Don't feel bad about crossing universes, I do it all the time. (That Klingon in the trenchcoat on Nar Shaddaa? That was me...😉 The Bird-of-Prey that passed you on approach to Coruscant? Me again...) Swing by the Babylon station over Epsilon III sometime, and we'll raise a glass of hot Jalah together.
As for a method of dealing with Sara's lovely Nyrian captors, I've a few suggestions. The Trill are notorious for their dextrous, nimble fingers and cold hands... and that Dax woman still owes Kalnod a favor from two Hosts ago...
Alternatively, we could enlist the aid of the Sjlee, a species from the Corporate Sector who communicate through smell and resemble ambulatory mushrooms fringed with delicate tendrils. I've got a plan to paint a volume of Sjlee love-poetry all over the Nyrians' bodies in scented ink (using an excruciatingly fine-tipped brush, of course); then inviting the literary cogno-"scent"-i (ouch) of the Sjlee homeworld to "read" the ladies by sniffing them all over with their whisker-tipped probosces...