The day had come when Ross's father was finally supposed to be released from the hospital
When Ross spoke to his father that morning, Ross's father sounded jovial and fine.
The surgery Ross' s father had, had supposedly gone "Fine", and Ross's father even talked about seeing Ross very soon.
Ross himself, however, was still in very questionable shape.
The night before Ross's father had been released from the hospital, Ross was up much of the night in excruciating pain.
Ross's dentist, had to delay Ross's appointment due to a scheduling problem.
Ross , however, in spite of his discomfort, could not stay home. He was fed up with sitting in the apartment with nothing to do.
"Maybe you should wait until you see the dentist to go back to the office" Kayley advised.
"Screw that. I am going in. The problem will hopefully be taken care of by tonight. It feels better. It is just.. extremely annoying. Most importantly, my Dsd is hopefully God Willing going to be home by the end of today. As for me, if I am in pain after dental treatment, I am in pain. So the fuck what?" Ross said.
"Okay, Ross, whatever makes you happy" Kayley said, kissing Ross on the cheek.
Ross went into the office. While he did not feel he should go in again in jeans. He felt that a blue blazer, slacks, and a dress shirt with no tie, would do just fine.
"I am dressed more appropriately than the last time I was here. This problem will be hopefully fixed by tonight. I think I am just going to shuffle papers and waste time. In school if we did not want to do our work, we would put our feet up on our desk, and scream "It's time to waste time" Which of course pissed our teachers off to hell. The difference is back then I was not the head of a multimillion-dollar company. With my work done, maybe I will just look for new deals on the computer, I dont know" Ross quipped.
Kayley rang Ross's cell phone during her lunch hour at school. "You okay?"
"I was able to eat grilled chicken, my mouth hurts like hell. We will see later today if this is nothing, or something more serious" Ross said.
"Good Luck Sweetie, I know this has been a terrible week between your being upset about your Dad, and now this. Hopefully things will calm down after today" Kayley said.
"I'm sure I will just be full of laughs if Dr S (Ross's dentist) shoots me full of nova Caine. If I come home later, and cant speak, we will know. Then you can scream at me and call me all kinds of names and I can't even yell back" Ross said.,
"The only thing I hope to be screaming at you is from making love" Kayley whispered into the phone.\
"You have a dirty, dirty mind, teacher. Goodbye" Ross said clicking off the phone.
Ross's work for Tim Patrick was done for the month, so they agreed they would talk the next day after Ross's problem was solved.
Ross was slowly but steadily working away on Dave Banner and Larry. As Tim had done, both Dave and Larry had advised Ross to just take his time, settle his health issues, and one ow two extra days would not matter.
Ross's sale of assets of the company was coming along beautifully. In that respect, Ross had nothing to obsess or complain about, a rarity for Ross.
In regard to the oil and gas situation, Ross knew that he just had to be patient. Something Ross was not easy at doing. More so than the money, and the idea of wanting to go back to the oil and gas deals, Ross badly wanted Fritz, Steve, and himself, to beat that company who was going after the oil and gas company. However, Ross knew that he had to remain calm, and had no control over that, and did not want this to turn into another George Borgier situation which consumed him, and caused tension in his marriage to Kayley. There had been enough of that in recent years.
Ross's mouth alternated between just being annoying with the pain, and really, really killing him.
By 3, Ross decided he had enough with the office. "The CEO is gone for the day Tell anyone who called that Ross went off to be tortured somewhere. I hope this is a one day and one night problem, so I can be in the office tomorrow morning as usual, or at latest by noon. I wont know until Doctor S looks at me" Ross said.
"Good Luck Ross. I hope that Doctor S can help your pain" Vic said.
"Thank You. By early evening I will know" Ross said.
Ross went into the Uber home, got to the apartment, changed into jeans, and kissed Kayley when she got home
"Do you want me to go with you?" Kayley asked.
"Why?? So you can hear what kind of a baby your husband is as Doctor S sadistically tortures me. I know this is something. The question is, just how bad is it, and what does it all mean?" Ross said.
As Ross's appointment time neared, he was getting ready to leave,. Kayley hugged him, "Good Luck, my prince. If you need me to come pick you up or help you, call anytime" Kayley said.
"Hopefully it will all be fine" Ross said.
As Ross left his building, to walk over to Doctor S's office, which was right down the street, he had an uneasy feeling about him.
He knew it had to be something, but the question was, how serious if at all was it?
