DON'T dig in with your fingertips--too much pressure, and it becomes painful. Try to even out the pressure across the pads of your fingers, throughout the fingers , and hand...the lobster claw works well!!! 😉
DON'T dig in with your fingertips--too much pressure, and it becomes painful. Try to even out the pressure across the pads of your fingers, throughout the fingers , and hand...the lobster claw works well!!! 😉
If the tips thread were organized so all the bits about private parts were at the end, I might consider that. I tried reading it before, and found myself, uh, not wanting to continue.
Okay, so across the ribs, between the ribs, or right on the ribs?
Please, just simply putting your hands on my sides is enough for me. I start squirming around, knowing that any minute the tickling is going to start. My feeble brain can't think through the fog that it's not Scott doing the tickling. Just simply me squirming around is tickling me.
Cue, I agree--the anticipation of my ler's (or close friends') hands on my ribs or around my hips, or too close to my armpits...I lose it immediately...anticipation heightens sensation...
mmm...delicious...thank goodness my ler is finishing her finals tonight...mmm...😉