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Ranma 1/2: The Tickling Tournament, part 4


4th Level Red Feather
Jul 12, 2003
Ranma ½ - The Martial Arts Tournament – The Finals

Akane watched the match before her own with growing apprehension. The Amazon girl was too confident, too… smirking, Akane noted with annoyance, glancing over at Shampoo once more and looking at the expression on her face. Shampoo noticed Akane looking at her and smirked even more wickedly, making Akane growl and turn away abruptly, though not before fidgeting some.

“Great-grandmother was right,” Shampoo muttered to herself in glee. “Games with head of other contestant do work!”

Meanwhile, Ranma was completely unconcerned with the mini-war between the two girls and sat happily on the sidelines, eating some of Ukyo’s okonomiyaki with gusto. Ukyo also grinned, but for her it was a struggle to keep the sweet, slightly dopey-looking smile on her face as Ranma unwittingly wove himself further and further into her trap. Ukyo giggled and glanced over at Nabiki, who was running the okonomiyaki stand for today. Since that episode with Akane and Ukyo tickling her feet, the business had picked up considerably, with a greater number of young men waiting in line for some Japanese pizza. Ukyo had to admit this was in no small part thanks to Nabiki’s own salesmanship.

“Don’t you want some extra topping?” Nabiki asked sweetly. “This special sauce makes the okonomiyaki with squid taste twice as good!”

“Well, I dunno…” the young man at the stand said uncertainly. “I like the one with squid just the way it is…”

“But I worked so hard on this sauce… won’t you at least try some?” Nabiki asked with a quick wink. Blushing slightly, the young man paid a bit extra and let Nabiki pour some sauce from a bottle onto his okonomiyaki.

“Nabiki’s always been good when it comes to money,” Ranma said to Ukyo around a mouthful of his own pizza. “She’ll make you a lot of money, I’m sure.”

And I’ll make even more when I win this tournament, and on top of it I’ll get a date with you… Ukyo giggled to herself and winked at Ranma, then walked over to Nabiki. “Say, Nabiki… what exactly IS that special sauce you keep coercing these young men into getting?”

Nabiki shrugged nonchalantly. “Soy sauce.”

“SOY sauce?” Ukyo asked.

“They won’t know the difference,” Nabiki said airily. “Look.” The young man who had just purchased some pizza was staring at the girls in the ring and munching robotically. “It could be tap water and they’d never know the difference.”

Ukyo just gave Nabiki a slightly strange look and returned her attention to the ring, where the first bout had just been concluded.

“Now, for the second round of the quarterfinals… Akane vs. Shampoo! The young, pretty hometown girl against the exotic beauty from China!”

“Akane isn’t pretty!” Ranma yelled. “She’s violent and – “


“Shut up, Ranma!” Akane growled, having thrown the slightly startled announcer’s stool at him.

“Ah… anyway,” he stammered, going on with his pre-fight speech. “Ladies, take your places in the ring!”

“This is it… I’m sorry, Akane, but I can’t let you date that jerk Ranma,” Ryoga muttered to himself, eyeing the ring from behind a set of bleachers. Akane saw him anyway and waved, making him blush. “Gyaah! Can I really… sabotage… Akane?” Ryoga then looked over and saw Ranma making faces at her. “That settles it… no matter what the cost, I can’t let you take Akane, Ranma Saotome…”

“So, Ranma Saotome, you think you can have Shampoo? Heh heh… Not a chance,” Mousse chuckled to himself, looking at the ring from the other end of the bleachers. “Shampoo, I do this for your own good.”

Apparently Shampoo was not of the same opinion. “I see you Mousse! You not mess Shampoo up or you clean floors for ten year when I finish!”

“Eeek!” Mousse whimpered, ducking behind the stand until she looked away.

“Ready, and… go!” the announcer cried, backing away from the pair of them.

Akane brought her hands up and flexed her fingers quickly. “Come on, then. If you’re so confident, how about you make the first move?” Akane grinned.

“Akane not be so haughty when Shampoo use – eeek!!!” Shampoo was cut off in mid-sentence as another chain whipped through the air where she had been standing. “Mousse! I told you stop that!”

Mousse ignored her and tossed another salvo of chains at Shampoo.

