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Repost: Laughing Lake (Lake/F, Feet)


Dec 21, 2007
Laughing Lake

A long time ago, or perhaps in the distant future, flourished a non-descript kingdom by the name of El-Nid. To say anymore would betray the dom of king’s heritage.

As most kingdoms often are, this majestic land was ruled by a king. Neither a benevolent savior nor a evil miser was he, simply a tired and old man doing all that he could to keep his kingdom and lineage intact.

To do so, a king must have a successor, which of course, requires a woman. Though not strictly limited to queens, as an illegitimate child would serve just as well, this particular king did have a queen by his side.

Two children they birthed and raised (though the latter much more so by underpaid servants); an elder daughter and a younger brother. Born on the same day, but two years apart; often this was the cause of much bickering and squabbling.

It is eighteen years since the young princess’s birth, and again she is ignored by a favoritist father and uncaring mother. To have ignored such an important day of my life, she thought as she fled the keep, is to ignore my existence. To the fabled Witch’s Glen I’ll hide, where no soul shall find me.

Quickly she walked down the cobble road that trailed away from her keep, as running quickly proved too hard in slippers and dress. Down the long, winding road, she traversed, past several thatch cottages, until she reached the small town’s end, where roads give way to dirt paths at forest’s end. Through the forest she carefully walked, and perhaps an hour later, quite lost and unsure of her location, noticed a small bee. Intrigued, as she had seen no fauna yet, she followed after the bee as it flew away. Soon she stumbled upon a beautiful field, complete with both flowers and lake.

The Witch’s Glen seemed too far now, she thought, as she took in the beauty that surrounded her, carelessly watching as the bee flew away across the lake. That aside, her feet ached from the terribly long walk she had taken. As warm as this spring proved to be, the lake all but sang a siren’s alluring song of coolness and refreshment. A cozy patch of grass set a few feet in front of her, and she could not resist the call of the lake any longer. After moving forward towards the spot, she hiked up her dress so that it would not become dirty, or at least prevent it from becoming very dirty, before kneeling down.

Sitting on her knees as such allowed her to easily and carefully slip off each slipper with her left hand, slowly, one by one, revealing delicate flesh that had yet to touch anything save her silken slippers and the rug near her bathing quarters. Simple, slightly wrinkled, and the slightest shade of pink were the bottoms of her feet that for the first time felt the warmth of the suns rays. After setting the slippers aside, she carefully leaned back upon her palms and lifted her legs in front of her, before dropping her right foot’s big toe to test the waters temperature.

A slight ripple in the water lapped towards her toe as she lowered, touching her flesh in a caressing manner. A sensation shot through her foot quickly, causing her to giggle slightly and pull back. Strange, she thought, as she began to stick her foot towards the water again. This time as she neared, a portion of the water seemingly leapt up towards her. Startled, she went to pull away, but was unable to as the water surrounded her ankle and pulled it within the waters borders. A similar sensation followed, though this time, across the entirety of her foot. She smiled and struggled in vain, classifying the feeling as unbearable in a puzzlingly enjoyable way, before giving way to laughter derived from the feelings she was unable to escape.

Ripples beneath her toes sent her into a flurry of giggles, and soon the goo like essence that had kept her foot within the water as it flailed disappeared, as too did the sensations. From the water she drew her foot, and held it into the air, gazing with a sort of amazement. Very strange, she thought, as she did this, now looking at her other foot which had become slightly dirty due to slight struggles against dirt.

Curiosity, perhaps towards the strange water, or perhaps towards the strange feeling brought about by it, left her to test the lake’s water once more. This time, she held her ankles together as she slowly approached the water, awaiting a reaction. A few inches above the surface, she stopped, and waited. Nothing. Curiosity and temptation rampaged through her; biting her lip, she dipped deeper and deeper until she touched the surface slightly with her toes. Nothing. A few seconds of nothing occurred as she wondered, before a slight ripple upon the pads of every toe caused her to gasp unexpectedly. A few more seconds of nothing passed. With a deep breath, she plunged her bare feet ankle deep into the water, anticipating the feelings. A moment passed, followed by another, and then a third. Nothing. Carefully, she began to peep towards the lake through eyes she had closed shut. Then, suddenly, a wave of feeling engulfed her as surges of ripples were felt beneath her soles.

Onto her back she fell, laughing harder than she had ever deemed possible, uselessly flailing her feet beneath the surface. It was still water, but seemed to have gained a gooey property to it, so that she could not pull free. As if knowing her movements, the ripples followed her feet and toes, attacking them relentlessly, deriving such blissful madness from deep within her that she feared she might lose herself; worse, she feared she might enjoy losing herself to this sensation. Minutes passed as she laughed herself away, striking at the ground with her arms, before the feelings stopped.

Breathlessness ravaged her lungs as she attempted to understand the situation. She did not understand anything that had happened, but realized while looking towards the slightly clouded sky that the sun had begun to set. Almost begrudgingly, she withdrew her feet from the water, shook them dry, and replaced them within her slippers before standing up and leaving.

Of course, she arrived home to find that nobody knew she had left. Strangely, she did not mind; whatever had happened at the lake filled her with a sense of euphoria. Ecstatic and blissful, she climbed the keep towards her bed chamber, and fell into the soundest slumber she had ever enjoyed.

