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She-ra Princess of Power Tickling Story Part One


TMF Regular
Sep 15, 2002
I had a thing for She-ra and her friends in the 80's. Always dreamed of them getting tickled. I haven't seen any She-ra stories around, so I decided to write one myself. This is just a part one and she-ra doesn't get it yet. Let me know if it is worth a part two.

BTW, if you want to know who the characters are, visit:


It's pretty much the authority on She-ra.

Well, I just hope you enjoy it.

Princess of Power Tickling Part One

Queen Angela was taking her morning flight around her castle. It felt good to stretch her feathered wings and feel the fresh air of Bright Moon run through her long blonde hair. It was such a beautiful morning that she ventured further than usual to oversee the borders of her kingdom.

She saw farmers and merchants traveling back and forth along the roads. They waved as she flew past and it felt good to know that her people were safe and protected from the Evil Hoarde.

She was about to return to Castle Bright Moon to attend to her morning audiences when she spied a scene that made her turn her attention to road leading to Bright Moon. A pair of Hoardesmen was harassing an old man and his daughter who were driving a small wagon. Apparently the Hoardesmen were intending to steal the old man’s wagon.

How dare they attack my people! Angela thought to herself as her blood boiled. She dove down to the road and unleashed her light beams at the Hoardesmen. Blinded by the Queen’s powerful light beams, Angela deftly kicked both henchmen off the side of the road and down the cliff where their fall was broken by a stream that took them away from the lands of Bright Moon and back to their Hoarde master.

“Oh, thank you so much, Queen Angela!” the young girl cried as she struggled to lift her grandfather up from the ground. “I though they were certain to steal our horse and wagon!”

“No need for thanks, my dear,” Angela said as she drew near to help the old man to his feet and on to the wagon.

“Thank you, Your Highness,” said the frail old man as Angela took him by the shoulders. It was then that Angela realized something was wrong. The arms were not frail at all but rather a mass of sinewy muscles. These strong, powerful arms took her arms and held them firmly to her side where she was unable to use her light powers.

“You seem tired, Your Highness, perhaps a nap would be in order,” the young girl said with a twisted smile.

“Eldritch rhymes from ancient times,
do not fret and do not weep,
dreams to keep and dreams to reap,
hear me now, be still and sleep.”

The words were spoken and a fine dark mist issued from the girl’s hands and rose to the Queen’s face. A wave of drowsiness washed over Angela and she fought with all her will to resist it. She shook her head from side to side, but the mist lingered about her face as her eyelids grew heavy. She blinked once as resistance waned and finally her vision darkened. Her eyes closed and she slumped limply into the arms of her captor.

“Well done, Grizzlor,” the little girl said in a hissing voice. “You gave me just enough time to cast my spell.”

“I must admit, Weaver,” the harsh voice of the old man said, “I didn’t think your plan was going to work.”

“This is just the beginning, Grizzlor,” the young girl hissed as she uncovered the wagon. “Now put our sleeping beauty in the back of the wagon before a patrol stops by and asks what we are transporting.”

Grizzlor placed Angela’s sleeping form as gently as his rough and crude body could. He watched her slumbering form and smiled.

“Cover her up, Grizzlor,” Shadow Weaver hissed. “And turn this wagon around. We must reach the Fright Zone before nightfall.”


“Mother has never been late for her morning audience,” Glimmer said worriedly.

It was already noon at Bright Moon Castle and there had been no report of Queen Angela. Adora, Glimmer and Bow had agreed to meet the Queen of Bright Moon to discuss the future efforts of the Rebellion to free Eternia once and for all from the Evil Hoarde.

“I don’t like this one bit, Adora,” Bow said smacking his fist into his hand.

“Neither do I, Bow,”

“We just can’t sit around here with our arms crossed. We have to do something!” Glimmer exclaimed.

“I agree, Glimmer,” Adora replied. “And I know just the person who can help us find your mother.”


Queen Angela awoke to find herself bound to a table by her ankles and wrists. The table was at a 45 degree angle and from there it was evident she was trapped in a cell. She pulled at the restraints and tried to use her light beam powers but to no avail.

The cell door opened and four figures entered the cell.

It was Hordak followed by Force Captain Cat-ra, his malicious technician Entrapta and the evil sorceress Shadow Weaver.

“At last our guest awakes,” Hodak said snorting in the disagreeable way he always spoke. “I hope the accommodations are in order and that your stay with us is a pleasant one.”

“I don’t expect to be here long,” Angela warned as she tugged again at the restraints which were glowing a faint yellow color. Obviously this was designed to negate her light powers.

