I have many more pantyhose feet sets, but the only reason I post these is so that...instead of you guys looking at them and saying "Wow, that's hot!" you would e-mail all the video producers, or resond to their threads when they romote their new videos, and ask for some pantyhose tcikling sets, so that you no longer have WISH that that girl in that outfit could be tickled, but it would be a reality more and more. But you don't, and I won't post any more pictures until you do. To be fair, they are maybe 4 or 5 of us who do, it's not just me, but the producers are tired of me, so I stopped before they throw me out of here for annoyng them. Francois said way back when they he may possible consider doing some pantyhose shoots, even though that wasn't his thing, but if enough people maybe asked... but recently he just said a flat "No." It's not his thing, he's not doing it.
And I'm not angry at him, hell, no one else asks him, why should he make all that effort for one customer? I asked TIB, he said he'd consider it, but he has yet to do a new pantyhose tickling set. Again, who can blame him, why pay a model if his perception is "I'll only sell one video?"
I offered them what I call the FM Concepts compromise (Shoot the video starting with pantyhose tickling, ask the girl to remove the pantyhose, tickle her again, and you've got yourself two video, and everyone's happy.) But I guess they said "Why make all this effort for maybe three guys? Screw that!" The barefoot fans are loud and want ONLY barefoot videos, and they are heard. TickleCentral is slowly moving away from pantyhose tickling, as is The Laughing gas Zone. So guys, if you like the stuff I post, and I have much more, make an effort please.
This isn't for me, this isn't like some forums where the posters demand constant praise. This is for everyone who wants more pantyhose tickling videos, and natural looking patyhose tickling videos. Evey saw a girl in a nighty with flesh colored pantyhose tickled...?
Does that excite you...?! WELL GO ASK SOMEONE TO DO IT!
How about a hot girl dressed up as a harem girl, maybe a black harem girl outfit, tickled on her soft, silky very thin pantyhose feet so she feels everything? GO ASK! How about a secretary, or boss, or teacher, or bridesmaid tickled in a skirt and pantyhose? Unless you guys ask, it will only be a dream. When Gwen Diamond said she loved be tickled on video, everybody loved it..ask that that happen again! (Don't say it's faked, all these videos are make believe anyway,... like they went to the mideast and found a harem girl..who's white! and tickled her...)
So, do you want more pantyhose feet pics.....?