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Renismelthin: Meet The Geeks F/MMFF


Jun 25, 2007
Ronald cursed under his breath. Call Of Duty was not being kind to him. What should have been a simple sniping mission was all shot to Hell now that he had run out into an open area filled with enemy soldiers.


“Take it easy, Ron. It's just a game.” Joey tried to chill his friend. Joey sat on on of the two beds in the dorm room, typing away on his laptop, performing random searches for old computer parts, porn, and movie torrents. “I found the new Executioner movie! HD Quality!”

“Sweet. This game is pissing me off though.” Ronald gave the TV the finger as it started to reload the mission. “Took me 15 minutes to get that far into the mission.”

“You should be a better shot next time.” Joey muttered. He and Ronald shared the place, which was quite large as far as studio apartments go. They had known each other since middle school and moved to the University of Columbia in Missouri together for college. Both of them were still starting their Freshmen years. They got along well enough with their neighbors, Cindy and Amy, but they were currently not home. Because Ronald and Joey had been such good friends during their formative years so far, they had shared a lot of firsts together. They stole their first Penthouse magazine together. They shared their first cigarette in High School (they both coughed for hours afterward). Joey was a virgin and he suspected that Ronald still was, though the latter constantly spun tales of High School nookie. Joey was a bit on the chubby side but Ron looked as though you could breathe on him and knock him over. Joey had short, blonde hair while Ron's was long and brown. The two were polar opposites in terms of appearance.

“I'm done with this game for now. It's just gonna make me madder.” Ronald switched off the PS3 and jumped onto his bed, laying on his back. “Any parties tonight?”

“That would have us there?” Joey countered. Neither the two of them or their neighbors were what you might call part of the In Crowd. Actually, that's putting it nicely. They were more or less geeks. Joey found it nearly impossible to get away from his computer for more than an hour at a time. Ronald wasn't as obsessed with technology but he knew more about different movies and TV shows than he did about anything else. If it wasn't some kind of recorded media, he wasn't interested in it.

There was an abrupt knock on the door.

“Open up.” They heard Cindy on the other side of the door.

“First, you must answer me these questions three!” Ronald joked.

“Open the damn door!” Amy's voice chimed in.

“Fine.” Ronald got up off of the bed and answered the door, letting Amy and Cindy in. Cindy was carting around a 30 pack of Hamm's beer. Cindy was gorgeous. She had an average body but an absolutely bewitching face. Her long, platinum blonde hair nearly reached her ass. Amy had curly brown hair and glasses. She looked a bit dorky and dressed conservatively. While Cindy had no problem walking around in Halters and short shorts, Amy preferred jeans and sweaters.

“We come bearing gifts of grain and hops.” Amy pointed out.

“What do you mean we?” Cindy turned to Amy. “I'm the one who paid for it AND carried it up from the car. You were running from that stupid stray outside.”

“I wonder when they are gonna do something about that cat crawling around the bushes anyway.” Amy complained.

“Anyway, where should I put this?” Cindy asked, pointing to the case with his free hand.

“Fridge.” Ronald answered as he handed Cindy a few bucks for their share of the beer money. Cindy pocketed the cash and opened the refrigerator door, placing the case inside on the lower shelf, ripping the cardboard free, and grabbing a beer for everybody.

“Not for me, I'm good.” Joey spoke without looking up from his laptop screen.

“No, you're not.” Cindy shoved a beer at him, not moving until Joey set his computer down and took the perspiring can from his friend.

“As long as you're on there, try to google us something to do other than gaming.” Amy joked.

“Mock if you want...” Joey said as he popped the tab and took a sip. “You can find anything on the internet. Anything.”

The four all started drinking. Most of them had surprisingly good tolerance levels, with the exception of Ronald. He was very thin and had a very rapid metabolism so the alcohol hit him faster than it did the others. The group exchanged some idle conversation before the topic of conversation turned to sex... as it typically did with them. Though the group was comprised of two guys and two girls, none of them had ever been laid except for Ronald... and nobody really believed his far fetched stories about getting some ass behind the bleachers Senior year. Especially since he wouldn't say which lucky girl was his first.