Akane was slightly bewildered, but she knew an opportunity when she saw one and stepped forward to go on the offensive. Just as she was about to strike, however… something wrapped itself around her ankles and sent her to the mat with a truncated screech. Looking back, she saw that one of Ryoga’s headbands had tied her ankles together…?

“I…I’m sorry Akane!” Ryoga stuttered. “B-but I can’t…”

“What do you mean you can’t – EEK!” Akane rolled away from the next blizzard of bandannas – and rolled right into Shampoo’s leg.

“Aha!” she said triumphantly, springing onto the backs of Akane’s legs and bending her knees so that the girl’s bound feet were in the air, soles up.

“Ack!” Akane cried in surprise. She looked up, hoping that the next round of chains would stop Shampoo – and watched in dismay as Ryoga deflected them from their intended target.

“Hey! What do you think you’re doing?” Mousse yelled.

“What does it look like? I’m making sure Akane loses!” Ryoga yelled back.

“That’s not fair! Shampoo is the one who is supposed to lose!” Mousse countered, launching an attack of his own and beginning a battle around the perimeter of the ring.

“Akane going to give up for sure!” Shampoo said with glee, locking one arm around Akane’s legs and, concentrating for a moment, running her nails down Akane’s soles.

“GHeeeek! EHEheheheheheh!!! HEheheehhahaha!!!! Ahahahahheheheeh no hahahehehehe!!!” Akane cried out, wriggling and twisting her upper body, trying to get an angle where it might be possible to reach Shampoo, but with the Chinese girl sitting on the backs of her legs, it was nearly impossible to reach her. Akane, realizing that wouldn’t work, next recalled what Nabiki had said. Don’t let it bother me… don’t let it bother me… she repeated over and over to herself. “Heheheehahahahahee…! Hahahaaha ahahahehehe! Hehehehehehe…”

“Hey!” Shampoo stopped, and did a half-turn to look at Akane, somewhat irritated. “Why you stop laughing? Tell Shampoo what you do!”

“You wish!” Akane growled, planting her arms on the mat and giving her legs a mighty kick, tossing Shampoo into the air. She landed across the ring on her feet, and grinned.

“Akane maybe won that bout, but Shampoo use special technique right away next time!” Shampoo assumed a stance.

“It’s – over for you!” Akane grunted, leaning down to untie her ankles – and promptly toppled over as another bandanna wrapped itself around her, effectively hogtying her, both ankles and one hand together. With a little screech she fell over onto her back.

“Gotcha!” Ryoga exclaimed triumphantly, as Shampoo moved in for the kill…

Akane saw her coming, albeit upside down… as she concentrated, she saw that just as Shampoo reached her, it seemed as if the girl had six arms… then it happened.

“GYAHAHAHAHHEEHEHHAHAHAHAH AHAAHHA AHAHHEHEHAH AHAAHAHA EHEHEHEHEHAH AHAHA AHAHA HEHEHEHE!!!” In the blink of an eye Akane was in hysterics. It felt as if there were fingers in every possible square inch of her upper body – wriggling under her arms… “GHAHAHAHAHEHHEEHH AAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAH!!!!” Tracing along her ribs and sides… “AHAHHEHEHE GYAHAHAHHA AHAHAHEHEEEHEHEHEHEH AHAHAHAA!!!” Skittering along her belly and poking into her bellybutton… “GHAAHHEHAHAHAHHWAHAHAHAH AHAHWHWHAAH AHAHAHA AHAHAHAH!!!!” Everywhere… everywhere at once! “GHAHHAHAHAHAHAAH NO NO PLHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHHEHEHEEHZEZEEHEHEEH HEEHEHEHEHEH NO NAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHA!!!” Akane knew that she had no chance… which was why it surprised her when all of the sudden, the tickling subsided.

“Hehhehehehe… huh?” What happened…? Akane wondered. That other girl was laughing for a minute straight… why did it…? Her answer lay just a foot away – Shampoo was wrapped head to toe in chains.

“Whoa!” Ranma exclaimed. “Did she really just grow six arms?”

“That is the Strike of the Asura,” Cologne said gravelly. “A technique developed over four thousand years of –“

“Yeah, yeah, I know,” Ranma snapped impatiently.

