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Robin Aello and her Merry Chix (tribute, f/fff mostly upper)


2nd Level Red Feather
Jan 3, 2003
[Warning: I deem this fairly risque/adult in nature...moreso the text. But I think that fits the Chix here. 😉 ]

I was going to name this 'Robin Aello and her Merry Bounce' to play with Bandito/White Lotus' naming conventions...but I think you might be tricked into thinking Aello's the one doing the bouncing. ^^ This one's another short comic-story, the featured tickling is mostly upperbody: belly, ribs, hips, breasts/nipples...and a little down 'below' as well. The only foot tickling is literally that...

The background for the scene is that my character Aello, who's getting a bit of a contemporary 'alternate' background possibly for use (although she'll be keeping her fantasy-ish other background/time as an option too, of course), is trying to make new friends, here the Bounce Chix. She's hoping she can impress them with a display of one of her many talents: archery. Apparently she's planning to shoot apples of all of their heads in a row. It takes some coaxing, but Aello really wants to make friends and show off her skills. So she eventually is able to get the trio of Andi, Hailey and Jane to accept the setup she has in mind to 'impress' them. Of course, Aello's no unintelligent 'savage' or anything...she's QUITE calculating and sometimes sneaky. 😉

[Notes: Yes, Aello is in her normal Amazon garb. And yes, I hope my renditions of Bandito/White Lotus' lovely creations are good enough and acceptable. The outfits each are wearing are fairly random, although Hailey's might remind you of a certain RPG dancer (her basic 'weapon' in BOTD is a clue). Lastly, excuse the mostly bare backgrounds.]

Panel 1
Confident and smiling, the Amazon Aello pulls a crimson-plumed arrow from her quiver and reassures her new hopefully new friends of what's she capable of:

Aello: "Please, don't worry. This is completely safe...I just want to show you one of my talents, girls. I'm a really good archer, and you'll enjoy this trick. I'm telling you, I know what I'm doing..."

Wanting to impress her 'audience' with her skills...and she REALLY does know what she's planning here in the back of her calculating mind. Yes, they will 'enjoy' this display of archery...

Panel 2
Sheepishly and starting to question if allowing herself and her 'room mates' to being restrained for what is possibly a very dangerous trick, Andi eyes the fruit upon her temple and asks a viable question.

Andi: "I don't want to sound doubtful...but are you SURE this is safe?"

A bead of sweat starts to form beneath her blond locks as she wonders if Aello can indeed (safely) pull this off.

Panel 3
From a rather close range, the wild girl pulls back and tests the strength of her bowstring...scaring the hell out of the Chix. Somehow all three had enough interest to see this trick to be willingly tied up against a trio of wooden stakes. Apples were placed on their heads after their arms and legs were restrained and Aello warned them not to move around their scantily-clad figures too much (to keep the apples from falling).

Aello: "I told you, don't worry! I'm an expert at this," she says, her tone serious. Rather focused on the task at hand.
Jane: "Are you nuts?! How are you ever going to hit all three apples in a row from that close?! You can't do it! Pull back!" Obviously, Janey has no confidence in Ael.
Hailey: *crying slightly* "I don't want to get hit with an arrow. I changed my mind! Let me loose!" Hailey squeals, scared of getting harmed by this trick.
Andi: "You really better take a few steps back, Aello...that trajectory is impossible from there," she warns...then oddly notices a target hung on a nearby tree at stomach level. She mumbles to herself, "What can that be for...she can't hit the apples AND that."

Panel 4
Smirking, Aello takes a few steps back, her slightly tan bare feet being nuzzled by the soft grass. She momentarily fiddles with the shaft of the arrow, then pulls back on its plume...takes aim...

Aello: "Here goes."

Panel 5
Hailey: "Eeeeeeeeeeeee...." she queaks, tightly closing her eyes and hoping she'll be alive to reopen them. She hears the whistling whoosh of the dart as she squints.

Panel 6
THWAP! The arrow slams dead center of the target. Bullseye! And no blood dripping from its silver point...

Panel 1
...but no apple juice dripping off its emerald shaft either. The arrow flew fast and directly to the hanging target.

Jane: "Ha, ha," she jeers, "Some trick. You weren't even close...you totally missed the targets!
Hailey: "Whew," she exhales, happy no one got hurt. (yet)

Andi says nothing but takes notice that the archer's shot was indeed a bullseye...but wasn't she supposed to hit the apples upon each of their heads? And what is that odd-looking rope attached to the end of the Amazon's arrow? There are some strange red items stuck to it...

