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(RD Past,ch2 part 2)You are my dom, you are my master...


TMF Regular
Apr 5, 2006
A little prologue

I was working on the next chapter of my main comic and I realised that i was forgetting to represent why Raven is so determined to help Xelloin even in the present when she has hurted him in a way we still have to see. Other reason I did that is because now I have a point to compare and find the diferences between what Raven has done to Xelloin and what Xelloin would do to Raven if he fell at her hands. Raven's hellish treatment have brought Xelloin to the heaven here, but if Xelloin gets Raven what kind of treatment she will give to him, hellish or heavenly? And where it will take him, to heaven or to hell?

This text provides an answer to why this two are so much linked, their relation is not love but still they can't be without the other.

Another interesting part is that Xelloin's past have received some light, I wonder what you think about what made her to become the bloodqueen.

And for last, mostly because I don't want to cause confusion, Xelloin and Raven hasn't changed a bit, they have just shown more of themselves, but their usual life will be like it have been til now, a too good for his own good Raven, and a evil lady Xelloin.

Sorry for the long introduction but I really wanted to clear things up, hope you like this new installment of this series. It begins right after Xelloin carried Raven to the council because how drained he had got.


You are my dom…You are my master

When Xelloin and Raven arrived to the council, the members of his division where waiting for them. Jake had received treatment and was recovering at the moment , but Tasha and Lin greet them.

- Master Drakil!
- Mater Drakil, are you ok?

Xelloin looked at the two a little indignated

- Of course he is ok! Why he wouldn’t!?
- That’s..not what we meant…we were worried because he seemed so drained there
- Little girls! I was with him, you know?
- Sorry second Marfielle…

Raven cut they argument

- Xelloin stop! They haven’t done anything wrong.
- Humf…ok
- Lin, Tasha you don’t need to be worried, she has taken care of me

Then he looked at Xelloin with a devious look not usual in him

- Although…she did something that needs to be controled
- Hehe, so you really meant it when you said that I’m going to be “treated” by you, don’t you?
- Of course Xelloin, I never lie, I thought you already knew that
- And…were I should go to receive…treatment?
- Let’s go to the room 22, there I have what I need.
- Do you prefer to walk?
- Have I told you to stop carrying me Xelloin?

Xelloin was a bit surprised, Raven was a bit diferent, he seemed more comanding and confident than ever…and the most strange is that for some reason she wanted to follow his words.

- Sorry Master, let’s go then
- Tasha, tell Jake that’I’ll go to see him later oh and tell Dabraille that we retrieved the “Thoughts server”
- Yes Master Drakil

After that Xelloin carried Raven to the room 22, when she entered nothing seemed strange, she was expecting the worst torture room she could imagine, but instead of that she found a pole, it’s height seemed to be a bit more than a person kneeling down, it had devices to restrain someone to it. This, a ballgag and a blindfold were the only things “evil” there, but she had to admit that the pole restraints seemed to be really well placed, she wasn’t able to imagine any movement if she ended there, of course she had her blood powers to cut a way out of it. She still was feeling confident about the situation, there was no way that Raven could do something she couldn’t handle.

- Ok Xelloin, you can put me down

Xelloin put Raven on his feet, he then closed the room with key and got inside a wardrove of the room, Xelloin was wondering what he was doing. After some moments Raven came out dressed on a domme outfit. .

- I…wasn’t expecting that…
- Haha, don’t worry laugh, it’s ok
- Huh? No…I didn’t mean that
- So?
- Heh, I like how you look in that!
- Hum hum, I don’t know if believe you
- I have lied a lot of times Raven, but not this one

Raven got close to her holding a whip with his hand, she looked him from feet to head a pair of times, she was really liking the sight. Who knows what thoughts were running through her mind.

