Scanning the magazines is a lot of work, not to mention cleaning up the scans by cropping, resizing, indexing, etc. To be honest, it just wasn't worth such effort for M/* material, which in my opinion appears way too often in forums of this nature. The scans I post feature nothing but female ticklers. That's just the way it's got to be, I'm afraid.cletus said:that girl that got her legs drooped over her boyfriend(?)'s legs and getting her feet tickled, what happened to that one? You didn't list the whole magazine or what? I've been looking for all the available pictures of that scene for a few years now.
It takes about a minute to scan a page. A page will generally have 2 or 3 pictures which have to be cropped out of the page, with takes a half a minute or so for each picture. Then you have to shrink the picture down to a reasonable size because the scanner gives you huge composites. Sometimes this takes a couple of tries, so another minute there. If you want clean borders you've got to trim the white edges, so another couple of minutes there.pineapple said:how much time does it take 2 scan almost every picture set (F/F)?