Panel 2
A vile grin forming on her face, Aello turns to another tree behind her and starts tying the other end of the rope around its trunk. Her eyes narrow momentarily at Jane's heckling...but all is going correctly. This archery exhibition has only started.

Aello: "Missed the target? Did I?" she purrs.

Panel 3
Aello extends her hand to the rope as the Chix continue to react to the original shot. She briskly taps its surface with her slender fingers, sending vibrations down its length...

Panel 4
...causing the crimson things attached to it to extend and stick straight out from the rope. They're large, rigid FEATHERS!

All three Chix gasp immediately as the stiff plumes point out in a circle around the rope's length...some already poking and making contact with their exposed flesh. The sensations certainly cause reactions (as you can see by Andi's torso)..

Panel 5
The Bounce Chix's expressions change quickly to this sudden change in the 'archery trick' Aello wanted to show off to them. Gritting her teeth, Janey's eyes go wide in shock and hate of what's about to happen. Hailey begins to wail, eyebrows raised, sweat already flowing, writhing in sheer horror. Andi is filled with surprise...she never expected things to turn out like this...and expects the worst with an expression of pure terror across her freckled face.

[Note: If you're wondering where both the apples and the wood planks/stakes that are behind the Chix have gone to in this one, it's meant to be a zoomed in expression focused shot with all their faces together. Hence why they're so close and the non-essential bits are missing. Or I didn't plan it right, your call. ^^ ]

Panel 1
The silver crescents of her bracers glinting in the sun, Aello slowly moves one smooth hand to the rope near her, closes her grasp and waits for the "Oh no, don't do that!" from her victims, er, audience. It comes, and she replies by twisting the rope...first slowly and then with fervor.

Panel 2
Almost immediately, the huntress is rewarded with shrieks and laughter. One of the apples bounces to the ground next to her bare feet...probably due to the fact that the Chix certainly aren't keeping their heads still anymore. Aello picks it up as she keeps turning the rope.

Panel 3
Of course, with the rope in its current position, Aello's rope spinning is causing those straight feathers to turn in wide circles, briskly sliding and skimming along the surfaces of the three girls torsos. Yes, calculating Aello had planned it like this all along. Her arrow shot was to set it up like this in the first place deliberately.

The stiff plumes and feathered edges spin like claws swiping down Andi's bare belly. She was trying to figure out a moment before both how the hell Aello could've set up something like this and if the wild woman had it planned all along...

...but now such thoughts are pushed out of her consciousness as the feathers tickle her ribs and stomach. Her thrashing head causes her blond hair to become quite disheveled. She quakes with laughter and squeals in both horror and delight as plumes lick her belly and dip deeply into her navel. Sweat begins to flow freely while her shaking figure wiggles into its binds.

Panel 4
Aello promptly commences with another little trick: alternating which direction she twists the rope, just to keep the Chix both surprised and 'merry'.

Janey's curses quickly becomes coos and giggles with each sliding feather's soft touch. The plumes slip up along her quivering flesh and then get stuck under her barely bikini-clad chest for tantalizing moments. Eventually the motion of the rope forces them up and out, sliding against her heaving orbs and tickling her nipples before restarting their painful circle. She moans in both pain and pleasure...nipples hardening at a rapid pace especially as one feather's path causes it to actually thread right BETWEEN her lovingly bouncing breasts, turning her on quite a lot. Not only that...but she's feeling...excited...below...

Panel 5
...but not as 'excited' as Hailey is right now!

Sweat and saliva are already gushing out of the poor girl's pores and mouth...not to mention a downpair of tears from her closed eyes. But Hailey's feeling a literal throbbing from her lower regions right now, as if her hardened breasts weren't enough of a sign...

...probably due to the vile feathers twirling down her body. They skim ticklishly across her waist and then 'attack' some of her worst spots. Plumes slide slowly across her hips both atop her skirt and where her thighs are exposed, prompting her to holler in laughter. Even worse (better?), are the feather tips that get stuck digging under her sapphire-colored undergarment, quite visible between the split of her skirt. The fiendish shafts momentarily poke into her nether regions below the material, then drag slowly over the front of her sex as they slip from her minimal clothing there, pressing deep and rigidly...

She babbles louder as another fluid begins to flow from the repeated featherings down there. Her body shakes and shudders...Hailey utters increasingly screeching moans that raise in tone as the sensations gradually prompt her to enjoy things at a different level than just terrified laughter...