- Xelloin? Are you there?
- Oh! Sorry master…I got a bit immersed in my…thoughts
- Yeah I have seen that

Raven now got right in front of her, she was slightly taller, he was looking at her eyes, well, trying to because her eyes were looking at every inch of him instead of his eyes. After a little silence she began to speak

- Master I think you are a bit…wrong about us
- Huh? What do you mean?
- I mean… I am grateful of all the effort you are putting on helping me, I am grateful of this…new life you are giving to me, I choosed to be your servant…yes I did it, and I’m going to respect your command but… I’m not your sub Raven, I’m not going to submit to you, I am the bloodqueen, I don’t follow the others…I dominate them

Raven put a devious smile on his face, when Xelloin saw that she got a bit surprised

- Well…I can take a little fun from you of course. But it’s just…I’m not going to-

Raven cut her speech right away

- Can you open the door Xelloin?
- Wha-what?
- Just that, if you can open the door
- Eeeh…well, no directly, you closed it with the key
- Is not there something you can do to open it? You have let me clear enough that you won’t really take my command, you should go away then
- Um…well…there is no way the door can resist my blood attacks
- Then, why you don’t use them to escape?
- Wh-why? Eeeh…well…

Xelloin turned around and put her hand on the door…she then got frozen in the place, her mind was screaming the same words over and over “C’mon prove him who is in charge! Tear the door a part and go off, leave him there looking who really decide what you do!” But…she couldn’t do it, something was stopping herself to summon her blood and blow the door a part.

- It’s something wrong Xelloin?

Raven voice was almost teasing, Xelloin was even a bit scared now. She had never felt like that in a long long time

- I…I…I can’t…
- And do you know why?
- ….No….

Raven put her leathered hands on her waist, Xelloin make a little squeal and looked at Raven over her shoulder.

- With your powers you can escape that situation, you would be able to escape from the pole if I place you there too, but…you can’t use them, right?
- Why…I can’t…?
- Is because the reasons that make you to need to get what I am going to do to you
- What are you talking about? I don’t ne… I don’t…
- Why don’t you say it?
- …
- Come

Raven took Xelloin’s hand and removed her dress, she was left on her underwear, she couldn’t understand why she wasn’t resisting, he kneeled her on the pole, her hands and arms became totally restrained on the pole, her legs got tied to her knees which were attached to the floor, her ankles became tied to the floor behind the poll and to end her neck got pinned to it too. As she imagined no movement was posible. Raven put her hands on her shoulders, he knew that for the first time in ages…she was scared.

- Are you ok?
- I don’t…understand…
- Listen, I’ll torture you, I’ll punsih you but I promise that you will enjoy every moment of it. I won’t stop when you tell me, I won’t stop when you beg me to do it, you’ll receive all of a hellish treatment,…I will stop when you are…in the heaven
- In the…heaven? Are you…going to kill me?
- Haha, I guess this wasn’t the right way to say it, I mean that I’ll stop when you have the best pleasure you can ever have
- How you can be so sure…I’ll be in heaven after receiving a hellish experience?

Raven lifted his head to look at his eyes using a finger on her chin, he looked at her as soft as he could, he gave her a warm but devilish smile.

- Because…I’ll be the one doing that to you.
Xelloin fear was blown away and now being as helpless as she was, knowing that Raven planned to really torture her, knowing that he won’t stop until he decided without what she tried was going to matter, knowing that even her powers seemed to have abandoned her…she felt important, she felt cared, she felt…safe, and the only reason she felt like that seemed to be because…he was the one that had her at his hands.

- That’s your last chance, do you want me to stop that? Do you want to avoid it?

Xelloin couldn’t understand all the feelings she had running inside her, she always tried to dominate the others, she always got pleasure from making the others submit to her, but now…she was eager to get dominated by him. She couldn’t even use her blood powers. Nothing made sense…But she couldn’t say no to what Raven was saying, for some reason…she couldn’t say no to his words. Something was pushing her to accept everything about was going to happen.

- What will you do to me?
- That’s for me to think and for you to feel
- …Ok
- Let’s begin then

Raven kneeled in front of Xelloin, he extended his hand and put his fingers on her belly, she squirmed a bit when he felt that.

- Are you going to tickle me?
- Between other things

He began to make his fingers to dance gently on it, it was a very slow caressing but is was driving all of Xelloin nerves crazy.

- Hehehe I neveheheher thought it wahahaaahahas going to affeeeheheeheeect me so muuuuahaahahaha!
- Xelloin, you have been on the battle field during a lot of years, you where the queen of a place like the hellish draunight, if I begin to torture you using pain I would be wasting our time
- Whyyhihiihiiii?
- Because it wouldn’t do anything to you, it will when your resistances get pierced but untill then…I’ll have to search another way
- And hehehe are you sure thaaahahahat this will pierceehehehe my resistanceeeehehehe?
- It can be a lot more effective than it looks

Xelloin had received a lot of diferent tortures and types of pain in her life, she would have been able to make herself to enjoy any pain he could do to her before getting her resistances pierced, but she wasn’t ready for this, it was something harmless, something that couldn’t be dangerous to her, but…it was becoming something hard to take, this gently dance of Raven fingers was begining to get her very tense.

