well, i have this tape at home, so let me tell you a little about it, and about the scene in question.
First, the video. Now, gather round, as what i have to say is very important. If by chance, one day you happen to be walking by a video store, and see this video, don't just walk away, but run away screaming. Nothing this bad should ever have the words "Final Fantasy" attached to it. This video is an afront to all those who know and love Final Fantasy. Frankly, i wonder if the person responsible for agreeing to have this thing made was bound to the tickle torture machine to get them to sign the rights away.
Now, originally, i saw this video at a video rentle store when it just came out, so not surprisingly my eyes fixated on the "Final Fantasy" title, and it was off the shelf and into my bag as fast as possible. When i got home, i sadly made the choice of watching it. asside from the tickling scene this movie had no redeeming qualities. However, being a stickler for finishing series i start, i rented the second video and watched it, and not to surprisingly , wasn't impressed.
Some time later though, maybe six months, i found out a friend of mine who was also an avid gamer, apparently saw the same video at a store and bought it. Poor bastard. He of course, was as revolted as i, however, he couldn't return the video. So, being the friend i was, offered him $5 for it, and once he had finished his manacle laughter of evil glee, quickly gave me the video as fast as humanly possible.
Now, unto the tickling, which is really why your all reading this, aren't you? 😉
Basically, evil is stiring across the land, (you know the deal) and Linally is the guardian more or less, of the wind crystal. So, she set's off to check on it, with Prettz, the guy who apparently loves her, chasing after her. Linally is more or less a summoner who lacks any serious skill while Prettz is a fighter who's got a sword that could rival Spheroths masamune for sheer size. Anyway, they get to the windshrine, and the crystal buries itself in Linally, hidding itself so it wouldn't be able to be found by the bad guys.
Well, when they go to leave the windshrine they happen to get captured by the pirate Rouge(who incidently Prettz did a good job of pissing off on there way to the wind shrine, which is probably why she decides to torture him). During the kidnapping they capture the chief of the royal guard as well.
Once back at her pirate base, Rouge wants to know where the wind crystal is, and as Prettz refuses to talk, she says "I wonder how you'll respond to the most horrible torture in the world." And snaps her fingers.
The next scene you see a close up of prettz's face looking rather run down, sweat on his brow, and after a moment you see him struggling, then he bursts into laughter for a moment. He quickly closes his mouth tightly, but after a few more seconds he begins to laugh hysterically. We then go to Rouge smiling who says "I think he's responding well."
Then we are given a look as to whats happening to prettz. Prettz has been stripped down to his black underwear, and with his hands tied above his head, is being tickled by a seriously messed up machine with eight arms which i usually just refer to as the occtopus. Basically you have two poles on either side, with four arms on either pole. Now the arms aren't tickling him in the way you would expect, via Lupan the third or something like that. The fingers on the hands seem to be made up of something almost like long brushes, which run up and down the sides, front and back of his body, all the while he jumps about(particulerly when one of the brushes touched his crotch)and laughs histericly.
The scene itself only lasts maybe 5-10 seconds, At this point we flash back to Rouge who is watching. Now, i have to give the writer credit, as personally i think Rouge would make for one sexy dominatrix(she even has her own whip and everything 🙂 ) as Rouge's next lines are "Thats right, keep on laughing. Laughing! Screaming! Suffering! (cue evil laughter)."
Seriously, the woman has tickle sadist written all over her. Anyway, after her laughing for a few seconds, we switch back to Prettz after the torture has stopped, to find him slumped over and breathing hard. Rouge asks him again if hes willing to talk, and he refuses. At this point Rouge uses her whip and threatens to break Linally's neck, which Prettz responds by kicking her in the back.
Prettz, Linally and the guard caption(who fell in love with Rouge during the torture scene, and lets face it, who of us here wouldn't?) are then locked in a cell, where they talk about what has happened, at which point Rouge learns Linally has the crystal inside her. Rouge then get's her guards to take Linally out of the dungeon, making a comment about her surgery skills being somewhat sloppy. Eventually prettz escapes and finds Linally. When he does find her, she's with Rouge, who apparently has been making her drink prune Juice. And frankly, considering the size of the crystal is roughly the size of a Canadian footbal plus several inches, i'd take my chances with the surgery, thank you.
Anyway, this concludes my detailed review of the movie. If you have anymore questions, feel free to ask.