“No, Shampoo did not grow six arms… instead, she is able to manipulate her battle aura to feel like physical touches…” Cologne explained. “And she can move them at incredible speed… far faster than even you can move your arms, even with your Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire technique.” (Author’s Note: I forget the real name of the technique. Sue me.) “Akane was only able to resist because Shampoo used the technique for a mere fraction of a second before that boy stopped her.”

“Yes! Haha!” Mousse exclaimed triumphantly. “Got her!” Akane, still a bit weak and giggly, managed to untie herself with her free hand, and pounced joyfully on the Amazon. Not wishing to risk anything further, she went right for the weakness – the feet. “Akane! Catch!” Mousse cried out, tossing a pair of hairbrushes at Akane, who deftly snagged them and began to run them along Shampoo’s soles.


“Maybe you’ll keep this in mind next time you think about cooking up some evil plot!” Akane said forcefully. “You’re finished, Shampoo!” Akane rolled the hairbrushes under Shampoo’s toes.


“That’s it!” the announcer called. “Time! Akane is the winner!”

“All right!” Mousse cried out, as Ryoga muttered in annoyance. Mousse took off and fled.

“Mousse!!!! You get back here! Shampoo thrash you good!” the Amazon girl yelled, extricating herself from the chains and running after him.

“Ah well, it was a good try,” Cologne said. “That boy showed more backbone than I thought he would… hmm… well, I guess that’s it for us, son-in-law.”

“Nyah!” Ranma cried. Cologne hopped away after Mousse and Shampoo.

“Phew… heehee…” Akane giggled, still worked up from the battle. “Wow! It’s your turn, Ranma.”

“Heh heh!” Ranma said, cracking his knuckles. “This’ll be a cinch! I know Ukyo’s weak spots inside and out!”

“I know you do, Ranma honey,” Ukyo said, mocking sweetness shot through in her tone. “Oh, and silly me, I wore my leggings. It just makes me that much more vulnerable.”

Akane blinked. She’s up to something… why would she be so confident…?

Ranma, in his usual cockiness, failed to notice anything out of the ordinary as he clambered up into the ring and showed off some more. Ukyo climbed up in a more sedate manner, though the announcer held the microphone protectively lest Ukyo try and snatch it for some more promotion.

Ryoga, in the meantime, was trying to think of a hiding spot so Akane wouldn’t come after him and yell… he spotted a hose nearby and ran over.

“P-chan!” Akane cried in delight as Ryoga, now in pig form, scuttled across the grounds and leapt into Akane’s arms. “Oh, where have you been? I’ve missed you! Heehee!”

Ranma noticed this and growled in annoyance, but resolved to let it pass for the time being. Instead he faced Ukyo, who giggled and winked at him. “I’m not going to go easy on you just because we were friends!” Ranma called out.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way, sugar,” Ukyo said.

“And… go!” the announcer said, stepping back a few paces.

“I’ve got you nooooooooooooooooooooooow – what the?” Ranma cried, as he stumbled and fell halfway across the ring. “I feel so… heavy! What the – what’s going on?”

Ukyo smirked and walked over to where Ranma lay, completely stretched out on the mat. “Remember that okonomiyaki you ate just before this match? Well, it had an extra special ingredient in it… a little sauce that makes your muscles weak for a little while! You can’t move, Ranma honey.”

Ranma struggled and tried to get up, but he found that indeed he was too weak to do much more than wiggle.

“Oh, Ranma, you goof,” Akane sighed, putting a hand to her forehead.

“H-hey! This isn’t fair, Ukyo! I wasn’t gonna – “

“No rules, remember, Ranma?” Ukyo said, chuckling as she knelt over Ranma’s prone form, easily pulling aside his loose shirt and dancing her nails along Ranma’s sides.

“EEEEEEEK!! EEHHEHEHEHEHEH!! HHAHAHEHEHEHAH!!! AHHAAH!!!” Ranma shrieked, trying to thrash or roll away but only managing a feeble wiggle. Ukyo giggled.

“How cute!” she said, skittering her nails up and down Ranma’s sides, reaching into his underarms and navel to find where was the most sensitive point. Apparently, thus far all parts were equally sensitive, equally VERY sensitive. Ranma shrieked with laughter.

I’ve only got a minute or so to think of a way out! Ranma thought in panic. Otherwise I’ll be stuck on a date with Akane or Ukyo…! But I can’t move… what can I do…? “GHAHAHHEHEHHEHAHHAH AEEEEEEEEEEEEK HEEHAHAHAH STOP STOPPIT GHAYAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! HAHEHEEHAHAAAHH NO PLHEEHEEHEHEEHEHEZE!!!”