- Nooohohoho, c’mon doooohohohohoo another thiiihihihing
- Another thing? You are not ready yet
- Of course I’m readyyyhihihihiiiiii!!
- Yeah? And why do you think that?

Xelloin began to get tired of being tickled, she was laughing and struggling in the bindings, not too much but enough to really try to get free of it, how she could manipulate Raven to stop that and get on something that she could manage? He maybe would do it when her resistances got pierced, right?

- Ahahahahaaaa pleaseeehehehehe I can’t I caahahaahahahaan’t take it anymoooohohohoho
- Oh! Really?
- Yes!Yeeeeheheheheeees!!Stooohohohohoooop!

Raven looked at her with curiosity on his eyes, he slowed the movement of his fingers until they stopped. Xelloin was feeling confident, she has played with Raven mind perfectly, now that she supposedly has her resistances pierced he was going to do something that she could handle or even maybe his kindness would make him let her go.

- Raven…let me go….please…

Xelloin kept playing her act, she struggled as she coudln’t take it anymore, Raven stood up and got behind her, he cracked the whip on the floor, she got sure that she has convinced him to get the torture on her likings.

- You understand that I haven’t finished yet, right?
- Raven <sigh>…please let me go…

Raven kneeled behind her, she tried to look at him with pleading eyes but the strap on her neck didn’t allow her to look more than a bit of the sides. All her act was working, she only needed to wait to see what Raven was going to do now. All her confidence was making her to be over Raven even being at his mercy, and then…

- AAAAhahahahahaa, hey! HEY!

Raven began to tickle her feet, he still keep the slow caressing that he used before but it seemed that Xelloin soles were more sensitive than her belly.

- Raveeeheheheheeen!
- What is it?
- Weren’t yohoohohoho gooohohohooing to do anotheeeheheher thing wheeheheheen I got my resistahahaaahances pierceeeheheheed!?
- Did I said that?
- Yeeeheheheheees!
- I don’t think so
- Whaahahahaaat!?
- I said that I wasn’t going to use any torture that you could make yourself to enjoy or handle while your resistances where working, besides…I think your resistances are still up, you really sounded convincing, you know?
- C’moohohohooon you are not so eviiihihiiihiil!
- I’m not?
- Nooohohohoooo, you are noohohohoooot!!

Xelloin was begining to get surprised while she was seeing that Raven wasn’t stopping, he kept his fingers dancing gently on her soles and this was begining to be maddening.

- No!No no no noohohohoohohooo!
- My dear Xelloin I have only began
- Stop it! Stooaahahahahaaa quit it!
- Why Xelloin? You seemed to be sure that tickling wasn’t going to be something hard to take for you
- It’s a lot more effective than I thooohohohohoooo!!
- It seems that way, right?
- Shiiihihihihiiiit! stooohohohooop thaaahahahahaat!!

It kept going for some minutes that way, Xelloin was really struggling now, she really wanted to get a rest from it, but this wasn’t what more was bothering her, she kept wondering why she couldn’t use her powers, what was stopping her from using them and a part from that she couldn’t understand why she didn’t really want it to stop, she wanted a rest but…she really wanted it to continue and she didn’t understand how it could be posible.

- How it feels Xelloin?
- It feeeeheheheheeels baahahahaaaad!!
- Are you sure?
- Yeeheheheheeeees!
- Um…I have never lied to you Xelloin, and you during that torture have lied me before trying to manipulate me to do what you would prefered, can I trust you now?

That made Xelloin new feelings to gain a lot of her mind, for wathever reason she didn’t understand she wanted Raven to keep torturing her, and the worse she was begining to reach the point where her walls were begining to get broken. If this keep going, soon any kind of torture would be effective to her and with the more she received them they would affect her more…and what she couldn’t understand is that this knowledge was driving her crazy, in the best meaning of this words.