“It couldn't have been Courtney. You change girls every time that you tell this story.” Joey pointed out while typing. He was only in and out of the convo.

“Be honest with us, Ron. You've never even groped a tit, let alone gone all the way.” Cindy was on her 3rd drink and her filter was dying out pretty quickly.

“Um, guys...” Joey looked up from his screen. “I might have found something.”

“What do you mean?” Amy asked.

“Do you guys believe in the supernatural? Ghosts and demons and such. We could have a kind of séance.”

“Whoa whoa whoa... Hold up. Haven't scary movies shown us what a horrible idea that is?” Amy voiced her protest.

“You are the one who said that we should find something to do other than gaming.”

“Sounds like fun.” Cindy chimed in.

“I dunno. I'm with Amy on this one.” Ronald said. He saw the logic in her argument. “There ARE a lot of horror movies that start out like this.”

“Well, it doesn't have to be a malevolent spirit. How about this one here: Renismelthin.”

“What's that?” Ron asked.

“There isn't much here but it says something about how the spirit was usually summoned over the centuries to bring happiness and excitement. Occasionally it was summoned to punish somebody but what's weird is that it's powers are consistent. However it punishes people is also how it brings happiness depending on the situation.”

“That's kind of odd, isn't it?” Amy asked as she sipped her beer. “I mean, how do you bring someone happiness and punish somebody else by doing the same thing?”

“Let's ask it.” Ronald grinned, clearly intrigued. “I mean, what else are we gonna do tonight?”

The four eventually agreed, not sure if the conjuring spell would even work. The spell itself called for a number of feathers of different colors and a small cat. Amy and Cindy went outside to capture the stray while Ronald and Joey went to a local craft store to find the feathers they would need.

Once they all met up back in the apartment, The boys placed the feathers into the shape of a pentagram and the girls handled the cat. They set the cat in the center of the pentagram (Amy kept the animal in place with a laser pointer). Joey pulled up his laptop and read the incantation. He hoped he wasn't pronouncing any of the words wrong. After a few moments a burst of purple smoke erupted from the cat's mouth, and when it cleared... They saw Renismelthin in all of it's unholy glory.

Soft, pink skin covered it's shapely and robust body. It's blue hair contrasted the pink skin sharply. It's purple, catlike eyes and purple lips were oddly alluring. It was very much a female figure, and bare assed naked to boot. Both of the boys gawked at her as she exhaled a gentle sigh and spoke with a childlike feminine voice that shocked the group.

“Who has awoken me?” The being asked.

“I did.” Joey spoke up with something of a stammer. He couldn't look away from the entity. Renismelthin turned to face him. As soon as it's eyes met his, he felt strangely giddy somehow. He tried to conceal it.

“And what is your name, child?”

“Joey” He answered.

“Nice tits.” Ronald complimented. The creature turned to face Ronald with almost reptilian grace.

“Tits?” It asked as if it didn't know the word.

“Yeah... your... um...” He put his hands to his chest in pantomime.

“Oh!” It giggled. “Well, thank you.”

“Really, Ron?” Cindy rolled her eyes.

“Hey, if you got it, flaunt it.” Ronald shrugged.

Amy now spotted the horns on the creature's forehead.

“Holy shit! It's a fucking demon, guys!” Amy tried to run for the door but Renismelthin waved it's hand and the door disappeared. All that was left was wall.

“Fuck this!” Cindy ran for the window but the demon made that vanish as well. The teens were trapped.

“Don't run away. Play with me.” The demon tantalized. “I won't harm any of you. That's not what I do.” The four college students stopped and remembered why they summoned Renismelthin in the first place.

“Play with you?” Joey pondered out loud. “How do you mean?”