And soon Jane and Andi reach that same plateau of 'enjoying' this ticklish torture too much...Aello never stops twisting the rope, admiring her handiwork. Perhaps envious...

Panel 6
The amazon girl sits upon a large rock near Janey, just continuing to play with the rope with her right hand and thoroughly enjoying the sounds and sights of the Chix 'admiring' her skillful exhibition. She holds up the dropped apple in her left and gazes upon its red surface.


Aello smirks and decides to add one more display of her talents to the fun.

She brings up her lovingly long left leg in front of her form, extends it and places the smooth sole right upon Jane's throbbing breasts. Giggling with glee at the gasp that Jane emits in response, Aello slides her alluring arch down along one orb, displacing her bikini top slightly (which already had been moving around due to the girl's thrashing and bouncing) and nestles the ball of her foot upon the now exposed nipple.

With a wink, Ael takes a long lap of the apple in her left hand, then a sensual bite of its delicious surface. Simultaneously, after feeling how hard the twitching nipple upon which her sexy sole rests on now feels, the amazon girl slips her perfect toes onto it...and starts to tantalizingly curl and grip it with her deft digits.

Jane squeaks in surprise even amidst her revelry, her nip being teased immensely by the wiggling trailings of the bending tootsies. The last thing she sees before shutting her tearing eyes again are Aello's toes temptingly flexing upon her breast, almost doing an enticing wave of their smooth surfaces as they torment her senses.

Aello: "I don't seem to have missed the apple...mmmmm...."

Janey's mind is too blown to reply as the feathers speed up her form again, not to mention the feeling of the foot on her chest now. Babbles and drool drip from her mouth. In fact, she's almost ready to have another release of...let's say laughter...

Ael takes glances over at the scene, figuring out when her new 'friends' have had enough, a smirk upon her face and apple at her mouth.

Aello: "Now, that wasn't bad, was it? It sure looks and sounds like you enjoyed this display of my talents at archery...among other things. Have fun, girls?" She finished with a small laugh of her own, hoping that they were indeed 'impressed' by her skills.


Heh, so sue me, it was (another) long story. 😉

Enjoy, and I hope Bandito and W.Lotus also like how this tribute came out. Thanks very much to them for creating such cute-sexy creations as the Bounce Chix (quite an inspiration). ^^



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that was quite innovative on the part of our barefooted archer 😀
And I thought she wouldn't have enough hands to get the job done 😛
A trick arrow! There are easier ways to make applesauce, but none more fun than this! Aello certainly is a cut-up... or rather (fortunately!) she isn't, leaving the heavy lifting to softer, more insidious weaponry! Each of the Chix is nicely captured in a variety of attitudes, from sick-with-worry to gushing hilarity! A most jolly (one might say delirious!) quartet... and at three-to-one odds, I doubt Ael will be able to maintain the upper hand (or foot) for long!
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i enjoyed reading that soooooooo much, the anticipation to the actual pics was great, the art then was awesome, this thread wins
Oh my sweet green tights!

It's a ticklish romp thru Featherwood Forest, and Aello plays both the perfect Robin Hood (Tickling the hot to give up their laughter), and the perfect Sherrif of Naughtyham.

I love it!!! 😉 :redface: :super_hap :ayyy:

I'm not sure I could have figured out how to tickle three chix with only one ler, and no robot assistants 😉

The scenario is pure fun, and creativity.

The pages are all well drawn, and I love seeing your stuff in color!! 😱

The story is sweet, with wonderful building anticipation, and sexy outcomes! I especially like Janey's reaction (and her fun little foot fondling).

I am so honored that the Bounce Chix could inspire such a delightful tribute! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I would promise a swift revenge, but given the number of current projects, I can't promise anything too quickly. All I know is the Bounce Chix will have their playfull payback with Aello. And when they do, it'll be three on one tickle torture!

Thanks Khali - this series really made my week!