- Ok! ok ok OK! It doesn’t feeheheheheheels baaahahahaahahahaaaad, But pleaseeheheheheee stooohohohohohoop! I need a reeeheheheheeest!!
- Xelloin, I can’t stop already
- Whyyyhihihahahahaaa!?
- Because the treatment has only began
- Of course it is

The gently dancing of Raven fingers on her soles was really making effect on her, she was really putting effort in getting free of it, her laugh was louder than before and her white face was being tinted by a cute red, the acumulated tension and laugh was making that, but her strange feelings to be at the hands of Raven can be blamed of that blushing too.

- Raven! Raveeeheheheheeeenn!! Really stop! I need a rest!
- I’ll stop if you do something
- Whaaaahahahaaat I have to doooohohohoooo!!?
- Stay quiet during thirty seconds while I keep it
- I’ll stop

Xelloin got as much air as she could and closed her mouth with all her strength, she closed her eyes to focus on handle the tickling she was getting. Thirty seconds, she only needed to stay quiet during that time and Raven would stop…and then again the same confusion attacked her, did she really wanted it to stop? Why did she want it to keep going? She always had been the dom, being over the others was what gave pleasure, she had been at the mercy of others and she never really felt pleasure for that, what was diferent now? Finally she managed to stay silent (well almost because sounds of holding the laugh could be heard but Raven forgave that) when Raven stopped she breath accelerated to recover the air, Raven then stood up

- Oh goood…I can’t take more of it…
- Seems you really wanted it to stop that, right?
- You don’t know how much I wanted…I never thought that tic-

“SWICH” Raven’s whip slammed against Xelloin right side

- AAAH! Hey!

“SWICH” A second one

- AAU! Raven!!

“SWICH” And a third

- AAAAH! Stooop! Raven stop!
- I thought you could handle pain, or at least you have said a me a lot of times how much you like it
- I can , but..i-it’s just-I…Damn it!
- Your walls are pierced already, right dear?
- Tha-that’s…!

“SWICH” And a fourth one

- NAAAUUU! Stop that! You said you would stop if I stay quiet during thirty seconds!
- Yes, I said that
- Then what is the meaning of this!
- I stopped tickling you, right?
- Don’t tell me you meant that!!

“SWICH” The fifth

- AAAAH!! RAVEN!! That’s not fair!
- You tickled me until I was crying there, that after forcing me to receive your caring Xelloin, and you totally ignored my words all along you didn’t respected my will at any moment, I’m just seeing how you take the receiver side
- That wasn’t too bad! And the massaging was only to make you feel better!
- I know that, but what about the tickling
- That was…

Raven got in front of her now, he looked really serious at her

- Don’t dare to lie me Xelloin
- Ugh…
- Come on, answer
- ….


- AAAGH! Ok Ok! I did it only because I wanted to torture you, I wanted to enjoy having you at my hands, at my mercy!
- You got pleasure for that?
- I…

Raven prepared the whip again

- Wait…yes I GOT pleasure for torturing you, I’m sorry, I don’t know why but, torturing you, the only action of thinking on it already gives me amazing pleasure…but when I actually did was a lot more than I never imagined…and I only tickled you…who knows how much pleasure I can have from getting you…

Raven kneeled in front of Xelloin, he got really close to her face, his eyes looked sad.

- Xelloin, that thoughts…is why people warn me about you…will you really let them to choose your decistions?
- I try to not let them! Really I do! But is hard you know? Is something primal…besides are you going to tell me that you are not enjoying torturing me?
- Can’t you see the diference between me torturing you and you torturing me?

Xelloin couldn’t find the meaning of this question she just looked at Raven trying to find the right words.

- I guess I’ll have to keep going to make you realise

He lifted the whip again, Xelloin screamed at that

- Raven! Raven not again!! Please another thing but not that!
- Just what I was waiting. Hm hum, you just don’t realise, right?
- What…do you..mean?

Xelloin was scared now of that side of Raven, she never saw it before…but even with that, even with the pain of the whip slashes, even with the torture of the tickling and even with the fear of this “evil” Raven she couldn’t explain the feeling that was now the major in her head, Why she was enjoying this!? If it was only her body reacting she would be able to explain it, but what surprised her the most is that her mind wanted too, that begging to make Raven stop was becoming a major lie as the seconds passed on. Raven hugged the restrined body of Xelloin, it make her to feel really warm and cared she really didn’t understand that.

