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Rehearsal for Laughter M/F (based on true facts)


TMF Regular
Mar 17, 2004
You know, I was never the outgoing type. A bit too quiet and reserved at times, who was more apt to keep to myself then to go out of my way to meet and greet new people. But for the most part I was pretty content and comfortable with who I was. Well...with one exception. I had this fetish you see...a tickling fetish...well to be exact, a feet tickling fetish and I had been severely deprived from it. So much in fact that it had turned to day dreaming about it when I saw a particular woman I found who might be a good tickle victem. I say might of course because I would never have the nerve to approach a complete stranger and just out right ask if I could find out.
So I needed to find a distraction. Something that would take my mind off these cursed day dreams that seemed to become very distracting at times. Then one day I found it. A community theater group. I had always had an interest in acting and enjoyed performing. Funny thing was, that when I was acting I was completely the opposite of my personality. Plenty of people who had known me personally were quite shocked when they saw me on stage. It was the perfect outlet that I needed...at least that's what I thought at the time...
You see I had been involved with this group for nearly a year and we were busy with rehersals for our third show of the season. I was playing a smaller roll. One that could easily fade into the background but I was O.K. with that, provided I was on stage I was always happy, regardless of how long the part was. Anyway I was part of a small rehersal group at the time. There were five of us that day and one of the main characters was involved with my scene. She was to be restrained by two people and held on a table for an upcoming main focus point of the show. Her name was Nancy. A thin yet pleasant woman who always seemed to be smiling and in good spirits. We had gotten along quite well and became quick friends over a short period of time.
The room we were using didn't have any tables, but it was carpeted so they decided to rehearse with her on the floor. While one of the captors held her arms, the other had taken her ankles and instead of holding them against the floor, stood up and held her legs bent, with her feet at waist height. No sooner had he done that, when Nancy suddenly started to laugh uncontrolably. She was quite still and wasn't struggling, but her eyes were shut tight as her high pitched giggles erupted from her smiling face.
When our director asked her what was wrong, she gasped in between bouts of laughter. "Nothing," she answered, unable to control her laughing. "I just have very ticklish feet!" With that statement I had become aware of nothing else in the room except her uninhibited laughing. Jeff who was the ankle holder smiled and shook his head, answering with reassurance that he was definately not tickling her. Nancy, who had barely been able to breath nodded and continued to giggle, "I know," she said opening her eyes briefly, "it's just the thought of it." We all joined in with her silly laughter and after she was able to regain control of herself, we continued with the scene. Unfortunately for me, I was unable to fully concentrate for the rest of the rehearsal.
After we had finished up, the small group talked for a few moments before closing the doors for the night. We said our goodbyes and as fate would have it, I had parked beside Nancy's van. I fell into step beside her as we crossed the parking lot, fishing in my jacket for my cigarettes. I offered her one and handed her my lighter commenting on the rehearsal. "I think it ended up pretty good." I said as casually as possible, not daring to look at her. Nancy nodded in agreement and exhaled the drag she had just taken. "Once I got myself under control." she laughed in response. When we reached our respective vehicles, she asked if I would wait for a few moments for her to finish her smoke. She didn't smoke in her van and I quickly agreed since the parking lot was dark and nearly deserted with the exception of the one or two working street lamps.
I shrugged at her comment and tried to look casual. "Mind over matter." I simply stated and looked around the empty lot. I couldn't bring myself to look at her for fear my face would betray my thoughts. She exhaled sharply and I glimpsed her shake her head quickly. "Easy for you to say." I finally brought myself to look her in the eyes and she looked frustrated with herself. "It took everything I had not to break out laughing every time Jeff came near my feet. What if that happens during the performance?" I could tell she was truly worried, so I just smiled and shook my head. "Relax," I said reassuringly, "there's still plenty of weeks left before we get an audience. I'm sure you'll have it under control by then." Nancy however didn't look at all convinced by my words, her voice betraying her frustration and worry. "I don't know..." she said, flicking her ash, "just the thought alone sends me over the edge." Butterflies had now entered my stomach as we talked about finding a solution to her ticklish situation...although in my head, I had already come up with a solution.
