I understand why you're doing a lot of bumping, but you really shouldn't do that. Bumping isn't a fair practice. I mean, it's not fair to other people who see their own posts go down the list and disappear faster than normal because one person keeps bumping his/her own posts without adding anything meaningful to the threads.
I don't know if the TMF has any rules about bumping, but just consider this text that I got from Wikipedia:
"Thread bumping is commonly considered a breach of netiquette and some moderated forums forbid it. Users may get around that by posting what is ostensibly a genuine reply. Sometimes this will mockingly contain the word "bump" in it, such as "Wandering the forum, he bumps into this thread...", or be a trivial question or response such as "Anyone?".
Please understand that I don't mean to be rude about this. I just want you to realize that keeping your polls in order isn't a valid reason for doing all this bumping and that some people might actually resent it. See it as friendly advice. Thank you.