I know I've been posting a lot lately but I can't help myself so please forgive me if I've become old hat. These are from last night. We were curled up on the sofa in front of the fire and I gave her foot and leg rub. She eventually fell asleep as I watched the game. I couldn't help myself and after she was out cold I uncovered her feet and gently tickled. Of course I over did it and she woke up saying "oooo babe that's too tickly". Now, since she was awake I began to gently tickle her silky and buttery soft soles. I discovered a new tool to which she simply couldn't take. I tore a piece of paper towel and rolled it tight into a pencil shape. I used the tip on her toes and her arch. She giggled ups storm and wiggled her toes in the most adorable way. She said that the paper towel pencil was waaaay worse than the feather or paint brush.