“There are only two reasons why I am ever summoned. Someone needs to be punished... or someone wants to play...” Renismelthin turned back to Ronald. “You were admiring my... tits?” The demon noted “Let's see what you can do... or are you afraid of your friends finding out that you have no idea what to do with them?” It snickered. Ronald froze as he realized the demon could read his mind. “It's alright, Ronald.” It assured him. “Joey doesn't know either, and these girls wouldn't know what to do in bed if they had a manual. You are all virgins.”

“How do you know that?” Ronald asked smugly. “I've seen porn.”

“Oh... and that makes you experienced then?” The demon cackled at him cruelly. “Then step up to the plate, boy. Show me what you've got.” Renismelthin placed her hands on her hips and slowly rocked them as she awaited the young man. Ronald took a chug of his nearby beer for liquid courage and approached the being. She licked her lips as he stopped in front of her. He raised his hands... stopped for a moment...

“What would you guys like to see me do?” He asked, deflecting. The demon laughed.

“See? No idea!” It taunted, humiliating the teen. “But it's alright. I have many things to teach the four of you... if you are willing to learn. Are you... willing?”

“Hold up.” Cindy interjected. “This is wrong.”

“What is?” Amy asked. Everyone looked at her in disbelief, except for Renismelthin, who was picking her nails and leaning against the wall.

“You don't see anything wrong with a fucking demon ordering us to have sex?” Cindy nearly shouted.

“Since when am I doing that?” Renismelthin inquired. “I am not telling anybody to have sex with anybody. But, you did summon me... so clearly you are all interested in what I can do... to you.” It moved off of the wall and stood facing the group. “Also, it's not as if you have any choice in the matter.

The four eventually all voiced their compliance, with Cindy being the most reluctant.

“Wonderful!” Renismelthin seemed overjoyed. “Now then... The first step towards sexual gratification is admitting what you want. Otherwise, how can you be happy with your partner.” The demon snapped it's fingers and soft, cushioned chairs appeared. “Please take a seat, each of you.” The beautiful devil gestured and each of the teens took a seat in one of the chairs. “How are those pads feeling on those chairs?” The group suddenly realized that they couldn't lift themselves up. It was as if they were glued to their seats.

“Hey, this shit isn't funny!” Joey shouted. The demon simply giggled.

“Not yet, it's not.” Renismelthin assured him. “Now... I can see into each of your minds. I know what you want. I know what you need. But first... you have to be honest with yourselves... and others. So, Amy...” She eyed the girl, “What is your deepest... darkest... fantasy?”

“I honestly couldn't say.” Amy offered the shallow and unoriginal response. The demon looked her over. She walked up to the student, smiled, and introduced a sharp fingernail to the patch of skin behind Amy's left ear. Amy snickered at the tickly sensation.

“That's not true, is it, Sweetheart?” Renismelthin inquired as it teased her. The nail trailed down her neck making her giggle a little. Her friends watched with odd but amused faces.

“Okay! Okay! Stohhohp that!”

She pulled her hand away to let Amy speak.

“I'm Bi-curious. I've never been with a guy but I've... experimented with girls.” Amy admitted.

“Is that for real?” Cindy asked her friend.

“Yes.” Amy replied. “When I first hit puberty, I realized that I felt attracted to guys... but also to older women. Not super old, but... like early to mid 30's.

“Just like your 7th grade teacher, Mrs. Wilkins.” Renismelthin revealed.

“You had a thing for Wily Wilkins?” Cindy asked.

“Yes, I did, Okay?!” Amy answered, embarrassed.

“There's a good girl.” The devil smiled. “Next!” She walked over to Ronald, who was next in line. “Ronald... What is your deepest... darkest... fantasy?”

“Six women at once.” He stated bluntly.

“And what would they do?” She asked.

“They would... please don't make me say this...”

“Tell me... or else.” The creature warned.

“Well, you see... when I was 8 or 9, I saw this scary movie, right. And there was this female character. She was kind of... I guess you would say a goth. And she was a witch who hypnotized 5 other women into an orgy, like to prove that they weren't pure enough to stop her. Ever since then, I have wanted to be in that scene. I used to touch myself in bed at night with my Power Rangers nightlight over my head, thinking about those women... teasing me till I couldn't stand it. Then I would cum.” Ronald's confession rang a bell with Joey.

