Any lovers of the ol' stretched sole here? For me, there's nothing more devastating than working over a girl's sole when she's powerless to curl her toes. Plus, it's easy to get underneath her toes and to that overlooked area where the ball of her foot transitions to her arch.
When I've looked at videos, TCs seem to do a great job at this, especially that blonde, Sara. She always grabbed those wiggly toes, puled them back, and danced her nails over that taut arch.
I've got some pics to illustrate my point. I'll post 'em in a bit, but wanted to see if there were any other aficianados here
When I've looked at videos, TCs seem to do a great job at this, especially that blonde, Sara. She always grabbed those wiggly toes, puled them back, and danced her nails over that taut arch.
I've got some pics to illustrate my point. I'll post 'em in a bit, but wanted to see if there were any other aficianados here