You guys are being a bit harsh with TIB, but I think this is because all of the facts are not being presented. If memory serves me correctly, there were several posts when this incedent had originally taken place. I may stand corrected, but I believe that Sara suggested to TIB that she could pretend to be getting tickled, as opposed to continuing with the real tickling.
The reason I am sypathetic to TIB's situation is because I had a similiar experience with a model. I made it crystal clear to the model that the tickling would be real and torturous, and that there would be no faking involved, and she said she was cool with it and experienced at being tied and tickled. Long story short, halfway into the shoot she begins lecturing me on how a fetish model can "portray" being ticklish, and that it wasn't important for the tickling to be real. She should have shared this opinion while I was initially interviewing her for the shoot. When a producer pays money to rent shooting space and pays money for the models, he has a right to set a certain criteria. Those who can't meet that criteria shouldn't sign up for the job.
Sara had shot some extremely torturous stuff with TIB before, so she knew what she was agreeing to when she returned for the next shoot.
TIB's tickling of Sara was not at a social gathering, nor was it during a fetish session, nor was it during sex. In all of the situations I just described it would be absolutely wrong to tickle someone beyond a safe word or limitation.
Sara was there to get paid, and she was in no danger of being hurt or sexually assaulted. Let's not make TIB out to be a cad.