“Lurid Coven?” He remembered the title. “That movie meant that much to you?”

“Yes, it did! It was my first masturbatory fantasy.” Ronald conceded.

“Six women. Typical male fantasy.” Amy muttered.

“Amy... many boys have fantasies that involve more than one woman. Because they don't realize exactly all that one woman can do. It has to be exaggerated in their fantasy when they have only their hand to bring them physical pleasure.” Renismelthin moved on to Cindy. “Tell me your fantasy now.”

“I want to be tied up.” The blonde didn't even try to hide it.

“And?” Renismelthin asked.

“Well, I... I don't know. I have always just loved the feeling of losing control, I guess.”

“Fair enough.” She smirked and moved to Joey. He looked a tad perplexed. “End of the line, Joey. You and I both know how...” She licked her lips again, “Juicy... your fantasy is...”

“Please... I can't.” He pleaded.

“It's alright.” Renismelthin assured him

“What the fuck is this shit?” Ronald barked. “We all had to do it but he doesn't?”

“Relax, my dear. You will know before the end of the night.” She promised. “Now then, the next step to sexual gratification is... reciprocation.”

“What do you mean?” Cindy asked.

“I mean... I will do something for you... if you will do something for me...” She explained. “And since I am naked, I think we can start there!” She waved her hand and the clothes faded right off of all four teens. There was a good deal of screaming and complaining. None of them had been nude in front of anybody (excluding family). Faces reddened. Legs crossed. Complaints soared. Renismelthin laughed.

“Now, we're even. You have to have love for your own bodies if anybody else is ever to love yours.” The demon stated as the four young men and women observed each other. Joey was a little tanned. His torso was weak, though. He had something of a belly and instead of pecs, he showed off a pair of man-boobs that seemed to almost hang off of him. Ronald was very thin but pretty well hung. His bones in his chest and pelvis area protruded a bit, making them quite noticeable. Amy had a bit of baby fat that she hadn't lost yet but her three friends looked at her with a bit of amazement. Her rather traditional wardrobe had been very successfully hiding a large and very firm chest. Clothed, she was a typical girl next door. Naked, she was a Goddess to any fan of curves. Cindy seemed quite typical altogether, though she couldn't help but be jealous of her friend.. The group looked at each other with common curiosity.

“Such delicious specimens.” Renismelthin observed.

“What have you done!?”

“Hey, Amy, fuck you! Eyes up here!”

“Now, now, boys and girls.” The demon smiled. “This is all nonproductive. Your bodies are yours. You can't embrace sexuality without embracing your own.” The arguments stopped as the students realized that they couldn't really do anything about the situation.

“What comes next?” Joey inquired.

“I do something for you... You do something for me...” Renismelthin went back over to Amy. “See your fantasy...” She whispered.

Amy blinked and was suddenly transported to an empty classroom. Well, almost empty. She looked to the front of the room by the blackboard and saw Mrs. Wilkins. Her glasses were sensible but accented her blue eyes. Her black hair was up in it's usual bun, but she wore black leggings with a red studded leather corset. Her chest was pushed up and her bottom was wonderfully collected in her leggings. She grinned.

“Oh, Amy... I remember you... Always fidgeting in your seat as if trying to hide your arousal during my class. Your thick shirts may have covered your turgid nipples whenever I locked eyes with you, but I always knew.” She said. Amy began to feel aroused. Wilkins placed her finger in her mouth and began to softly suck on it. Amy began to get wet in her seat as she started breathing heavily. “Oh, you naughty girl... now you do something for me...” Amy's 7th grade teacher brought her fingers to Amy's belly... and started tickling.

“Hhehehehehehehheheheh hey! Whahahhahat are you doohohohhohoing?” She shook as she laughed, making her tummy shimmy and her breasts shake.