Aello! i´ve loved this girl since i drew her; great work! *thumbs up*
Amazing! The amount of work that must have gone in this comic must be huge! It is indeed great to see your drawn work in colour. A very original twist you've done on the classic the Robin Hood story. My, Aello has been very busy lately, first the infamous inquisitress and her henchgirl, and now the time-and-space travelling Chix. I say, marvelous work! Thank you very much for posting! 🙂
HDS'd like one of those arrows maybe. 😛 And somewhat risque indeed! But, what better befits the Bounce Chicks? Foot on boob action to boot! 😛 *Thumbs up*
Here goes:

Abadon XXX:
Thank you. ^^

Tickler DAE:
Heh, heh...yeah, Aello and I wanted to come up with quite a unique tickle setup here. An archery trick turned into something that can tickle three lovely Chix at once? I think it impressed them (and hope it impressed you viewers). 😉

Relent< :
Yes, Aello can be VERY calculating, tactical and sneaky when she gets into things...even when she's not 'on the hunt'. She definitely knew how to get enough 'hands' to make all three Chix have some pleasure simultaneously. Not to mention adding a foot to the fun. 😉

Yep! A trick of the arrow leads to a treat for the Chix, one I hope they 'enjoyed'. ^^

I really hope that the Chix were rendered recognizably and that their reactions (both pre and post 'surprise') matched their personalities. But I adored the quick switch from pissed/horror/surprise to full blown sensual laughter and moaning...talk about rubbing them the right way. 😉

3 to 1 odds? I guess Ael hopes they don't go for revenge...she wasn't being 'mean' in the first place, just her own way of being 'friendly'. Who wouldn't want to be in a position of mind (and body) blowing pleasure and laughter if it turned you on? 😉 Not to mention being able to do that with her foot...

Larcen Tyler:
Thanx LT...hopefully it fit the Chix...cute/sexy. ^^

As with my last tribute, I was slightly worried that there was too MUCH story to go along with the panels. But I really liked the scene, and really liked writing about what happens and what goes on in their minds (among other things) per panel. I hope the story didn't overshadow the actual pics though, but it sounds like it served as a fitting 'appetizer' to the images. ^^

Thanks much too. 🙂

*smiles* I'm very glad you enjoyed this lil' series, Bandito...although I think your descript up there narrowed it down better than my probably-too-long-tale. ^^

Heh, believe me, Ael there is quite a 'tactician' when she wants to be. It was a fun setup for her (and me) to whip up and show. ^^

I'm hoping I can improve the color a bit as I go on...it's been ages since I used it (commonly) and I gotta get back in the swing of things.

Yes, writing the story was as fun as drawing the images themselves. The anticipation was quite deliberate...make it seem like a dangerous trick at first...then let loose with the real sexy fun it's hiding. 😉 And of course the little bit at the end with Janey HAD to happen...Aello couldn't sit there just twirling a rope without adding her own brand of 'sensation' to the proceedings. ^^

Heh, heh...the Chix certainly deserved a tribute...such uniquely fun/cute/hot gals are a wonderful creation by you and Lotus. I just hope the renditions (and attitudes/reactions to the 'situation') were worthy/fitting enough of the real Chix. 🙂

Awww, no need for revenge. As I said, Aello might be getting a (secondary) contemporary background and was just trying to make friends. ^^ Nothing wrong with trying to show off one of your talents...or impress your audience by being interesting...or making them have fun by appealing to things that turn them on (aka some nice hot tickling, which Ael was quite aware they 'enjoyed'). 😉

I know you guys are overloaded lately too, so I wouldn't push for such. Again, very happy you enjoyed it. 😀

Yes, I love Aello a ton, and I'm trying to do more with her lately. And I loved your pic of her...fit her perfectly: a wild and fun girl with a flair. ^^ Thanks for both that pic and the comment. 🙂

You're very welcome. Yeah, this one took a long time. Planning and sketching out the initial scene took long enough, and then to attempt to color it...well, let's say this one was definitely not a quickie. A lot of work. ^^ The title was more of a pun than anything (although I was trying to somewhat follow Bandito/White Lotus' convention of known phrases/movie titles etc for names of pics/series involving the Bounce Chix) but of course, it fit a bow/arrow scene too. And yes, Ael's been rather busy lately, hasn't she? 😉 Thank you again for the comments. 🙂

Hee, hee...Aello's probably got a few still in her quiver. 😉 It had to be 'risque', cause I'd rank this as one of the more sexy/hotter(?) works I've done. But again, that's mostly due to the fact that it fits what I'd see happen to/with the lovely Bounce Chix.

I just adore that name...bouncing through time/space, and bouncing through what they endure. 😉 And of course, Aello would add a little foot to breast action...what could be hotter than pressing a smooth perfect sole onto an already 'distressed' and excited breast...and then some hard nipple teasing and tickling with some lovely toes (something Aello loves to show off). 😀


As a minor bonus for those interested, attached are the original linear (non-shaded) versions of the three sketches that became the colored pages.



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