You know, as a rule i don't like these shows. They seem to bring out the worst in humans. I remember seeing a bit of a show on the WB network. I can't remember the name, but it was a spoof of American idol, except they were looking for the worst singer. Thing was, the people in the show thought they were singing because they were good and told they would get a singing contract if they won. Now, how sick is this? They take people whose life long dream is to sing, and then humiliate them nationally, by having them sing multiple times on TV and telling them how good they are and their advancing to the next level, only to tell them at the end that their not there because their good, but because they are the worst singer they could possibly find? I mean, seriously, have we sunk so low as a species that we need to build people up, dangle their dreams just above their head, and then tear them down for having a dream? Safe to say i did not watch the series. I didn't have the heart.
You know, i will say one thing about one Reality show. Joe Schmoe, the first season. Now, this was a great series, and gave me a little more faith in mankind. For those of you who don't know what the show is, basically it's another reality show, where it's pretty much like the others. This one is a spoof of survivor and a few other shows. Now, here's the catch. All the charactors in the show are actors, except for one guy who thinks it's real. So, basically, all the games are rigged, and all the actors have to stay in charactor and make sure they don't screw up. While at first you might think this is sorta sick, i really enjoyed this show. The main charactor, i think his name was Tim, was a great guy. Here was a guy who was moral, and decent, and stuck up for the little guy. By the end of the series, all the chractors loved the guy because of how nice and caring he was, and you could really see the fear in there eyes because in the end they would have to tell him it was all a big joke (but on the bright side he wins all the money be default 😉 )
Now, i won't spoil the ending, but i seriously suggest you look this series up. It's well worth it. Oh, and there's plenty of T&A too 😀