OK Haltickling said in the old thread that it is from an early harmony video called tk7. Does this help? The clip is almost 2 min. long. If someone could dig this up and post it so I could download it that would be very cool of you. I am new to the postings here but I've been registerd since I beleve 7/01. It kinda took a while for me to post here. I felt kinda wierd. But after seeing all of you I know it's all good. I am a music freak (and a retro DJ as well), so, doing these type postings are all new to me. I hope to get to know all of you like I know all another crew on a disco/dance message board. By the way, I did post one back when I registered(because there was a music question asked). There was a tickling stills compilation done by R.T. website and had a track playing over it that is one of my favorite tracks(nearly forgotton in the US as well) by one of my favorite rock bands from the 80's. I couldn't resist responding to this one. Anyway, take care all and lets all be one in our fetish.