Through the night she dreamt of the lake, waking up several times laughing loudly as a result of fictional sensations. Still, the night passed quickly, and when she awoke, she felt anew. Another awful morning passed, as she thought of nothing more than the lake. Lunch came and went, leaving her with naught to do save read. Growing bored of her predicament, she decided it best to take a walk and clear her mind.

Lost within thought, her legs seemed to carry her outside the keep of their own will. Before she realized it, she had already left the cobble stone road and was deep within the forest. By the time she did, she also recognized that she had become quite lost yet again. For the better part of an hour, she stumbled her way through well taken care of thickets, before coming upon the lake once more.

Well, she reasoned to herself as she moved forward, her feet were sore again, and she herself was tired and could use a rest. Thoughts of evil magic washed before her eyes as she knelt down once more, before carefully removing her slippers and exposing her sensitive soles, the soft wind gently caressing them as she did so, forcing a smile upon her face. As if in a trance, she turned about and began to allow her feet to touch the water, feeling the caress that exposed a rarely seen smile upon her face as she allowed them to enter.

Sensations this time flooded through her with no hesitation. Again, she could not pull away, but this time she did not fall onto her back. She watched as her toes wiggled and scrunched themselves in defense; as her feet tried erratically to avoid the touches upon them. While she watched, a small fish swam up and circled her angles. Despite the tickling waters, she watched this fish closely as it circled her again, before forming a perfect 45 degree angle towards her littlest toe, and swimming at it with fervor. A slight sucking feeling could be felt just under her nail, and then upon the pad of her toe, as she screamed with laughter. No, little fish, not my toes, she howled at the water to no avail.

Another fish appeared and approached her big toe, pushing her too far. She laughed, she howled; she bucked, she cried, but could not pull free. After one particularly effective nibble, which she had thrown her head back in response to, she returned to see a vine creep from the wall of the lake towards her ankle. Quickly, it wrapped itself around her ankles with a tightening constriction, and she suddenly lost any ability to flail. The sensations became more real at this point, causing her to flap her feet madly and cry out.. Still another fish appeared, this time on her other foots big toe, all the while the waters movements between her toes hastened. As fast as she could, she flapped her feet in an attempt to escape, before noticing the vine had crept over top of her feet. A gasp, followed by howling laughter, as it wrapped around her big toes and pulled them tout, allowing her no free movement whatsoever.

Yet another fish, and two more still, came to enjoy this poor and helpless girls feet as she laughed herself silly, becoming unaware of anything save her feet. It was a wonderful feeling, she thought, to be completely vulnerable like this; to be forced to laugh and struggle against her will.

The ripples subsided, the fish swam away, and the vines vanished. Again, only a laughing wreck of her former self remained. A leaf, or some type of creature disguised as a leaf, lifted her feet from the water and gently set them onto land, brushing and caressing them dry before disappearing back within the lake. After a few moments, she had caught her breath, reequipped her slippers, and headed home. She arrived at the keep, completely unaware of anything else, safe within her own blissful existence, before succumbing to a deep sleep.

Morning could not have come quicker, she thought as she hastily slipped into her slippers and jumped down the stairs towards the dining room. With great speed she ate her meal, speaking naught a word. After eating, she left the keep and headed down the path she had followed the past few days with great haste. Perhaps an hour passed before she found herself at the lake once more.

As it came into sight, her pace picked up, until she was within a few yards of the enigma that had filled her thoughts, both waking and sleeping. Her pace doubled as she closed those yards, allowing herself to step out of her slippers and leaving them where they fell as she did so, before plopping down before the lake and attempting to dunk her feet into the water, only to have it dive towards her ankles and pull them in, tickling her the entire way.

Despite the maddeningly wonderful sensations, she watched her tormented feet, eagerly anticipating the vines as they crept forth, wrapping themselves around her ankles and finally freeing her of any wretched squirming, heightening her senses. A gasp escaped her smiling lips as the vines pulled tightly, slamming the bottoms of her feet into the mud at the small cliffs side, just beneath the water. Feelings made their way through the mud, and it was as if she had never laughed or been tickled before. Unable to comprehend the amount of blissful sensation she felt, she was unaware as more vines wrapped around each toe, tying them to the extraordinarily ticklish mud. A school of tiny fish came, attacking what was revealed of her toes, which were now completely immobile. All of the sensations she openly welcomed, as she laughed harder and harder.

Too soon, the vines grip could no longer be felt, and the mud, fish, and water, had all seemingly lost interest. Through sweat and tears, she looked up to see that the sun had all but set. Her feet moved as though of their own volition, upwards, towards the waters edge. Again, the leaf lifted them, but this time brushed them thoroughly before allowing them to leave the water, each stroke eliciting a soft giggle. Once again, her feet were set upon the soft grass, clean and spotless; apparently, the leaf had cleaned all remnants of mud from her soles. As she looked back, she noticed her slippers were no longer there. Panic almost filled her, before she realized they now sat to her left. Slipping them on, and leaving, she vowed to return to the lake tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after, as it had given her existence meaning.
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