Have you considered going to alcoholics anonymous? If you aren't already in one, you should really consider doing it. It's all voluntary and it helps.
They specialise in teaching us that there is a lot more to addiction than the vice itself. Going it alone can see a very high chance of failure...Or worse.
I second what Dussicar said. Another piece of advice I can give you is that going to AA should make you feel
good, if not within the first few weeks (multiple weekly meetings are a good idea when you're starting out) at least in the not-too-long run. If it doesn't, or if you encounter a meeting with more than its share of folks who refuse to point themselves toward sobriety, switching meetings may be the best course of action (and beware of switching arbitrarily).
In any case, I wish you my best. Hang in there. You can do it. Don't worry if you have an occasional "slip". Don't worry if you make
a dozen such mistakes. If you fall off the wagon, get back on ASAP. And don't beat yourself up.
Digression: Staying away from illegal drugs is relatively easy. You mainly stay away from the dealers and pushers. Meanwhile, every time you turn on the TV, how many beer ads do they throw at you, especially during sporting events? Pick up certain magazines and it's vodka this or cordials that.
And to belabor the painfully-obvious, much of America's social life revolves around bars and clubs. Whether we drink or not, we're awash in alcohol. Re-engineering a social life without it might be a rather big challenge, but I believe it is do-able, and certainly worth it.
My best to everyone seeking to disconnect from
any kind of addiction. If you move ahead at only 1 mile or kilometer per hour, you're still moving ahead.