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Rich People Suck!!!!


Jun 19, 2001
Rich people suck...unless they're related to me. I posted a discussion message a while ago about Sara, a girl from when I was 13, who liked to be tickled. We'd play stupid games at my grandparent's house, like whoever says the word "it" gets tickled. Well, she moved to ENGLAND.😡 Well, I met a woman recently (18 years old, rich-ass parents) and rarely got to spend any time with her because her rich-ass parents were always involving her in rich people stuff, so she was rarely free to do anything. On the few occasions when I was able to, I'd poke her in the ribs (making her jump and squeal) or, If I was lucky and she'd be over my house, she'd have taken off her shoes to get more comfortable, so I'd tickle attack her then. She didn't really seem to mind, so I took the advantage. But then.....son of a bitch....guess where she moved? FREAKING ENGLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe I should stay away from the richer folks.....

DAMMIT!!!:Grrr: :Grrr: :Grrr:


The best video game ever: RESIDENT EVIL
Rich people...

DO suck. But that doesn't mean I don't want to be one. 🙂
I see that we are jumping the gun on people with money. While I am not saying I don't give rich people a hard time sometimes, and I would definately like to be rich; I just to think that it's fair to blame rich people. Don't forget that poor people live in England too. Not only rich people move their. And their are plenty other girls in the U.S. that you'll have to choose from! Don't let it get you down...
Maybe I should stay away from the richer folks.....

...or move to England 😀

be right back, i'm going to stare vacantly at my 2 thousand dollar computer monitor, and then watch some high definition football on my 53 inch tv...😎
Rich English Sucker.....

Seeks young U.S. birds.Did they leave you an address Dude? maybe I can look them up!

I hate it when people try to blame things on rich people. I think rich people deserve credit. There IS a reason why they are rich yanno!! They are smart! Take Bill Gates for example! People who call them greedy and stuff are just jealous.
Rich people...

Oh, I'm a big supporter of smart or capable people making it in the world. A lot of times, rich people are rich because they deserve to be. But all too often, poor people who deserve a better lot in life don't get it, just because they are poor. I get bitter because here at school, I'm one of only two people I know who are actually paying for our own school, who didn't have mommy and daddy buy them EVERYTHING, who actually has to work to support himself. From this vantage point, it would be nice if I could just call home and ask for 50 bux like they do. It takes money to make money, ya know?
Weird thread...

Seems odd to see his attitude at the TMF....there are as many types of "rich" people as there are people. Defining rich is not all that simple either. Is a Manhattanite who earns $100,000 a year richer than a guy in Dakota earning 50,000? Not really, because it costs the one about 4,000+ a month for a place to live, and the other less than 1,000. Same goes for food bills and general upkeep, insurance etc.

Some might call me rich...I can basically buy what strikes my fancy, I eat out several times a week and live in a nice home, while working less than 30 hours a week on the average. But, I worked 3 jobs in college, paid off mega buck student loans over the first 10 years, slaved for a corporation and took a big chance with my own capital to start a business. "Rich" as you're speaking about it is an attitude, and doesn't always come with money...

My $2(lol) worth... Q
Dude, maybe your problem isn't with rich people, but with English people! Damn British temptresses!! Coming over here and seducing our men and then leaving them to go back to your rainy little island! LOL. Better luck next time.

I am NOT rich🙁 and I don't suck. I wish I were rich :Grrr: and IF I were I STILL would not suck.
Money changes some people while others it would not.
In lots of cases those who are rich are not snotty and suck up and who "suck" are that way PERIOD and not because they are rich.

They say money does not bring you happiness!. HA. Give me that money and I will show you happiness!:veryhappy.

Let those who are rich and stuck up, have each other! They deserve each other.

While we cannot choose everything in our lives, we CAN choose our friends.

Choose wisely.

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One must realize the if he or she is an employee, someone richer than they signs their paychecks. It's all on how things are handled whether
they suck or not.
It never fails to amuse me when people point fingers and decry the unfairness of those wicked rich people for daring to have more money than they do. Have they never considered, as they write such posts from the comfort and privacy of their home computer, which they have the leisure time to use, that homeless people and Third-World citizens are pointing fingers at them and decrying the unfairness of those wicked rich people for daring to have more money than them?

Read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.
Atlas Shrugged

I've read it. It was pretty impressive at age 20, but I've outgrown her philosophy as I've aged. We truly are our brother's keeper. That doesen't mean that I have to support him in the style he would like to become accustomed to. Often a kick in the butt would serve him better...but a society of autonomous individuals isn't a society at all.

Shit! Off topic again. Can't we talk about baby oil or something?

Do rich people suck?

