First - focus on your content. Make sure it is good. There are about 100 factors that go into a Google search. Content is pretty much number one.
Next, focus on setting up your site properly. Use CSS and xHTML and the spiders will love your clean website layout.
Next, add the right meta-tags to your page. Don't over do it, but focus on the description tag and make it relevant. The keywords tag is useful too. Just dont over do it.
Next, liberally scatter your keywords in your copy. If you want to show up for red widgets, make sure the spiders get some inkling that your blog is about red widgets.
Attracting quality links is good, but is not necessary to show up in the rankings, it may even harm you with the wrong links. Hopefully people will link to you naturally, but getting good links is not the be all and end all.
Try use web master world or another forum of this ilk to learn more Search Engine Optimisation techniques.
Number 1, is good content. Oh, and be prepared to wait up to 4 months to rank well for competitive keywords.
Good luck