- Xelloin, there is a diference between my torture and yours, the effects of this toruture…are appearing already
- They are…appearing?
- Do you remember your last begging?
- …Eh…please another thing…but not that
- If you really wanted it to stop…wouldn’t you just said “please stop”?
- Ah…!

Raven got a bit separated from Xelloin to her surprise he had taken the blindfold from behind her and with that he private her from seeing. That raised Xelloin helpless feelings to a new peek but instead of making her to feel bad it make her to feel good, she felt really exited to be at his hands like that. She opened her mouth to say something but this was cut for Raven hands which began to tickle her sides, this time in a very intense and quick way, Xelloin got crazy for that.

- It seems I have got you now, right?
- But you still can more or less talk Xelloin
- Because it means I haven’t tickled you enough

Now Xelloin was crying, her hair was getting messy too, she was fighting all that she could against the bindings, but with no avail. There was nothing to see so she could get prepared against it, she only got the feelings that Raven hands was inflicting on her, she was so confused, on her war-like life she has been tortured a lot of times, she has been at the hands of others in a lot of very diferent situations, all that tortures only gave her pain, suffering and the need to get free and get revenge, it never mattered the nature of the torture, painful, pleasant,…it didn’t matter, all of them only made her to feel bad and this is the predatory torture she learned to inflict, but this torture was diferent, she couldn’t tell why, but Raven words were right, his torture was diferent from anything she had never felt till now.

She was getting crazy and the touch of Raven became too much to her, she let a loud moan and got exhausted all of sudden, so much that the tickling couldn’t make her moves as much as before, she got totally calm after the explosion. Raven stopped and hugged Xelloin again.

- Sorry I think I got too far
- ….N-no…it’s…i-it’s ok…
- Really?
- Yes…but Raven….really..I need a rest now…

Xelloin’s voice sounded softer tha ever, she was reminding what Raven said at the begining, I’ll take you to the heaven with a hellish method and I’ll be able to because I’ll be the one torturing you, what that words meant? There was a reason behind them, a reason that make her to have the most pleasant experience she had got in her life being on the role she always had disliked, being the sub she was having more pleasure than everytime she has been at the top before.

- So you need to rest
- Yes…please..I..I-I need it..I ca-mmmmph!

When Raven had left the hug he put the ballgag on Xelloin’s mouth, now she couldn’t talk either, every second she felt how all her power was taken away by Raven…and she couldn’t understant why she enjoyed every second of it more than the previous one.

- You won’t rest dear, I have more to you
- Nmmmph…mmmmm…

When Raven had got behind her again she could listen how he opened something, he cut the nylons that covered her feet, saliva was goin out of Xelloin’s mouth as she tries to anticipate what was going to happen, and at the next moment something got in contact with her soles.

- It’s cold, doesn’t it?
- Do you think it will make you lose temperature now?

That was plain evil, Raven now was using ice cubs on Xelloins soles, she was squirming as much as her body could to avoid the cold and the pain it was causing, but her feet were immobile by the pole base restrains, she only could scream into the gag which would make her begs imposible to understand while the tears stream was flowing on her face and the saliva was running out of her mouth.

- Wonder if you already have realised the reasons why are you enjoying that
- You know why I know it? Because you can’t use your blood powers to get free, you are not allowing yourself to get free of that…because you want me to continue

After that Raven removed the ice cubs from her soles, she still couldn’t find the reasons why she was enjoying that so much, it didn’t make any sense, Raven was being just evil with her, it was a side of him which she never had seen…but like he had said it didn’t matter how hellish it was, she was going to the heaven with it and not only because her body reacted to it, since the begining, her mind, wanted every second of what has happened, she couldn’t believe what has happening to her…but she knew it was real.

- I think this one will be the last blow

Something began to scratch Xelloin soles, she couldn’t guess what but it was driving her crazier than all the previous tickling she had got. It was really thin and at the same time t seemed to have a lot more of this thin elements around, she didn’t have any strenght to fight and rested there feeling every second as the most driving feeling she had get until that moment.

- HUMHUuuummmMHUUUUMmmmhuuuUUhuhuHUUUMMm
- Are you feeling it Xelloin?

Xelloin was getting crazy, all the feelings she was getting where a lot more than she could process, and Raven still had a last teasing knowing how close to heaven was Xelloin now.