“Do you surrender, Ranma?” the announcer asked intently.

“NOHOOHOHOHHOOHHOHOHO!!! I’LL NEVER!!! AHAHAHAHEHhehHHAAHAH!!!!” Ranma tried frantically to think of a way to do anything! But it was hopeless… Only a few seconds remaining… and then Ukyo stopped.

“Ehehehhehe…hehehehe… eh? Ukyo? Ukyo…???” Ranma managed to turn his head and look behind him.

“If Shampoo no get to date Ranma, then no one dates Ranma!” The Chinese girl was back with a vengeance, and forgoing her special technique for the sake of watching Ukyo squirm. Shampoo had Ukyo’s stocking feet in an arm lock and was viciously running her nails on the other girl’s feet.

“NAHAHAAHAHAHAHEHEHEHAHAHAH AHAHAHHA HEY YOU STAHAHAHAHAHAHAAP STAY OUT OF THIHIHIHIIIIIIIIIIIS!!! HEEHEHEHEHEHE!!!” Ukyo tried to kick her feet free but Shampoo had a vise grip on them. In a moment of clarity, though, she noticed that Shampoo had carelessly left her own feet pointing back at Ukyo… With a frenzy born of intense tickling Ukyo grabbed one of Shampoo’s feet and went after the base of her toes.

“GYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!” Shampoo shrieked, temporarily losing the rhythm on Ukyo’s feet as she felt Ukyo’s fingers dance on her toes, playing a hideous game of ‘this little piggy’. Then Shampoo, too, regained enough control to dig her fingers back into Ukyo’s stockings. The result was chaos.


“Oh my! It looks like Shampoo and Ukyo have gotten into a massive tickle fight! Who will come out on top, and what will it mean for Ranma, saved from defeat by Shampoo?”

“It means that I’m going to win this match!” Ranma proclaimed defiantly. Already, he could feel the strength returning to his muscles. Not much, barely enough to allow him to get to his knees, but it was an improvement.


“LOOK WHO’S TALKING HEHEHAHAHHGHAHAHA HAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA!!!!!” Ukyo lost her concentration as Shampoo found a spot at the base of her toes and dug in viciously.

“Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!” From Akane’s arms, P-chan shot out, headbutting Shampoo and causing her to topple backwards with a squeak.

“Ryoga?” Ranma said incredulously.

“I’m sick of you thinking you can just come in and interfere to get your way!” Akane said, also climbing into the ring. “I’m going to teach you a lesson you’ll NEVER forget!”

“C…count me in!” Ukyo said, scrambling to her feet and breathing hard, trying to shake the residual giggles. “I want to get this little witch back!” With a yell, the both of them lunged at Shampoo, pinning her to the mat. Ukyo held Shampoo’s arms above her head and Akane set to work all over Shampoo’s upper body, tickling under her arms first and making her way down…

“Ghahahehheheahah ahaahahahahheeh!! HAhaahahhHAAHAHhehehe!!! AHahhAAHahahahhahehehhehee heheheheh!!! HEHEHEHEHEH!!! AHAHAHAHH!!!!” Shampoo laughed increasingly louder, as her belly and sides were more ticklish than her underarms, and Akane spent some time giving Shampoo’s sides squeezes and pokes, enjoying her bucking and giggling.

“Who’s the boss now, Shampoo? Hmm?” Ukyo said, mocking Shampoo as Akane worked her over.

“Looks like our violent little Amazon has a soft side!” Akane chuckled in return. “Two of them!” Akane dug her hands into Shampoo’s sides again.

“GYEEEEEKE EHEHEHEHEHEHHE EHHHHEAHHAAH!!! AHHAHAHEHEH!!! NAHAHAHAH!!” Shampoo squealed, tossing her head back and forth.

Meanwhile Ranma had regained his feet and was watching the melee with interest, not saying anything and letting them go about their work.

“Well, should we move on to the best part?” Ukyo asked with a grin.

“By all means,” Akane answered with a smile, stopping her own tickling, and Ukyo released Shampoo’s wrists.

