Re: Questions to those who claim they can tickle themselves.
TickledToDeath said:
While I find it hard to believe that some people can actually tickle themselves', I ask you, providing you CAN actually tickle yourself,
HOW do you do this?
How do you sustain the tickling without pulling your hand(s) away?
How long CAN you tickle yourself?
Do you laugh as if someone else is tickling you?
Please elaborate and explain this UTA(Unexplained Tickling Ability).
Inquizably yours,
Ok I am going to respond to this question and
try to be as detailed but brief as I can.
It is hard to explain just how I have this
ability but I'll start by saying that when I
tickle myself I always tickle myself in my
most extremely ticklish spot that always
generates a response.Also somehow I imagine
in my mind that someone else is doing the
tickling rather than keep that realization that
I am doing it with my own hands.I find personally
that it definitely helps me to be talking voice
Live to someone else and I am
listening to them telling me where,how they wish
for me to lightly caress,rake my fingertips,ect
where I am tickling .
As far as the length of time I can tickle myself ,it
varies from time to time..But it can be anywhere from
10 minutes to a good 25-30 minutes adjusting the touch
from slow lightly to the fast eager pitch that makes me
squeal,laugh contagiously not being able to utter words
in between bursts..then sometimes ending in the slow
sensual adoration of every inch,hollow,ect.
I believe that even though I can tickle myself and it
definitely makes me laugh loud,and long but I also
believe that tickling myself in this way from time to time
still isn;t the same as having someone else doing the
tickling..It's different not having someone else to look
at and see the facial reactions,the communication between
the ticklee and ler is different too ,all I go by is
by a voice that I can associate with whoever I am having
a conversation with on the phone,messenger whereas if I
were in the same room with the tickler then I would have
many other aspects that were missing from the phone call
that were present in the room..So in closing I would say
that I feel gifted with this ability but it still will not
EVER take the place of being tickled by another person!
Ok that is pretty detailed I think ,I hope your not even
more confused now ..I hope that I answered your questions
to where you are enlightened..