I had really low self-esteem when I was younger, and still fret over things that really shouldn’t affect me. I’ve tried various methods over the years like losing excess weight (I was BIG), reminding myself of my individual qualities, even simply retreating from situations that fuelled my poor self image. Though most were improvements none of them really worked to alleviate my low feelings. I’m still not over these intrusive and damaging thoughts and am not sure anyone ever truly becomes totally free from low self-esteem once your mind gets onto such trains of thought, but I have improved a lot!
This is a very personal method of coping with the issue, as everyone has different things that affect them, but for me I just very consciously reminded myself of what was really important in my life at every opportunity. I prioritise, focus on the things that really should matter to me, remind myself of things that are going right for me. If something important if amiss, I fret about that, knowing it is worth the emotional effort, and draw contentment from knowing that problems that need to be tackled are now under scrutiny. Things that are out of my power to control I force myself to ignore.
It’s easy to say, I know, but I found that you have to force yourself a little to let the little things slide, and really throw yourself at things that really matter. After a while such thoughts become easier and happen automatically.
For me, I decided my priority was my relationship with my partner and our life together. That is what really matters to me, everything else can, when all is said and done, go hang. Only her opinion matters. If she’s happy, I’m happy.
I know I’m extremely lucky to have someone I can invest in emotionally so completely, but I don’t feel it has to simply be love someone focuses on. Again it comes down to what you can control. In my lonely moments before my current relationship (which were when my esteem was lowest) I reminded myself that I could not control someone else’s feelings so let it slide and concentrate on what I could control. Work, lifestyle, pastimes, whatever.
Again it’s hackneyed, again this is my personal view, and again easy to simply write down, but I feel it’s all about attitude. I try to be positive, don’t focus on the negatives and find the doom and gloom does lift. Slowly and surely, it has worked for me.