@darkcrane that’s actually Sabrina Hesri being ticked in both clips, Sara’s sister. Just an fyi 😉
What a mistake! Thanks for the heads up, my friend. The thread's name is edited now, but I couldn't find her Instagram. Maybe she doesn't has one ...
That explains all. I downloaded the feet tickling video months ago, bu hadn't posted yet. Suddenly, I thought that could be of someone that was famous and searched the TikTok account that was registered on the video. Yesterday, I found the other one ...
When I found the second one, I read the text next to the video: "@sabyhesri why are you so ticklish?". After that, I went to find out who she was. And I hadn't understood why her account was "Saby" instead of something like "Sara" or "Sar". Also, I thought there was something weird about Sara's Instagram photos. Because, for some reason, she looked a little different to me than the girl in the video. I kept comparing for a while and ended up thinking they were the same person...
But now you clarified everything. She has a sister, they are similar. Sara's really pretty also, hope we find a tickling video featuring her sometime!