“Give her to me,” Cat-ra purred as she drew near Angela. “I can get all the information of the Rebellion we need. I only need a few moments to persuade her.” She placed a clawed finger under Angela’s chin and lifted it up. “I’ll have her sing like a bird in no time.”

“No, not this time, Cat-ra,” Hordak snorted. “This time Weaver will weave such a spell as to turn the good and righteous Queen Angela of Bright Moon to our side.”

“I’ll never betray the Rebellion, Horak,” Angela declared.

Hordak scoffed. “Hoarde science has the answers we need to defeat the Rebellion once and for all. Within a month, the Whispering Woods will be just a bad memory and the Kingdom of Bright Moon will be a new Hoarde capital on Etheria.”

“Never!” Queen Angela stated firmly. “The Whispering Woods will never allow the Hoarde to enter and the Rebels will thwart your plans once more.”

“Weaver!” Hordak shouted as he decided he had heard enough from the noble queen. “Change Queen Angela’s mind for me. Cat-ra! Entrapta! Stay here and make sure the job gets done.”

Hordak stormed out of the cell. Meanwhile Cat-ra and Entrapta exchanged a glance of boredom as Shadow Weaver approached her prisoner. The evil sorceress moved her hands in a circular motion and a cloud of dark mist surrounded her enshrouded countenance. Only her glowing yellow eyes were visible behind the dark shadow mist.

Angela felt an alien presence in her mind. It was a whispering presence that she could not understand. It was a chanting that was all garbled but she knew it had no good intentions. Evil, dark thoughts entered her mind and it took all her will to repel these thoughts that invaded her mind.

Shadow Weaver’s assault on her mind was powerful and Angela had to muster all her will to concentrate on resisting the evil sorceress. She stared back at Shadow Weaver and stared back into those glowing yellow eyes, daring them to conquer her, daring them to sap her will.

Shadow Weaver shook notably and the evil sorceress realized it would be no easy task conquering the young Queen’s mind.

It was only a question of time.

Angela realized this and she prayed the Rebels would rescue her before that time ran out.


The Rebels arrived at Peekablue’s home early in the afternoon. The beautiful seer of long green locks and her blue peacock feathers sat upon her throne in deep concentration with her all-seeing feathers spread out wide.

“Welcome, my friends,” Peekablue said without opening her eyes.

“Hello, Peekablue,” Adora said. “If you know we are here, you must also know why we are here.”

“You seek Queen Angela,” Peekablue answered still without opening her eyes. “You seek my council to find her and bring her back to Bright Moon.”

“Oh, Peekablue!” Glimmer exclaimed with worry in her voice. “Do you know what has happened to my mother? Please tell us!”

“Angela is at the Fright Zone,” Peekablue answered. “She is being drawn to the Hoarde’s side and even her goodness is beginning to pale in the Evil that surrounds the Fright Zone.”

Peekablue opened her eyes. “It will not be easy to rescue her, my friends.”

“Will you take us there?” Adora asked. “Can you guide us into the Fright Zone to rescue her?”

“Certainly, my friends,” Peekablue replied. “But what will we do once we are there?”

“Leave that to us, Peekablue,” Bow replied pulling his bow free and notching an arrow. “Leave that to us Rebels.”


“I grow bored, Entrapta,” Cat-ra hissed as she watched Shadow Weaver and Queen Angela wage their battle of wills. An hour had passed and Shadow Weaver showed no signs of progress with their prisoner. “You won’t like me if I get bored, Entrapta.”

“Hordak said to wait here until the job was done right,” Entrapta answered as her long braids of hair swayed around her with a life of their own. “Besides, once she is under our control, I need her to power my Machine of Darkness.”

“But I’m telling you that I’m bored,” Cat-ra growled as she raised a hand and slashed through the air with her long red fingernails as if they were sharp claws.

“I have an idea, Cat-ra,” Entrapta said smiling maliciously, “an idea that can make this waiting much more entertaining.”

Entrapta’s braids reached out and deftly undid Angela’s ankles restraints. The queen was so engaged in her battle with Shadow Weaver, she did not notice. Entrapta’s magical braids pulled off Angela’s pink boots one by one revealing a pair of beautiful pale bare feet. Angela seemed not to notice while Cat-ra still seemed bored by the circumstances.

Entrapta tightened the restraints once more and Cat-ra looked at her blankly.

Entrapta’s soft braids reached out and gently stroked the soles of Angela’s bare feet. They twitched violently and the Queen was forced to muffle sweet laughter. Her concentration slipped for only a moment but that moment allowed an avalanche of evil thoughts to invade her mind. It took all her will to keep Shadow Weaver at bay.

Understanding dawned upon Cat-ra and she immediately was eager to participate. She drew a single red fingernail along Angela’s bare sole and purred with delight as the foot thrashed violently in all directions trying to escape the persistent tickling.

