You should know by now that when you point the finger and call names you're actually talking about yourself? lol
Stankees? Pahlease can't you come up with new word?
Yankee Fan and will always be BUT I am happy the Red Sox have made it as opposed to seeing the other teams play. It will be a great game to watch no matter what happens and YOU know NY Yankees will have the Red Sox on their knees begging for MERCY, bumping into eachother like they did in last nights game in the 7th inning ... (I do hope Johnny Damon pulls through so I'm not a harsh person by all means). Shocked that during the "excitement" and running for the ball that neither guy yelled, " I got it"?
Two GREAT teams ... this will be a world series we will never forget!!!
this is the opportunity for the sox (that name alone should generate support from this group) to finally put the yankee dilemna to rest. getting past NY, and winning a world series now ould go a long way for baseball enthusiests. and the sox have the best chance in a long time to beat a great yankees team, that isn't quite as great as a few years back.
Well, I hope its a tie. I dont want to root for the Yankees, and I dont want to root for a former Indian, espially since he left for more money, so all I can hope for is a tie
as a diehard Yankee fan this is the ultimate showdown...I have been to many many Yankee-Red Sox big to love it. Of course let the curse of the Bambino live on!!!
Last night McGyver Tklr told me that if the Red Sox get into the championships, I will not see much of him until the World Series is over. *sigh* Does this mean I now have to host a World Series Gathering? WSG 2004? 😀