I'm guessin' most are a wee bit shy about such. Y'don't see many New Yorkers, other than the fine crew at A.N.A., givin' shouts t'such in the 5 boroughs.
Would be fine to see more come out from that part of the world. I recall meetin' a few at last year's last NEST, so I know they exist.
OTOH, most will try less expensive methods, since us silly West Coast kids play without pay at our events. If *we* can do it, the old and bold east side has GOT to have more than my pal, Max, t'get folks t'meet one another, and play.
After all, that man had near 3 times the numbers SHOWING to his events. He'd near 60, where we've barely exceeded 20.
Considering, though, that this fine person's askin' $200 for what happens in the first bit of play at a gathering, that means I'm hostin' thousand dollar events in some months. Trippin'.
Maybe folks are just timid about givin' shouts t'pay t'play. Perhaps if you listed an email address, where they could discretely contact you directly, instead of here, where mooks like me are peepin', then they would drop ya a line?
Just a thought.