the answers revealed (shhh no cheating)
1) Animal I would be...
I have a lot of people ask me that, especially since I did work with Backbreaker Studios which handles a lot of furry (anthropomorphic) artwork. The reason is that if you sat all the animals on the Noah's Ark alphabetically Aardvark would be first!
2) This is a tough one for people who know me well. Although I am a Wierd Al fan I admire Mel Brooks the most. He inspired me a lot during my college years. Another cool celeb I'd like to meet would be John Cleese.
3) Where in the US would I like to live. I lived 17 years in San Diego and have some friends there who I have known for 10 to 20 years. I miss them a lot. I have friends in the bay area but I feel a greater connection there.
4) What is my obscure collection?
I do have an extensive collection of dice. But nothing compared to around 1200 business cards. There are folx with tens of thousands of them, so mine isn't huge but it is my largest and more obscure collections.
5) Where would I go on Earth for a vacation if I could?
I'd say China only because there is so much history there for me to explore.
6) least favorite flavor
black licorice is like tire rubber to me, blech!
7) Favorite comic: I read the original Tick series and have read the new books. They are funny but there isn't a lot of depth to the comedy that the old books had. Usagi Yojimbo is one of my all time favorites. I have read all of them up to the current issue, many of them signed. Also helps that the creator is good friends with my friend Smudge.
8) Favorite show I'd have to watch. The Simpsons. Some of the best writing on television for a comedy show.
9) Favorite snacky food, TATER TOTS. I grew up on them...mmm but I don't fry mine in oil, I bake em so they are a bit healthier.
10) old joke, water.