Hey, whiney babies...
The lame part here isn't the age of the thread or photo, it's the "OMG SOMETHING MUST BE DONE" reaction to it. I've seen several things come up over the years that I missed the first time around. On one hand, you all talk about the "classics" where it pertains to some vids or pic collections. With this attitude, they should just die after a predetermined time. So what... any vids from, say... Tickle Abuse... should just be locked away in 5 years never to be seen again?
As for resurrecting old threads, I'll agree that there's no reason to bump anything relating to the 2004 Presidential Election or the thread "How do you think Seinfeld will end?!??!" But as far as pics, vids, or art is concerned, I don't see how a foot tickling hog-tie photo stops being relevant in a tickling/fetish forum.