into his palm while he looked on. Though they met gazes, he didn't balk away from her this time as he had. The girl could feel herself growing flush, letting out a slight cough before resuming an upright position. Oh god, he saw... christ, I need to chill out. Come on, this is just ridiculous.

~Slip on, into any disguise...
I'll still know you...~

Her eyes closed; slowly, she exhaled through her nostrils once more before gently squeezing her knees. Alright, only a little longer. Then... then I can–

The girl felt the whoosh of the air brakes bringing the bus to a stop. Startled, she looked up and saw the doors opening, as if to let someone off. Looking back, she saw her friend get up, grabbing his board with one hand as he casually walked towards the exit. She didn't want to look him in the eyes, didn't want him to see how worked up she had gotten over something so... heady . Her eyes pulled away, becoming affixed to a spot on the floor in the walkway. She watched his pace slow, coming to a stop in front of her. The girl's eyes widened a bit as she met his gaze. He gave her a grin of sorts, all while reaching down towards her feet. A slight gasp escaped her, eyes shutting tightly as her toes gently curled for the inevitable touch upon her feet.

She waited...

And waited...

It was the longest few seconds of her young life.

But as fate would have it, the touch never came.

~Look into my private eyes...~

She gently cracked open her eyes, enough to see what had kept the devilish touch from caressing her so. It seemed her friend had other ideas, instead settling on scooping up her skimpy sandals between his first two fingers instead. With eyes ablaze with questions, she could only manage to open her mouth in protest before words of his own cut her off.

“... You don't mind, do you? Next time I see you, you can have them back. Seems you didn't care much for wearing them anyway, am I right?”

“I... but–“ Her words were almost like a whisper; the boy looked at her while she returned the favor. After a few seconds, a smile slowly started to creep upon her face before letting out a sigh. Raising a hand, she waved him off before hearing a chuckle escape him. “Alright then.” With flip-flops in tow, he started walking once more, descending the steps before stopping once again. He looked at her again, watching as she idly sat by watching. “Next time, you might want to be careful about putting on a show. The next person might not be so nice.”

The last words struck a nerve deep inside, making her eyes widen as she looked at him. Throwing the board onto the ground, she watched him skate off as the bus started rolling on once more. Eventually, he became little more than a blip in the distance before disappearing completely. It wasn't much longer until she felt herself tugging at the cord for the bus to stop. The girl could feel the cool metal against the soles of her feet as she walked up the isle; a few of the others looked at her, no doubt wondering what had happened to her footwear.

Getting off, she felt a breeze blow against her; making her bury her hands into her pockets as she clutched the bag closer to her chest. In a roar, the bus took off, leaving her barefooted on the sidewalk.

The girl gazed around, wondering where the boy had taken off to, and if she'd ever see him again. Maybe it had been a mistake to let him take her sandals she thought, as she started walking in the direction of her apartment.

Looking around, she saw a few other pedestrians looking over at her for the obvious lack of footwear. Her mind began to dwindle onto thoughts of her bus ride, and she could once again feel the tingling moving along her legs.

Maybe I should stop somewhere; get myself together.

She saw a cafe not too far from where she was; maybe a block or two at most. One of those little dives with tables outside with umbrellas for shade. Yes, that would do fine; a coffee or something would make her feel better.

While she walked, she could hear the boy's words ringing out into her mind.

“Next time, you might want to be careful about putting on a show.”

She smiled a bit at the thought, picking up her pace and hoping that an outside table would be free when she arrived. How many people would stop and stare, she wondered... Or do worse.

“So, your little bus ride wasn't enough? You didn't think we'd let you get away with walking in bare feet, did you?” She watched the waitresses pick up a strand of rope, walking towards her with malice etched onto their faces. Sipping on her coffee, she grinned like an idiot before she brought her ankles together, taking care to wiggle those shining toes for all to see.

Oh yes; the next time she saw that boy... Well...

“The next person might not be so nice.”

She would definitely be sure to thank him.
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