1. Make sure the scanner is running smoothly and all the required software is installed. This includes drivers and the actual utility you use for scanning. I'm assuming that you have already done so when installing the hardware.
2. Place the picture face down on the scanner and make sure it is aligned more or less evenly, like you would do on a Xerox-machine. (Duh, yeah, I know...) Most scanning-utilities correct for small variations in alignment.
3. Use your scanning-program to grab the picture. Set the 'Scanning-window' (shows up in most utilities as the area of the scanning-tablet you want to scan) to, well, the area you want to scan. Set the DPI to about 72, that's the normal JPG density. If you want to make a high-quality scan, set it higher. The picture will be far larger, of course. Set the file to be saved as an 'Image'. The type should either be 'GIF' or 'JPG', unless you want to edit the pic further. In that case, it doesn't really matter, as you will have the chance to convert it with your graphics-program later on anyway.
4. If you want to modify the picture (like putting your signature in or clipping unwanted portions), load the newly caprtured image into your graphic program of choice. I recommend photoshop or corel photopaint, these are pretty awesome. Modify and safe the completed image as either 'GIF' or 'JPG'. Make sure to check the physical size of the image, you don't want it to be too big.
5. Get some web-space. For starters, a geocities-account is easy to aquire and build. Also, a Yahoo-club has enough space-allotment for the beginning. You can sign up for either from Yahoo's Homepage
here. Remember your password!
6. Upload your image to your new web-space. A geocities homepage will give you an easy tool to do so, as well as the Yahoo-club, where you can load it from your harddisk pretty easily in the 'photos' folder of your choice.
7. All set.
Hope that helped. Further questions? No problem. Either reply to this thread, or feel free to
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