I was quiet for a few moments, acting as if in deep thought then verbally gave her my suggestion. "You know," I began slowly trying to act serious about wanting to help her overcome her affliction, "there might be a way." I looked her dead in the eye and worked up the nerve to finally tell her. "But it involves...facing your fear." I gave an embarassed smile and from her reaction, I could tell she knew what I was suggesting. Her eyebrows rose in surprise and shock as she stood frozen to the spot. After what seemed like an eternity, she was able to find her voice, which was broken up by bouts of shocked laughter. "You mean...let someone...tickle me?" Her words were disbelieving as she stood unblinking, her dark eyes never leaving my face. I could feel myself turning red and looked quickly away. "Well..." I began, my throat suddenly dry, "I mean if you're truly worried that you'll crack on stage..." I let my words trail off, suddenly aware that her expression had changed. Fearing she would think I had lost my mind and fleeing in terror, I quickly shrugged the idea off. "It's just a thought is all." I said, feverishly trying to clear my dry throat. "I just figured it would be like holding a spider if you suffered from arachnaphobia or something." I looked at her briefly but couldn't hold her gaze for more then a moment. "I mean once you've faced it and know what to expect, it won't bother you so much right?"
I wasn't sure if she believed me or not. Hell, even I wasn't convinced of my own words. Nancy stood silent then finally looked off into the darkness. I was sure she would think me mad or just find the idea totally laughable. When her answer finally came, you could have knocked me over with a feather. Her voice was calm as she voiced her thoughts aloud, "Well..."she began slowly, speaking more to herself I think then to me. "I suppose...it couldn't hurt to...try." She looked back at me in complete seriousness and her head bobbed in the dim light. "I mean...you maybe onto something there."
I was suddenly light headed, aware that the butterflies were hammering madly away in my stomach. Her question brought me back down to earth, "You really think it would work?" She looked serious and again stared at me with those dark unblinking eyes. "It couldn't hurt to try." I said, trying to remain calm, then added with reassurance, "If you think it won't, then we stop." I was being truly sincere in this moment completely uncaring of how short this situation would last. The main point in my mind was my long, starved tickle fetish would get a taste...even if it were just a brief taste.
Her thoughtful expression suddenly became unsure and a little uncomfortable as she heard herself speak, "So," she said looking around as if making sure we were alone, "should we do this here?" I gave a silent shrug in response, looking as unsure and uncomfortable as she did. I cleared my throat and shrugged again, finally able to speak. "If you want," I said gesturing with my head towards her van. "There's plenty of room in there and the back windows are tinted so..." my voice died off again as I stuffed my hands in my pockets to hide the excited shaking that had just occured.
She gave a nervous giggling smile and nodded in compliance, silently turning to unlock and open the sliding door. She gave a nervous glance over her shoulder at me as she climbed in, followed by myself. I shut the door with a thud and we sat quietly in the back seat. With my hands fidgeting nervously on my lap, I finally looked over at her and broke the silence, asking if there was a light I could turn on. She gestured towards the light above my head and managed a small yes in a nervous whisper. I clicked on the light and sat silently looking around the van and dark lot.
Neither one of us knew what to say next, so taking a deep breath for courage, she exhaled and turned to rest her back against her door and silently placed her now shoeless feet on my waiting lap. I took them in with my eyes. The light had flooded the back of the cabin and I could see her black nyloned feet sitting there. They were narrow but with a deeply curved instep. I looked them over then swallowed loudly and looked over at her face. Her short black hair pulled back away from her now nervous face. She would glance nervously from my eyes to my hands and back again waiting for me to act.
It was now or never. I took hold of her right ankle gently and nervous giggles were already escaping from her lungs. I looked over at her, noting she had pierced her lips shut tight, already trying to fight the urge to laugh. Her breath was deep and short as she seemed to prepare herself for the onslaught to come. I looked back down, and gripped her ankle somewhat tighter as I positioned my hand just under the ball of her shaking foot. As I touched my fingertips to it, her laughter which couldn't fight past her lips seemed to find an escape route from the back of her thoat and out her nose. She kept her mouth shut tight as her eyes began to squint in nervous anticipation. I gently began swirling my fingers slowly in circles around her sole, which began to twitch immediately. Her giggles seemed to keep time with my motions and as I continued, they were increasing with volume and speed. My fingers now seemed to keep pace with her lungs and the tempo increased with her giggling. I swirled and swept my fingers around her dancing foot. Unable to restrain herself any further, she let out a loud curse word and broke into unabated laughter. My fingers glided smoothly across the nylons as I explored the dancing foot bottom before me. I was becoming more uninhibited as I pressed the heel of my tickling hand against her toes, prying them back until the nylon material was taut against my swirling fingertips.