“I'm tickling you, Amy.” Mrs. Wilkins answered. “You always covered yourself so well. I had wondered many times why you always covered your tummy when the other girls dressed so shamelessly.” The teacher circled her finger near Amy's bellybutton and she tried to squirm away.


“What's wrong with you, Amy?” Joey asked. All he or the others could see was Renismelthin gesturing towards the young woman with an evil smile and Amy laughing and squirming in her seat.

“Oh yes! I think you might even make teacher's pet as long as you can remember your literature and tell me where Scylla attacked Odysseus and his crew.”

Amy struggled to remember that stupid story.

“The island!” She shouted


“The cave!”

“That's right!” Wilkins chirped. She dipped her index finger into Amy's deep bellybutton and tickled the knot inside with her nail. “The cave!”


Amy's friends watched her laugh hysterically, not quite knowing what was happening to her.

“What's going on?” Cindy yelled at the demon.

“Shhhh... This is important.” Renismelthin answered.

Wilkins wiggled her finger in the bellybutton with rapid speed.

“Coochie coo, ticklish girl!”


Suddenly the devious teacher vanished. Amy panted and saw her friends' confused and frightened faces. Renismelthin chuckled.

“Thank you, Amy.” She moved over to Ronald. “Now, movie boy, something for you... something for me... See your fantasy...”

Ronald blinked and found himself in the middle of an old haunted house at night, specifically the living room. He recognized the room immediately from the movie he had mentioned earlier. He looked over at the fireplace and saw the witch. She was young and beautiful. Platinum blonde hair but pale with black eyeliner and lipstick. She motioned to her 5 captive beauties who were enjoying each other's bodies on the carpet.

“Well, looky here. Seems we have a Peeping Tom in our midst.” The witch called their attention to the skinny, nude teenager. “Let's make him scream!” The girls cooed and ran to Ronald. All were busty and long legged as he had remembered them on celluloid. They swarmed against him, trapping his naked body between theirs. Breasts and pouting lips surrounded him and the organ between his legs could not avoid the brush of a random thigh or finger. Ronald grew hard and the girls led him to the couch. They stretched him out. Two of the sat on his legs and arms. Two took position near his feet, and one hovered her ruby lips directly over his cock. The the witch came to the couch herself.

“Ladies... make him scream...”

The two women at his feet started to poke and scratch at his arches, causing him to giggle against his will.


“Don't tickle like that. Use a soft touch like this.” The girl on the left said to the other.

“Ooooh, that's nice. Use your nails under his toes. That'll get him.”

“Not as much as this will!” The third girl bent down and took Ronald's member into her mouth. He gasped excitedly. He had never felt affectionate lips around his penis before. He moaned between ticklish giggles. The witch chortled above him.

“Such a skinny little boy...” She mentioned. Look at these tender ribs of yours. She placed her hands on the boy, nails between the bones on his sides, and trailed them gently. Ronald's whole body shook!


Once again, the other teens watched in awe. Renismelthin wiggled her fingers towards Ronald, whispering little phrases... “Get his toes more... So skinny... so ticklish...”

“Whatever you're doing, just stop!” Joey demanded. The demon giggled and continued.

“1... 2... 3... 4... Darnit, now I have to start all over again!” The witch announced. The girls at his feet were poking between his toes and singing This Little Piggy. Meanwhile the two girls pinning him down were rubbing their breasts together as he looked up and watched. The witch vibrated her fingers against the ribs and Ronald fell apart. But the girl who teased him with her mouth found a sweet spot and lapped it up like a hungry cat. Ronald screamed.


The group watched as Ronald orgasmed. His seed shot into the air and Renismelthin jumped up and down excitedly. Ronald came back to reality as he looked down to see the semen on his belly and legs. Cindy and Amy in particular were speechless.

“Oh my God...” He muttered. Renismelthin looked flattered.

“Oh... well... thank you.” She responded. She moved on to Cindy. “You are my favorite. You just want to be tied up. That's already said and done.” She leaned in to kiss the blonde passionately. Her forked tongue slid into Cindy's mouth and Renismelthin teased her with licks and soft kisses until Cindy shuddered with pleasure. “No hallucination needed for you. We can just get down to business!” She reached out and lobster clawed Cindy's waist.

