I see some of the posts here who have smilies in there sigs. As do I. Some of these have tickling in them and I was wondering where they found those type of smilies/ or how to make them.
This is the tickle smiley that is available right here:
You first click on "Get More" which appears under the 15 smilies that are always shown when you are posting or editing a post.
A new little window will open with more smilies. The tickle smiley is fourth from the bottom in the right hand column. Here it is again:
Jordan...Here's a page full of snilie sites I put together a while back. You may find some others there. http://home.attbi.com/~tklchamber/0-smilieslinks.html AFA how to make ones that move, you have to be at least somewhat familiar with animation programs to do them. It's just a series of pics rotated to produce the movement. I haven't played with animation yet myself. But, they don't look too difficult to do.