MMmmmmmmmm Pedicures!
As a regular pedicuree...hehe I couldn't reist this topic. Yes, every pedicure has that "foot bottom scrubby."
A lot of folks think a pedicure is just tending to the nails, but actually it's tending to the whole foot and ankles. First you soak your feet in mini jacuzzi (If you're at a reputable place) then follow it by having them scrubbed in the most delicious tickly way! Any rough skin is sloughed off of the soles, tops, heels and ankles as your pedicurist runs their hands all over your feet. The bottoms of the toes are tended to as well. My girl always uses a buffing creme and gently washes between each toe slowly. And everytime, after all these years, she asks, "What? Does that tickle?" And I say yes and she giggles. She knows I'm a bit odd about having my feet "just so" though. 😉
My salon has a lovely Rose-Petal soak that I do once in a while. Personally, I just like the look of my feet resting in that lush bowl full of multicolor petals floating around my legs.
Finish it all up with a nice massage and I can conquer the world!