Her mouth opened wide when this happened and the flood of laughter continued uninterupted except for the brief fight for air her lungs were having. My tickling was non stop as I switched to her instep, raking two fingers quickly up and down in an unending dance. Her toes pressed against my hand as they desperately faught for freedom. I would look up occasionaly to see Nancy lift her butt of her seat in a surprised howl when I found an overly sensitive spot. I maintained this attack for a few minutes before finally allowing her toes to bend and flex freely for a few moments before punishing their resistance. I wiggled and dug my fingers into them, tickling the soft nyloned flesh that lay there. Her giggles had turned to maddening laughter as her eyes shot open, then squinted with laughter as she watched her toes fight helplessly against me intruding fingers.
Her hands balled into fists and pounded against the seat as I began a gentle dance from toe to heel, making sure not one inch was left unaffected. Desperate pleas began to break through the laughter as I sat silently, continuing uninterupted with my work. My eyes concentrated on her foot, watching my hand move with unending tickling caresses. I was amazed at her resolve as her lungs filled with air only to be released again with fresh renewed laughter. Her leg pulled against my grip as I continued to gently sweep along the length of her foot to reward her toes with individual tickles.
Finally I spoke...a small smile on my face as worked my index finger up and down her instep. My voice was quiet, but I knew she heard my words as I spoke...my eyes never leaving hers. "Now we tickle the other one." She tried to pout through her smile as her eyes begged me to stop. She shook her head as her laughter continued to fill the van. I only smiled and nodded slowly as my tickly finger worked it's way to her left.
When I made contact her laughter was renewed and she pulled her foot protectively away. I simply reached for her ankle and overpowered it back onto my lap to my wiggling finger. I held it up for her to see as her eyes filled with anticipation again, awaiting to feel the electric shock I would soon send screaming to her brain. I again made contact and punished her sole with a fast tickle that brought screams forth. She would sit forward briefly, only to fall back again as her eyes shut tight and she took in the tickles that overcame her nerves. Her left foot seemed to dance more vigorously and I was strangely aware that it was because all of her nerve ending were now alive and receptive. I became more brave as time went by adding teasing words before acting. "Oh this should tickle like hell...I've used this technique before Nancy and let me tell you, it works like a charm...you're going to be laughing your ass off when I tickle between your toes." With every taunt came a vigorous silent protest from the now laughing mess that was Nancy. Yet her lungs never gave out on her as she endured her...treatment. I couldn't help but be amazed that she had lasted this long, and looked quite composed really. Although her feet were in a feverish dancing frenzy, she seldom bucked or twisted. Quite often I found her sitting with her head tilted towards her shoulder as her eyes gleamed with laughter. Closing briefly when I would explore a different area.
Finally she began reaching for my hands, clawing with weakened efforts at my arms. I finally stopped when she looked at me desperately and wheezed out, "Please! Oh please!" She sat forward, her thin torso almost collapsing forward in exhaustion. She filled her lungs with air and sat that way for some time, her hands still clawing at mine which were now still. We sat that way for quite some time...her breathing sometimes interupted by after effect giggles or sighs of relief. Finally she was able to raise herself back to a sitting position, her shoulders heaving in gulps of air and she asked horsely, "Do you think that will have helped?"
Her words echoed repeatedly in my head and I became suddenly aware of my surroundings. We were both standing in the darkened parking lot. The cool night air bringing me out of my reverance. My eyes seemed to focus on Nancy and she looked at me expectantly. "What?" I said, unsure if she had asked me a question or not. She laughed and gave me a quizical look. "I said, do you think that would have helped? If I had tried to bite on my tongue?" I was quiet for a moment, trying to remember our conversation. 'C'mon you idiot!' I said to myself, 'To stop herself from laughing! Remember??' Nancy nudged me and brought me out of my thoughts once again. She looked somewhat concerned. "Are you ok?" she asked, her voice betraying her nervousness. I smiled and nodded, "Sorry!" I lied laughing a little. "Brainfreeze." I made a gun gesture with my hand and put it to my temple, sticking my tongue out to one side as I pulled the trigger. I shrugged and agreed that it might indeed help stiffle her laughter, provided she didn't bite down too hard.
We finally said goodnight and I unlocked and sat in my far still feeling dazed. I watched her drive out of the lot as I started the engine and sighed heavily. I really have to find a release for these damn day dreams....
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