The Tickle de Mayo celebration is being held on May 5th. I'm working with Max and Pete to coordinate the guest list.
As Max said there will be a screening process. Don't let that concern you. It's a general questionaire that is used for other gatherings as well.
Send your requests to me. I'll send out the questionaire. If you've sent that information to Max already that's fine. He's sending everything to me.
Once you send back your filled out questionaire I'll give you a PO box to send your $10 deposit and will provide other details about the gathering in May.
I'm finalizing a group rate at a local motel chain and will provide those details soon to everyone who has already inquired and been approved and will provide that information to the new folks who send in notice they want to come once their questionaires are returned.
This NEST will be the largest by far. For that reason we're having the gathering at a club close by and it will be closed to anyone not on our list so send in your inquiries now.
And if it's anything like the others I've attended it's going to be absoluely incredible. Meeting so many of your online friends, socializing, and play time. There will of course be the preliminary fun that goes on at the motel as well so take a chance. Just come to the party.
Those of you who have never attended and are scared... I know how you feel. I felt that way myself when I attended my first one. It took me about 5 minutes to realize I'm in a group of people who all enjoy the same thing and we all come from different walks of life. It's invigorating to know we're not alone. Now I CRAVE the time I get to spend in Phili with people I feel closer to than some life long friends.
There are several folks coming from all over the US, Canada and even the UK so don't miss this opportunity to meet all these wonderful folks.
Send me an email today! I'll see you in May!
Send all email about the NEST '02 (Tickle de Mayo) to [email protected]
Hugs and Tickles,
As Max said there will be a screening process. Don't let that concern you. It's a general questionaire that is used for other gatherings as well.
Send your requests to me. I'll send out the questionaire. If you've sent that information to Max already that's fine. He's sending everything to me.
Once you send back your filled out questionaire I'll give you a PO box to send your $10 deposit and will provide other details about the gathering in May.
I'm finalizing a group rate at a local motel chain and will provide those details soon to everyone who has already inquired and been approved and will provide that information to the new folks who send in notice they want to come once their questionaires are returned.
This NEST will be the largest by far. For that reason we're having the gathering at a club close by and it will be closed to anyone not on our list so send in your inquiries now.
And if it's anything like the others I've attended it's going to be absoluely incredible. Meeting so many of your online friends, socializing, and play time. There will of course be the preliminary fun that goes on at the motel as well so take a chance. Just come to the party.
Those of you who have never attended and are scared... I know how you feel. I felt that way myself when I attended my first one. It took me about 5 minutes to realize I'm in a group of people who all enjoy the same thing and we all come from different walks of life. It's invigorating to know we're not alone. Now I CRAVE the time I get to spend in Phili with people I feel closer to than some life long friends.
There are several folks coming from all over the US, Canada and even the UK so don't miss this opportunity to meet all these wonderful folks.
Send me an email today! I'll see you in May!
Send all email about the NEST '02 (Tickle de Mayo) to [email protected]
Hugs and Tickles,
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