The Rest of Frey's story
And in the meantime in the class, Juliet, Christopher, and the teacher stood on one side, and Britney was on the other. Girls could not refuse smart pool Britni and parties in a big way, nobody could be firmly confident, that it any more was not that queen of a class. The situation should be solved quickly. In day Бритни it seemed, that it has grasped a bird success for a tail. Juliet has broken a leg, and the teacher remained without protection. Christopher was not counted, it has left for training camp. Having gathered with forces it has decided to challenge to the teacher without the girlfriend and friends. In the evening the school has plunged into a twilight. Бритни has stood with a cord in hands and a bag in a corridor near to a class. There was a teacher. From pressure Бритни hard breathed and увидя противницу has fallen asleep as driven.
- " You of that here do? " - the teacher has asked.
The schoolgirl has understood, that looks ridiculously, has cast away a bag and has thrown on Christina as well as wanted, in private, frankly. In the heat of struggle Бритни has not noticed as a cord has twisted сначало its legs after and hands, the wretch teacher has got has whispered. And its fingers has concerned sides Бритни It seemed, that Бритни is on волоске from defeat, in fact when Christina's fingers have concerned it it has started to lose the forces. Бритни it has tried to be pulled out, its squeals muffled thick walls of school.
кристина compressed hands on tummy Бритни, it has appeared hardly круглее than it thought Бритни has become stupid, it did not expect, that the usual touch will cause щекоточную torture. Christina meanwhile, the beginnings all to knead tummy Бритни and чуствовала taste of a sweet victory more strongly.
From прикосновеней Christinas there was all щекотнее. And Бритни невыдержав хихикнула, and so you боишся щекотки the small prankish. Palchiki Christinas have concerned пупка on tummy Бритни. Christina has clasped a tummy противницы and has tumbled down it on a floor. Fingers of the teacher mercilessly terrorized rotundities Бритни, it seemed to it, that it has got in a hell. Similar, that more senior girl has taken a great interest in torture and did not notice, that the schoolgirl tried to be pulled out by any ways. Бритни lost for fight, it was abundantly clear when it почуствовала as щекотка transforms it into an obedient victim. But forces that still were, using it has tried to be released and prevent the long legs to Christina, it was its last chance to not lose for fight...
" I saw as you it is pleasant to play with Кристофероом! " - in an impulse of fury has hissed Бритни. You of, what, queen возомнила here? With these words Бритни has removed sandals of the teacher and has seen well well-groomed narrow a foot. What legs at you. Бритни has lead пальчиком on a foot. Christina has tried to pull out a leg. Is not present is not present, not so it is fast, I still only the beginnings. And Бритни has connected Christina's both legs together. Is not present I ask, Christina has rolled up a head only not щекоти пяточки. Aha, means here, it has lead ноготком on a foot, them хи хаа ха. Sharp nails it has broken off Christina's stockings and has seen a foot. They have appeared not such beautiful as it assumed, callouses on heels gave out them неухоженность.
" And to these ступням worshipped Робин? " Бритни did not expect such, it would like to wound the competitor and to force it to bow it ступням, well-groomed and madly beautiful.
Kiss my legs - has demanded Бритни, and I shall not tickle you. Well, Christina, only has answered untie to me of a hand! "
Still what answered thankless student, and removing foot-wear it presented to [stupnyu], in white [nosochke] it is close to the teacher. Britney was strained, she could not believe, that her dream will become reality, it always wanted it to worship to it and it here remained one half-step more to the dream… Britney rapidly removed [nosochek] and advanced [stupnyu] for the worship. Christina was forced to kiss [stupnyu] of conqueror, but by her this she seemed little, Britney took out from the bag Of [ayfon] and was placed camera on the regime of survey. Well already no, thought Christina and she began in panic to call for the aid. It was assured that no one will respond, but this there was its last hope for rescuing. In Britney did not maintain the nerves and it retreated, it was not sufficient to still be plucked on whom [nibud]. Connected Christina was in the desperation, she could not independently be freed from the rope, but the plow so that it would hear the guards below, although cannot be designed it was seriously for this. but door here was opened and into the room entered, Britney even two [okhranika].[Na] them, and this puzzled [Kristinu], they were dressed you [maski].[Pomogite] to me, immediately untie me, Christina [zavorochilas].[Britni] insidiously smiled, and [okhraniki] approached [Kristine] and after raising they transferred to the table. Explanation was simple, after understanding that the guards could hear [Kristinu] and [opasavshis] for their backside, the richest girl in the school decided to bribe them. They and themselves were glad this possibility easily to earn. Britney left them and she left home, in the sleep to it dreamed as guards they asked [Kristinu] they tickled by it heels. So it was, until Britney was stale on the bed at home of Christina it erupted curses it laughed loud to the tears. Involuntary tormentors were radiated in 5 mornings, after leaving teacher peacefully to sleep on the table. To the following morning of Christina it was discharged from the school since during the lesson was sleepy. However, Britney did not calm down, she laid out on [yutyube] the tickling of the feet Of [kristiny]. Took video in guards. Moreover, to the same day it returned of itself Robert and on the following night broke with it, after stating that he is unlucky wretch, what light did not see. In its apartments it hired protection, while in the school it gave large money to students so that they it would guard. Christina with the disgrace left city, after retreating into the deaf province. But it wanted vengeances. It is attained?