“HEHehhEhEHhehEhEhehhehehehehehhehehe Whahahahahahahat the fuhuhhuhuuhck!”

“That's not your super duper ticklish spot, is it? No... I think we need some northern exposure.” An invisible force lifted Cindy's wrists far above her head.

“Oh God, no...” Cindy whispered.

“God? What a strange word... God...” The demon thought to itself before spidering her nails in the girl's underarms.


“Tickle tickle” The demon teased. She made Cindy's arms raise higher and tighter and before long, the verbal “tickle tickle” and physical feelings of helplessness had Cindy soaked. Then something even stranger happened. Before the eyes of everyone in the room, the chair that Cindy sat upon suddenly transformed. No longer made of soft cushions and wooden legs, the whole chair seemed to be made of living, human flesh. And directly under Cindy's bottom, a phallic shaft formed and entered the blonde right then and there. The very chair that she was sitting on was now thrusting a thick, erect cock inside of her. She rocked and swayed on top of it as Renismelthin slowly and gently tickled her underarms.

“HehehehhehEHEHHEHE OOOO HEHhehEHHEHE mmmmm fuck... HEHHEHEHE”

“Oh... yes...” the devil purred... “Doesn't it feel warm? Doesn't it feel slick? Which tickles you more? My fingers or that hard pole? How long can you take it, my love? Gitchy goo!” She tickled Cindy's hairless underarms with earnest as the young woman came in front of her friends.“There you go. Let it out...” the demon coaxed. Cindy shivered and trembled. Renismelthin stopped tickling the chair returned to normal. Cindy was sweating and panting as she recovered.

Renismelthin giggled and moved over to Joey.

“That just leaves you, computer boy.” She smirked. “Are you ready to tell the others your fantasy?” She asked. Joey refused to answer. “Should I?”

“NO!” He screamed. “I mean... I can't do this.”

“I don't get it. What's going on?” Amy asked.

“Funny you should pose the question, Amy.” Renismelthin eyed the busty student. “You are the answer.”

Joey blushed.

“What?” Amy gasped.

“He wants you.” The demon illuminated. “He's wanted you since he first saw you. He dreams about you. I think he may even be in love with you.” The room became silent.

“Joey, is that true?” Amy asked.

“Yes...” He answered hesitantly.

“She likes you, too, Joey.” Renismelthin revealed. Joey looked over at Amy and her eyes told him that it was the truth. The demon smiled. “I think we need a more secluded setting...”

Joey found himself on a humongous bed with blue satin sheets. The bed sat in the middle of a room that was extravagantly decorated. Like a room in a castle. Candles provided the only light. He was still nude. He looked at the foot of the bed to see Renismelthin standing behind Amy.

“Amy...” He whispered.

“He wants you, dear...” The demon said to the girl. “Shall I teach you how to please him.”

“Yes.” Amy said softly. “I want to know. I want to know everything about him.”

“As you wish.” The pink creature snapped her fingers and Joey was suddenly laid out on his back in a spreadeagle formation on the bed. Renismelthin raised her hand and Joey now levitated about a foot off of the bed, still not able to move. Renismelthin sat Amy on the bottom of the bed.

“We must expose his nerves. Remember when Mrs. Wilkins tickled you?” The demon inqured.


“How did it make you feel?”

“It tickled, of course... but it was nice in a way. It turned me on, being teased and controlled by her.” Amy rubbed her tummy, recalling.

“That's because you were attracted to her. You felt close to her. It wasn't just play... it was intimate. A relationship between the two of you where one excited the other. Joey likes you. He feels that way about you and you about him. So, show him, show him how it feels. Show him on his... feet.”

Joey became nervous about his feet being tickled but kept quiet.

Amy brought her nails to the soles, scuttling up and down the bottoms of the feet with soft precision.

“Hehehhehehehehhehehehehehehehheheh Amhehehehhehehyyyy!” He started giggling.