That remained to be seen.
When Ross spoke to his father that morning, Ross's father sounded jovial and fine.
The surgery Ross' s father had, had supposedly gone "Fine", and Ross's father even talked about seeing Ross very soon.
Ross himself, however, was still in very questionable shape.
The night before Ross's father had been released from the hospital, Ross was up much of the night in excruciating pain.
Ross's dentist, had to delay Ross's appointment due to a scheduling problem.
Ross , however, in spite of his discomfort, could not stay home. He was fed up with sitting in the apartment with nothing to do.
"Maybe you should wait until you see the dentist to go back to the office" Kayley advised.
"Screw that. I am going in. The problem will hopefully be taken care of by tonight. It feels better. It is just.. extremely annoying. Most importantly, my Dsd is hopefully God Willing going to be home by the end of today. As for me, if I am in pain after dental treatment, I am in pain. So the fuck what?" Ross said.
"Okay, Ross, whatever makes you happy" Kayley said, kissing Ross on the cheek.
Ross went into the office. While he did not feel he should go in again in jeans. He felt that a blue blazer, slacks, and a dress shirt with no tie, would do just fine.
"I am dressed more appropriately than the last time I was here. This problem will be hopefully fixed by tonight. I think I am just going to shuffle papers and waste time. In school if we did not want to do our work, we would put our feet up on our desk, and scream "It's time to waste time" Which of course pissed our teachers off to hell. The difference is back then I was not the head of a multimillion-dollar company. With my work done, maybe I will just look for new deals on the computer, I dont know" Ross quipped.
Kayley rang Ross's cell phone during her lunch hour at school. "You okay?"
"I was able to eat grilled chicken, my mouth hurts like hell. We will see later today if this is nothing, or something more serious" Ross said.
"Good Luck Sweetie, I know this has been a terrible week between your being upset about your Dad, and now this. Hopefully things will calm down after today" Kayley said.
"I'm sure I will just be full of laughs if Dr S (Ross's dentist) shoots me full of nova Caine. If I come home later, and cant speak, we will know. Then you can scream at me and call me all kinds of names and I can't even yell back" Ross said.,
"The only thing I hope to be screaming at you is from making love" Kayley whispered into the phone.\
"You have a dirty, dirty mind, teacher. Goodbye" Ross said clicking off the phone.
Ross's work for Tim Patrick was done for the month, so they agreed they would talk the next day after Ross's problem was solved.
Ross was slowly but steadily working away on Dave Banner and Larry. As Tim had done, both Dave and Larry had advised Ross to just take his time, settle his health issues, and one ow two extra days would not matter.
Ross's sale of assets of the company was coming along beautifully. In that respect, Ross had nothing to obsess or complain about, a rarity for Ross.
In regard to the oil and gas situation, Ross knew that he just had to be patient. Something Ross was not easy at doing. More so than the money, and the idea of wanting to go back to the oil and gas deals, Ross badly wanted Fritz, Steve, and himself, to beat that company who was going after the oil and gas company. However, Ross knew that he had to remain calm, and had no control over that, and did not want this to turn into another George Borgier situation which consumed him, and caused tension in his marriage to Kayley. There had been enough of that in recent years.
Ross's mouth alternated between just being annoying with the pain, and really, really killing him.
By 3, Ross decided he had enough with the office. "The CEO is gone for the day Tell anyone who called that Ross went off to be tortured somewhere. I hope this is a one day and one night problem, so I can be in the office tomorrow morning as usual, or at latest by noon. I wont know until Doctor S looks at me" Ross said.
"Good Luck Ross. I hope that Doctor S can help your pain" Vic said.
"Thank You. By early evening I will know" Ross said.
Ross went into the Uber home, got to the apartment, changed into jeans, and kissed Kayley when she got home
"Do you want me to go with you?" Kayley asked.
"Why?? So you can hear what kind of a baby your husband is as Doctor S sadistically tortures me. I know this is something. The question is, just how bad is it, and what does it all mean?" Ross said.
As Ross's appointment time neared, he was getting ready to leave,. Kayley hugged him, "Good Luck, my prince. If you need me to come pick you up or help you, call anytime" Kayley said.
"Hopefully it will all be fine" Ross said.
As Ross left his building, to walk over to Doctor S's office, which was right down the street, he had an uneasy feeling about him.
He knew it had to be something, but the question was, how serious if at all was it?
That remained to be seen.
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