Shampoo smirked in triumph. “Big mistake!” With a quick motion, her hands assumed a particular stance… “Ancient Chinese Amazon technique! Strike of the Asura!” And, again, it seemed as if Shampoo merely poked Akane…

“GHAHAHHAHAHHAH A AHHAHAHEHEEH AHAHH AHAH AHHAHA OH OHAHHAHEHEHEHEH OOHOHOHOHOHOHOAHAHAH EHEHEH NO NO NAAHAHAHAHEHHEHEAHHAAHHAHAAH STOOOOP PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEZE AAHHAAHHEHEHEHAHA GYAHHAAH!!!” Akane was rolling about the mat in a flash, laughing insanely as she swatted to ward off the attacks that had, in fact, already taken place and were just now being felt by her body’s nervous system. Ukyo backed away a step, and Shampoo grinned. Ukyo took off running chased by Shampoo, and the only laughter that remained was Akane’s.

“Well… although technically there are no rules… you’re not supposed to leave the ring… and she doesn’t look to be coming back for awhile,” the announcer opined as Ukyo cleared the horizon. “That means Ranma is the winner! And the next match is Ranma vs. Akane… both combatants are already in the ring. So…” the announcer glanced at the still-hysterical Akane and shrugged. “Go!”

Ranma stretched lazily, and watched the residual effects of Shampoo’s technique do their work. Akane was still down laughing. “HGHAHAHAHHEHEHE HAHA HEY HEY WAIIIIT EHEHEHEHHAHAAHAHHAHA THIS ISN’T FAIHIIIIIR!! EHEHHEHEHAAHAH AAAAAAAHAHHAH GAHAHAHHEYEHEHEHEHAHAHHAH!!!! STOPPIT!!! HEHEHEHEHE!!!”

“No rules, Akane, remember?” Ranma grinned lazily. He waited for the countdown to reach zero.

Meanwhile P-chan was dancing a little dance of glee along the sidelines. Without his even having to do anything, Akane was going to lose, and not date Ranma! Best of all, she wouldn’t even be able to blame him for this… and he could always claim the other thing had been Mousse’s idea all along…

With that, and Akane finally winding down, but still giggling and completely unable to move, Ranma was again declared the winner, without really even lifting a finger. Akane’s father, Soun, carted his weak and giggly daughter off of the ring and into the stands.

“Well, Ranma is still in the tournament. And there’s only one opponent left to go. I think we’ve got this prize wrapped up, eh Saotome?” Soun asked.

“Yes! To think that we’ll finally have some money… I’m so proud!” Genma looked starry-eyed at the prospect of having more than 1000 yen to his name.

“Remember, Saotome, first you have to pay for the repairs to my dojo…”

“Oh yes.” Genma sat down, coughed, and did his best to look sage. “Of course. I hadn’t forgotten, Tendo.”

As luck would have it, Ranma’s final opponent decided that it wouldn’t be worth the effort to try and fight him for first prize. So, cheering and congratulating himself, Ranma walked up to the first prize table… “Wait a minute!” the announcer called. “You still have one more match to go.”

“What? Against who?” Ranma demanded. “The other girl forfeit! I won!”

“But you still have to fight the final match,” he replied. “Against the founder of the tournament herself… Kusuguri!”

“Kusuguri?” Akane wondered to herself. “Who would have a name like that…?” (Author’s Note: The name is a derivative of ‘tickle’ in Japanese. I didn’t know that until MC told me. XD)

“H-hey!” Ranma exclaimed as the woman walked out of the ladies’ changing rooms. “You’re that girl…”

“Indeed I am,” Kusuguri said with a slight giggle. “My name is Kusuguri and I’m the founder of the Tickling School of Martial Arts.”

“Tickling school?” Ranma asked, slightly agape.

Kusuguri nodded with a gentle smile and another giggle. “Oh yes. I always did like making people laugh – jokes, pictures, tickling, anything. And I never could stand to hurt someone else. So I made my own school of self-defense martial arts that wasn’t harmful to anyone.”

“Whoa… well, ah, nevermind then. Let’s just get this over with so I can claim the grand prize!” Ranma exclaimed, leaping into the ring. Kusuguri gracefully swung a long leg over the edge and pulled herself up. As Ranma had remarked before, she was pretty, with long brown hair, blue eyes and an elfin little mouth that was always smiling. Her form was lithe and looked to be quick and fit: Ranma could tell that this was not someone to be taken lightly. Thus, as she removed her business suit to reveal a workout outfit, Ranma steadied himself and prepared for an actual battle, not just a pushover or a fluke. The effects of Ukyo’s weakening sauce seemed to have worn off, so Ranma felt 100% for this battle.