“You see. He is laughing but not just because he is being tickled, but because you are the one doing it.” Renismelthin explained. “Watch his penis as you tickle.”

Amy looked over the young man's body and saw that as she tickled his soles, his manhood began to twitch and rise.

“See how being touched in such a playful way by the woman he loves arouses him. Manipulating these weak spots brings you power over him... and it is as intoxicating for him as it is for you. The man becomes a boy, shy and giddy as he was when he developed his first crush. He remembers what it is to feel so nervous, and yet so enchanted.” Amy understood as the demon taught her her own nipples stiffened as she felt the power that she had over Joey. She became greedy with the need to tickle him more and more. She wiggled his toes and scratched his insteps.


Tickle lust filled the young woman's eyes.

“I want him to cum. I want to bring him to the edge and push him right over it! I want him to be mine.” Amy announced.

“Then a good ticklegasm is in order.” Renismelthin told her. Amy and the demon moved so that they were on either side of the floating 18 year old.

I call tails!” Renismelthin sang as she started to tickle the crack of Joey's bottom with light, whispery touches.

“Hehehehhehhehehehehhehehehehehehehe” Joey giggled. It tickled but the erotic nature of the situation had him spellbound.

“That means I get heads.” Amy followed suit and informed Joey with a sultry tone. Amy brought her fingertips to the boy's shaft and began to tickle up and down the length of it. Her nails found tickle spots that Joey never knew he had, such as halfway up the sides and the wonderfully tender patch of skin on the underside just beneath the purple head of the cock.


“Tickle tickle tickle, baby boy.” Amy uttered merrily. Renismelthin continued to tickle the crack and even the puckered hole with her fingertips, her touch as soft as that of a marching ant. The hole puckered more when she touched it and his penis twitched involuntarily.

“We know your tickle spots.” The devil sang. “Let yourself go. Giggle and laugh and have fun.”

Amy tickled the penis with one hand and the ballsack with the other. Her touch was just as light as Renismelthin's and Joey could only give in and chuckle happily. The bottom patch of skin on the scrotum proved to be a sweet spot and Amy gave him a sweet, knowing glance when he started giggling more. She teased the spot with one fingertip, brushing it repeatedly with the kind of touch that only a woman can truly inflict.

The colorful succubus now focused her attack solely on the boy's asshole. It tickled like crazy but the stimulation sent waves of pleasure seemingly right through Joey's member. The tickle spots were meant to bring laughter but also push him to orgasm. Renismelthin and Amy both knew that this was the perfect time for some tickle talk.


“Yes?” Renismelthin responed

“Remember how he struggled when I got him on his feet?” Amy asked.

“Oh yeah. That got him good.” The Hellion said softly, almost whispering. “Or when you wiggled his little toe. I thought he was gonna pee himself. Hahaha.”

“Yes, he certainly is a ticklish boy.” Amy noted. Their discussion brought all of those memories flooding back to Joey's mind. They were tickling his mind as well as his body, and he was completely intoxicated by it. Renismelthin began to dust around the hole, giggling as it twitched. And Amy began to softly masturbate the boy while still brushing that weak point on his scrotum.

“Tickles and tickles and tickles... all for little Joey.” The young man shuddered as Amy's womanly fingers stroked his cock. He felt as though he was about to cum. The intensity had him shaking as it built and built.

“Oh no...” He muttered.

“Oh yes... Tickle tickle.”

The orgasm rocked Joey's body. He arched his back and groaned loudly as the semen was lovingly coaxed out of him. The girls kept tickling about his bottom and balls as Amy rubbed the tender organ.

“UUUUUNNNGGHHHH!” Joey shrieked as he and Amy were transported back to the apartment. Renismelthin appeared as well. She lifted the spell that held Ronald and Cindy to their chairs. The four friends all gathered together.

“My work here is done.” Renismelthin disappeared. The chairs dematerialized as well. And the students were left naked and trembling in the dorm room.

Needless to say... they had much more to discuss now. Especially Joey and Amy.
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