- If you want me to stop Xelloin stay silent for five seconds, do it and I’ll give you the rest you need
- HUUUMMmmmmhummhummmmmmmmmmHUHUHUHUUUUMMMM
- It seems is too much for you…I’m sorry but in that case…you’ll go to heaven

Did she wanted it to stop? No, she didn’t, she didn’t care how, she just could only finish this trip, she hadn’t found the answer to the question, the answer to why every inch of her has enjoyed every second of that more that anything in her life, but that didn’t matter now, she was there, she felt a bigger explosion than before inside her,


Her head fall us much as the strap on her neck allowed, Raven stopped and hugged her for the third time, this time they kept like that for a minute. Xelloin was trembling at the begining but when she was between Raven arms she slowly recovered her breath and finally became more calm then ever.

After this minute Raven undid the blindfold and kneeled in front of her again.He looked at her eyes, the satisfaction there couldn’t be explained with words.

- Have I kept my word?

Xelloin just nodded

- I’m glad…Tell me Xelloin, have you find an answer to the question?

She had almost forgot about it but even remembering the question she couldn’t find the answer to it, the answer to why this torture has made her to feel like she was feeling now. Because of that she negate with her head.

- There are two reasons for that, the first is the goal I have during all that torture, the goal that has made me do that to you…I only wanted to make you feel cared, important and safe at my hands, I only wanted to make you have the best time you could ever have, the goal that you have can really change the effects of the torture you are inflicting

Xelloin was shocked, so that part of respect treatment wasn’t the real reason? And the fact that he searched so much to take care of her, really could make that to be at his hands became something as pleasant as that? While she still was processing that info, Raven removed the gag.

- This is what really means to be a dom, to be able to make you sub to feel the most cared, the most important and the safest being while they are at my mercy,

She was so shocked, she never thought in the dominating role like that, for her it only meant to destroy her victims, but Raven has showing her that the relation between dominating and caring, something that she never had even imagined before. While she was immerse on her thoughts Raven spoke again.

- Would you like to know the other reason?
- …Yes Master…please tell me…
- That’s it, you already say it
- What…do you mean…master?

He took her head and he put it on his chest she laid ther all the weight of her head while he embraced it with his arms, she only felr like that once.

- That’s because you are my sub Xelloin, your role is to do anything you can to receive what I can give in order to take care of you, you have to struggle, to scream , to squirm, to beg, whatever it needs for me, your dom, to take care of you

Now she remebered what she had said before all of that began, but instead of being angry for her mistake she was grateful to find out about it, she had founf a new meaing in the roles of the dominating game, and her new role had given her the most pleasant time of her life.

- Master…I…I…
- It’s ok, tell me what is it
- …Thank you….
- Your are welcome

As Xelloin was resting her head on Raven’s chest, the tears stream began to flow again, her face was bright red and her eyes brighted with satisfaction and…safety

- ….Mother…
- Um?...What do you mean Xelloin?
- Master…did that…came out loud?

Raven nodded at her

- Hehe, it’s just…I…only felt so safe once in my life before
- When was it?
- It was…the only time my mother hugged me…right before I killed her…
- What happened?

Xelloin was surprised

- You haven’t said anything of how horrible is that I killed my own mother…
- I want to know what happened before judging you
- She told me…to kill her in order to survive


Two white skinned beings, a woman and a girl, the two have yellow eyes, The woman is hugging the girl while tears are running through her face:

- Xelloin…my child..that’s the only chance…you have to escape
- Why…you can’t come with me
- It won’t make a diference, they can kill me without mattering where I am, besides…only with the power of blood…we can pass the death field…and only one of us can have it
- Mother…
- Listen my child, the world is full of demons and monsters, they will only try to hurt you, to take profit of you, to destroy you…You have to be ready for them
- ….
- Remember that moment, you will be in a war since the very moment you pass the death field
- I don’t want to go!
- Xelloin…
- Here in your arms…I feel safe!!