“And let the final match of the Martial Arts Tickling Tournament commence!” the announcer cried, ringing the bell.

“Yaaaah!!!” Ranma yelled, charging forward, hands at the ready to strike quickly… he aimed for Kusuguri’s sides. Kusuguri didn’t leap away or strike back as he had expected – rather, with a graceful flowing motion, she leaned out of his way, and quick as a whip had snuck her fingers under his arms. “Eyeeheheheheheheeeek!!” Ranma cried, stumbling and clapping his hands to his underarms.

“Wow, she’s fast…!” Akane said, watching from the stands. “That’s amazing!”

Ranma turned, this time really determined to get an attack in, and Kusuguri’s pleasant smile did nothing to improve his mood. “I’ll get you this time!”

“Oh, I’m sure you will eventually,” Kusuguri said pleasantly. “I’m rather ticklish if I do say so myself. It should be quite a fun show!” Ranma advanced more cautiously this time, edging closer and closer to Kusuguri, who still showed no sign of adopting anything like a fighting stance. Ranma noticed that every time he took a step, Kusuguri’s eyes would flicker towards his feet. An idea began to form in his head… to experiment, he changed his stance so that one foot was in the air… and Kusuguri struck in that moment.

“GYAHAHAHEHEHAHHHEHHAHHEHAHAHEHAH!!!” Ranma squealed, hopping backwards a few steps and rubbing his bare foot on the mat to try and get rid of the tickling sensation. “How’d you do that?” he snarled. He had barely seen her move…

Kusuguri giggled. “You’re going about this all the wrong way… you’ll never beat me if you keep trying this tactic.”

“Shut up!” Ranma shouted, lunging at Kusuguri – and feeling the other woman’s nails find his sides and rake up and down quickly. With a giggle and squeal Ranma fell face first onto the mat. Kusuguri took her chance and was sitting on Ranma’s back before he could roll away or react.

“Oh dear me. You seem to be in a ticklish situation!” Kusuguri giggled again and reached for one of Ranma’s feet. Ranma kicked his feet hard, preventing her from getting a grip of any kind on his ankle. “My, my. Still the stubborn one, aren’t we? It’s OK… most of my students take awhile before they understand this lesson.”

“Shut up! You’re getting on my nerves!” Ranma growled.

“Getting on his nerves…?” Akane mused to herself. “Ranma!” she called, standing up. “That’s it! Don’t let her get to you! If you’re going to be so uptight she’ll pick you apart!”

“Whaddya mean I can’t let her get to me? I’m so damn ticklish that – EEK!! EHEEHHAHAHHAEHHAHHEHAHEHAHEHA!!” Ranma squealed as Kusuguri caught his foot in a moment of distraction and ran her nails gently along the sole.

“Oh dearest me,” Kusuguri sighed. “Such soft soles. These call for… feathers.” Kusuguri reached into her outfit and withdrew a feather, a long soft white one. Ranma’s eyes bugged.

“Hey oh no don’t you dare touch me with that – GHYAHAHAHHAEHHAHHAHhHHAHAHEHEHAHAHEHAHAHHAH EHAHHA EHAHEHAHAH EHEHEHEHAHAHAHAEHEAHHAHAHEHAHAHAH AHAH A HAH EHAH!!” Kusuguri swept the feather from heel to toes, in particular concentrating on the arch and toes. Ranma seemed to be most sensitive there, and seemingly within a few seconds she had ascertained all the ticklish spots on his foot…

“And Kusuguri has Ranma in a leg-lock foot tickle!” the announcer called. “If she doesn’t get out soon she’ll be disqualified!!!”

Not now, Ranma pleaded, not after I’ve come so far! I have to win… have to! “Don’t let it get to you, Ranma!!!” Akane called. Right… sure, Ranma thought sarcastically, while laughing his head off and pounding the mat with his fists. Don’t let it get to me… ! “GhahAHAHHAHHEHEHAHHAHAH!! AHHAHHEHEHEEH STOP STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP STOPPIT HEHEEHEHEHEHAHAHAH GYAHAHAHHA AAAAAAHAHAHAHHA!! AHAHEHEHEHEHAHAHA!!! NO NO NAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHA!!!”

