Boy, this will give everyone a headache:
Here we go. I'm going to put God in this explanation, so those of you who are athiests, just take it out, those who are Christian can have ammo because it does make logical sense, (and is probably correct) and the fundamentalists well, you'd better go tickle someone somewhere, this will hurt.
Everything, everymovement of water arc of a thrown stone, or growth of a tree happens along mathematical lines. Even the changes and effects are caused by mathematical causes and effects. When they say they can find an equation for everything, they're right.
Except, of course, emotions. Emotions don't follow mathematical precision because they're just emotions. You can measure your pleasure in theoretical terms...(for me, tickling that girl is better than tickling that other girl...tickling that girl while she is wearing nude colored pantyhose is 679 times better than tickling her with plain old black socks on...etc.) We can feel there is a quantifying emotional scale, but I guess only God knows what that is.
Now, in math, there is a number scale. The number "infinity" is real. But it is just that, infinity, the final number. You can't say (infinity + 1) because infinity is already infinity plus one. There isn't a number higher than that.
Now, when scientists discover all these equations and numbers, they do just that. They "discover" them. They don't "invent" numbers, or equations. They're basically using what's already there. If other alien races exist out there, they too, may have "discovered" a form of math. Math is a constant. Math is math. Whatever forms there are, all mathmatical functions are equal, in the sense that if a book falls off a table, and a human, an alien from the next planet, one from the next galaxy, and another from the galaxy farthest from ours were watching it, they would all observe that the book fell off the table at point A and hit the floor at point B in time C. They may measure it in their own alien dialect and writings, but all the measurements would be equal. That is why if we ever meet aliens, we will probably communicate through mathmatics, because math is constant throughout the universe.
Now, here's where the headache comes in:
Who invented math?
We can discover how math works, but to actually invent the invisible math itself, well, that's God. My math teacher described this for us, and everyone stood confused because hey couldn't comprehend it. The few of us who could tried to explain it to everyone else, but they just wanted to forget about it and go eat lunch.
Beyond the universe there is infinite nothingness. The universe is expanding into this void. But since God is already infinite, he observes the universe expanding from the outside and the inside. He invented the math to make the universe work and expand.
We can never get there, because let's say you create a ship that can travel really fast. The universe is currently expanding. You race to the edge. The universe already has a head start, and it's going so fast that you would never be able to catch up to it.
It gets more complicated. We see around us three dimensions. There is no dimension, which is a point (if a creature inhabited this universe, it would think that it was a god, because it would encompass it's entire universe) You have one dimensions, a line, where the creatures can only see the point in front of them. You have flatland, where the creatures see lines, and you have three dimensions, where we see flat planes we judge to be distance and space. What is beyond this?
Obviously thee would be a fourth dimension, where you could see all the way around a three dimensional object and the inside and outside at the same time. (look at a square on a sheet of paper at it's level, and you only see a line. Stand up and you can see all four side AND the inside.)
If there is a fourth dimension, there must be a fifth, sixth...up until an infinite dimension, where God is at. But if you are the third dimesion, you are also in one and two dimesions. So God can exist in all dimesions at the same time. Think of them as being one inside the other. A plane consists of many one dimensional world lines.
The universe is expanding forward in time, into infinite dimesnions, though we can only see three of them. There may be other three dimensional universes out there. Imagine standing in a room. You look down and see a plane, where there lives many flat creatures. You look up and there are more planes, each with it's own flat world. But the creatures in one flatland can't possible look up into a third dimesnion to see creatures of another flat land, or our three dimensional world, either. We can't see through the fourth dimension to see if there are other three dimensional worlds out there, because it's impossible.
Of course, God really deosn't think about that much - even though He can think about all things all at once - because He is also infinite love. We can imagine the greatest forms of love - a person who dies so that others may be free, a person who gives an organ or a life to another so that they may live, a person who spends there life sacrificing so that others may feel comfort (Mother Theresa, etc.) or someone who gives up their life caring for a sick or crippled child or spouse, or even a stranger. Things like that can't be measured by instruments, and if they could, many of those instruments would break.
Of course, their is unmeasurable hatred also: slave traders in Sudan who cut the limbs off of slaves who disobey them, terrorists who hate so much they would give their lives, not to help others, but to kill as many as they can so that their will dominates, people filled with so much pride they would topple a family or nation to inflict their will on others, abusive parents, spouses, gang members who prey on the innocent for their own enjoyment, etc. That list goes on and on also.
Hopefully more people concentrate on the love and not the hate, or all universes wouldn't be worth living in.
And we here can be thankful most of all - God invented tickling right after he invented math!