The woman hugged the child tighter this time, the tears flow was now more intense

- My dear…in this world, between all the monsters…there is one being…who will make you feel safe like you are feeling now, but..you can depend on finding them…you have to be ready to be over the monsters, you have to be ready to destroy them, to dominate them, to command them as their queen…you have to become…the Bloodqueen
- Mo-mother…

Now the girl was crying too

- Quick, take my life and with it, my power, the power of the blood that will allow you to rise over the monsters of the world, the power that will allow you to be their queen, the power that will allow you to become…the bloodqueen


Xelloin eyes were reddish for the crying

- It happened in an instant, I was looking at her eyes at one moment and the next one she was tore into pieces right in front of me. My hand wasn’t there either, only a multibladed weapon formed with my blood, I closed my eyes and I felt how my hand regenerated, the death field caused extremly wounds on what it touched, but with the extreme regeneration I had received, I could pass it…since then I have been in a constant war fighting with the monsters of the world with the goal to dominate everything…that way…I would be able to return and kill the monsters that caused the death of my mother at my hands

Xelloin face became again full of pleasure and safety. The tears were flowing at high speed now

- I just never thought that…I…would find…the one that could make me feel safe…like my mother did…

Raven put his hand on the upper side of her head and push it against his chest in a stronger but very smooth way.

- Xelloin…I want you to feel safe…that’s the reason I want you to follow me, that’s the reason I want you to be mine, because I am the one that can…take care of you
- …You are my dom, you are my master…please…
- Tell me…
- Please…keep me safe…from the pain…of this world…of my life
- I promise you, I’ll safe you from the pain Xelloin, I promise I’ll take care of you

Raven now seemed to emit light for Xelloin, whose face couldn’t be descrived with words..
This story delves deeply into the domination/submission relationship...I never expected to witness Xelloin on the receiving end! She's darned uncomfortable there (at least initially) which seems natural, particularly as one learns more about her background. This is the first concrete detailing of her "blood powers" that I've read (I didn't imagine that "Bloodqueen" was intended literally). Her abilities to form weaponry and to recover from damage certainly do seem formidable, as well as innate ... it doesn't surprise me that she inherits the tendency from her mother. That she had to endure traumatic loss at an early age goes far in explaining her hard edge and unwillingness to submit... Raven might be playing with fire in pushing her so hard (as, in fact, he must have, as we know the two will soon be at odds). Whatever lessons she could have learned through the comfort of submission are sure to be subverted by her natural stubbornness and drive to dominate. Of course, we (the readers) still don't know why she and Raven fell out... more traumatic revelations ahead, I suspect!
This story delves deeply into the domination/submission relationship...I never expected to witness Xelloin on the receiving end! She's darned uncomfortable there (at least initially) which seems natural, particularly as one learns more about her background.

It shows how much this two are connected with the other, we can say that even Raven can be evil/dominant with everyone if he has to, it's almost sure that he will only show his more dominant side with Xelloin. And about her, she is totally a dominant woman, and she won't be submissive with anyone except with Raven. I can advance that you won't see her in this positon again in a very long long time.

This is the first concrete detailing of her "blood powers" that I've read (I didn't imagine that "Bloodqueen" was intended literally). Her abilities to form weaponry and to recover from damage certainly do seem formidable, as well as innate ... it doesn't surprise me that she inherits the tendency from her mother.

She showed them in only one pannel before, but they are mosntrous. Her powers can kill large amounts of enemies at the same time. Is not so strange that she became the queen of one of the worse places of the world (the hellish draugnights). If I can I'll show more of her mother, you maybe would be surprised, she wasn't as dominant and evil as Xelloin.

That she had to endure traumatic loss at an early age goes far in explaining her hard edge and unwillingness to submit... Raven might be playing with fire in pushing her so hard (as, in fact, he must have, as we know the two will soon be at odds).

Exactly, that she is sadistic is something from her, and that she enjoys dominating it's from her too, but her most predatory monster-like nature comes for the past she had to endure, she had to kill her own mother and a lot of people who wanted to destroy her in order to survive. What will happen between She and Raven? Why she will recover her predatory ways? That will be revealed in coming chapters.

Whatever lessons she could have learned through the comfort of submission are sure to be subverted by her natural stubbornness and drive to dominate. Of course, we (the readers) still don't know why she and Raven fell out... more traumatic revelations ahead, I suspect!

Here she learned that there is a place where she can feel safe, and this place is between Raven arms, is being under Raven's care. But she has some really hard instincs inside her, that will make more traumatic situation to appear.

Thanks as always for your support LBH.
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