“That’s right! You have such a pretty laugh,” Kusuguri said sweetly, running the feather up and down along Ranma’s soles. She reached up to give his side a quick tickle… Ranma saw his chance. Twisting his upper body nearly all the way around, he grabbed her arm and tossed her aside, sending her flying into the mat.

“Ha ha! I gotcha that time!” Ranma said confidently, turning and going for the pounce on the downed Kusuguri. Only by the time he had reached the spot, Kusuguri had stood up and was a foot away.

“Tsk, tsk,” Kusuguri chided, putting away her feather. “You’re never going to learn at that rate.”

“Learn WHAT?!?!” Ranma shouted.

“Heeheehee,” Kusuguri giggled.

Then Ranma thought of something. Is it because I’m all uptight about this… and she’s being so carefree? Is that what the problem is here? He turned to Akane, still shouting “Don’t let her get to you!”

“Oh!” And then Ranma got it. Because he hated this tickling so much, its effects on him were far greater. If he loosened up and didn’t make such a scene about it… “I got it, Akane! Thanks!” And with that, Ranma turned back to Kusuguri, a grin on his face.

“Ah! You’re starting to understand… yay!” Kusuguri giggled, clapping her hands softly. “Come on now.” Kusuguri raised her arms above her head. “If you can get me, I’ll concede the match to you. Come on, give it a try!”

Ranma dropped his hands from the fighting stance he’d been using. “I get it now… martial arts aren’t the key to winning here.” Ranma took a gulp and said, “Here goes!” With what seemed to him to be dainty, silly steps he made his way towards Kusuguri. To everyone else, however… it seemed as if Ranma had suddenly warped the distance between the pair of them.

“Heeeheheeheheh!! haahahahAHAHAHahahaheheheh!!!” Kusuguri laughed sweetly, bringing her arms down with a whoop as Ranma ran his nails under her arms. “Ok ok hehheheheehahhaahahhaha stop! I surrender!”

“And the match is done!” the announcer cried as a great cheer went up from the audience. “Ranma Saotome is the winner of the Martial Arts Tickling Tournament!”

“Yeah!!!” Ranma exhorted. Then he contemplated what had happened. “How did acting carefree and silly make me move so fast…?”

“Because,” Kusuguri said with a giggle. “When there’s a place with so much tickling, it emits a great deal of energy. Those people who are in a good mood and carefree can harness that energy.”

“Oh…” Ranma said, not sure if this woman was being a quack or not. It sounded silly to him… but it had won him 200,000 yen! And he was free from those girls! Life was good.

“I got 200,000 yen,” Ranma sang as he skipped into the Tendo dojo. (Author’s Note: think to the tune of “Never gonna be a girl again…”) “I got 200,000 yen…”

“We know, Ranma, and we’re so proud of you!” Genma exclaimed. “You did such a wonderful job! I’m so happy!”

“Yeah, now he can pay us back for all the damage he’s done,” Akane said as they sat around the table while Kasumi went to prepare dinner. “At least something good will come of it.”

“Actually… I had something to say on that topic. First, I have something for you here, Ranma.” Soun Tendo handed Ranma a small, folded piece of paper.

“Hmm? What’s this?” Ranma asked, unfolding the piece of paper. “It’s… it’s… “ Ranma went pale in the face. “How could you do this to me??!” he yelled, throwing the paper aside.

“What’s wrong, boy, what is it?” Genma asked, snagging the piece of paper. “Lodging… Food… Damages… Baths… Tendo!!! This is a… BILL!!!”

“Why, yes, I figured it would be appropriate, since neither you nor Ranma have contributed to the upkeep of this household since you arrived… if I’m not mistaken, the bill comes out to 194,495 yen.”

“Then that means… all I’ve got left is… is… is…”

“5,005 yen,” Akane said with a hidden smirk on her face. “There’s your spending cash, Ranma. Use it wisely.” She giggled.

“It’ll go towards my hospital bill,” Ranma groaned. “Because right now, I don’t feel so good…” Ranma toppled over, swirly-eyed, as everyone around him laughed heartily.

Yes, it was just another normal day at the Tendo dojo.
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