Some of you need to read the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"
it will give you a totally different outlook on money. Great book, you won't regret reading it.
My outlook on money...

is once I'm making the ungodly sums of 20,000 a year, I won't know what to do with all my money. And Kalnod, you address an interesting point - in fact I've often thought about how damn lucky I am to have been born in this country and not "over there". 🙂 Personally, I will be awfully happy to get by on ten thousand dollars a year. And after college, people tell me I'll be making more than DOUBLE that. What on earth am I gonna do with 20,000 dollars EVERY YEAR? That's like a new car, each and every year. If I ever make hundreds of thousands of dollars like most of my friends' parents do, I'm definitly gonna hand that out to people. 🙂

God, I love naivate. 🙂

A friend of mine collects...well, let's just say "artifacts", because it really doesen't matter to the story. He's been collecting all his life (he's past 60 now.)

He didn't have much money when he was young. He had a job, a wife and family, car note, oppressive mortgage, etc. He sweated blood when he wanted to add to his collection, because he usually had to sell or trade off an artifact he owned to afford a better one.

Now he makes serious money as a consultant. Some pieces in his current collection are worth more than he paid for his first house. But he still agonizes over new additions - still has to trade up to get what he wants.

T9, you probably would consider yourself extremely well-off with my friend's income. He thinks of himself as a regular guy who still doesen't quite have enough. Depends on your perspective...

Talking about monetary philosophies is fun, but Purvis is right - blame England.

According to your argument, the financial means and customs of your girls weren't the downfall, it was bloody old England.

England's stealing your women.

I recommend that you stop listening to the Beatles, burn Rolling Stone magazines, and stay VERY clear of any establishment refering to itself as a pub or people speaking in Queen's English.

As for money, it's fools gold. Having lots of money or no money doesn't mean you'll be happy; happiness is being comfortable and confident in being you. With out that, money is just a distraction from your insecurities; without your insecurites, money doesn't matter.

Wow, cool thread: Women and lost love, philosophies about life and money, and England bashing - my ideal evening.

Down with England, stealers of rich women; down ....

[email protected]

So whats wrong with us rich English chappies? as we wade knee deep in American fanny across our country estates?

P.S. MNSTRTIKLR, How much is your name worth in a game of scrabble?
Rich vs. Poor

My Old dad used to say, "Money doesn't buy you happiness, son!"
...We were happier when we were poor; Because We were Poor! We used to Live in a rolled up newspaper at the bottom of a Ceptic Tank...we used to get up at 4 in the Mornin, Clean the Tank, Eat a Handful of hot Gravel,Walk 17 miles to school; in a snowstorm...uphill...BACKWARDS...After school.we went to the MILL & worked 6 hours ( & PAID for permission to Work)...& when we got home our Parents would Thrash Us To Sleep With A Belt....You Tell the young people of today that; & They won't beleive you!!!!

Now Let me tell you about some Florida Property you could get in on.
Apologies to Monty Python

I'm a$$uming that dudetheguyman wa$ only je$ting with hi$ po$t, $o I cho$e to ignore it, but everytime I come here it'$ the fir$t thing I $ee.
The per$on who $aid money i$n't everything probably didn't have any.
Again, I know this thread is basically in jest, but I'd like to explain something to the American citizens who visit this Forum. We live in a country where you become what you think about most. If you think GOOD then you'll get GOOD. And if you think shitty thoughts then guess what? People of all races, creeds, backgrounds, and physical limitations have made themselves fortunes in America.
If you are an American citizen and you aren't rich it's very simple to figure out why. You just weren't motivated enough to do it.
"If you want to live life on your own terms you've got to be willing to crash and burn"- Motley Crue
Wallstreet has part but not all of the answer - temperament has at least as much to do with getting rich as motivation. Engineers and scientists are often intelligent and creative. The good ones - people who earn the respect of their peers - seldom get rich. The skills required to be a successful entrepreneur are very different from what these guys (and gals) trained to do. Often they entered technical fields because they don't LIKE doing those other things. Building a business distracts them from doing the stuff that's FUN.

The reverse is demonstrably true too. Bill Gates started with a mediocre product and turned it into a multi-billion dollar enterprise, because he's a whiz at marketing. If success were based on technical merit, Apple would have 90% of the computing market and Bill would be washing cars.

And let's not forget...

There's always a healthy dose of luck required to truly make it or break it in the financial world. If things aren't going your way, even if you have a 200 IQ and the best ideas in the world you still aren't gonna pull it off. Well maybe if you are THAT smart, but you get the idea. 🙂
Ticklish9's-- The word "Luck" describes what happens when preparation meets opportunity.
The best opportunity in the world can fall into your lap, but if you aren't prepared it will fall right out.
Trust me, I know about these things.
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