All those things you see in various tickle videos are usually custom built. They pretty much just as expensive to have a generic bondage device ordered built and shipped to you as it is to just go to a local shop and hand them designs .
oh and bedsides being wrapped in leather and "nailed" with shiny silver "buttons" I shit you not that "mantis" is just a work out bench with the bench press bar tied in place on the bench rack, with the girl sitting backward (opposite then you'd normally sit to bench press) Feet on press bar, hand tied to the bottom support (usually where you'd attach a leg press)
15 bucks at a thrift store, sand down edges, wrap in leather or just bare, tie/solder/secure the press bar down (VERY IMPORT TO SECURE OR IT COULD FALL ON HER) and then some generic straps/cuffs from the local perv store. I have/use one on muh wifey all the time :cool
hope that helped