“Angela is ticklish,” Cat-ra giggled as she grasped one foot with one hand and held it steady while the other tickled freely. “Who would have thought?”

Angela was panicking. She was terribly ticklish. She couldn’t stand having her feet touched without being reduced to silly helpless laughter. But this was not the playful tickling of her husband and this was not her royal chambers. She concentrated with all her might and blocked out the tickling.

Suddenly Angela’s feet and toes tensed and they were no longer responsive to Cat-ra’s tickling fingernails. Cat-ra smile faded to a frown as she realized that her tickling was no longer effective.

Entrapta could not contain a leering smirk and a mocking laugh.

Cat-ra growled in frustration and clenched her fists.

”Aw, the poor kitty lost her temper?” Entrapta mocked crossing her arms and letting her deadly braids sway at her sides.

Cat-ra ignored her companion’s remark but she realized that Angela’s ability to resist her tickling had angered more than she cared to admit. What was worse was the fact that Angela seemed to be gaining in her battle of wills against Shadow Weaver.

Cat-ra pouted for a moment and the suddenly her face lit up. She pulled down her mask over her face and she transformed into a powerful panther. Entrapta only watched with delight at the spectacle.

Now a huge and powerful feline, Cat-ra carefully and gently clamped her powerful jaws on Angela’s left foot. Angela could feel hot breath on the soles of her feet and although she was too involved concentrating on Shadow Weaver she had a feeling that something was about to happen.

When Cat-ra’s hot and soft tongue touched the sole of Angela’s foot there was no more holding in the laughter. The moist tongue stroked her sole and teased her toes and she could no longer resist. Gales of laughter erupted from the queen as she gave into the irresistible tickling sensations. Her barriers and her control were gone.

Cat-ra continued to explore Angela’s foot while Entrapta’s braids joined in and took to Angela other foot.

As she laughed uncontrollably, Angela felt the urge to strike back at those Rebels who were unable to aid her. Her hair darkened to a dark blond and her wings turned from white to grey. She felt it was time to show those Rebels that she could take care of herself.

“Enough!” Shadow Weaver shouted over Angela’s helpless laughter and screaming.

Both Cat-ra and Entrapta ceased their torture and Angela’s laughter died down to a weak whimper.

“Our guest has something to say,” Shadow Weaver declared. “Don’t you, my dear?”

Angela raised her head and stared back at her captors.

“I think it is time we struck back at those Rebels, don’t you agree, Hoardesmen?” she asked.

(to be continued...)
YES!!!!!!!!!!! THAT"S AWESOME!!!!!!!!! I have a very strong connection to this particular cartoon, as my name Shira, spelled differently, but pronounced the same!!! THAT IS SO COOL!!!! Thank you for finally putting her into a story!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm glad you liked it.

I wasn't sure it would be liked since its my first try. Next part is coming up. Already in my head. Just got to get it down on paper and we are set.

Thanks for the support.

very nice, any chance of a he-man story? with teela/evil-lyn/the sorceress being tickled?

I've been unfortunately very busy. If I get a chance, I'll write something soon. Did many other people enjoy this story?
yatsabel said:
I just might finish a MOTU story... As soon as it's finished, I'll post.

awesome, i cant wait- its surprising how little MOTU/POP tickling fiction there is

i have a few ideas for the he-man story if you would like to here hem just PM me

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Hello,everyboy!like yatsabel and He-man2045,i was a fan of motu and she-ra.Yatsabel,your she-ra story is great and I can't wait for the MOTU one.In fact,my dream when I saw she-ra in the eighties was to be tickled by her especially with her gorgeous long hair(I'm found of tickling and women with long hair since i'm very young) .So,after reading yatsabel's story,i have written myself a story with She-ra and a few women of the anime as ticklers(torturous ones and more gentle ones).so,it's mostly F/M and F/F with a little bit of M/F.It's written in French but if someone is interested,I can translate in English.
November tickle said:
Hello,everyboy!like yatsabel and He-man2045,i was a fan of motu and she-ra.Yatsabel,your she-ra story is great and I can't wait for the MOTU one.In fact,my dream when I saw she-ra in the eighties was to be tickled by her especially with her gorgeous long hair(I'm found of tickling and women with long hair since i'm very young) .So,after reading yatsabel's story,i have written myself a story with She-ra and a few women of the anime as ticklers(torturous ones and more gentle ones).so,it's mostly F/M and F/F with a little bit of M/F.It's written in French but if someone is interested,I can translate in English.

cool, can you post the story in english please?

Thank you for your interest,Heman2045.Let me a little time for the translation and I will post parts 1 and 2 of my story.Part 3 will come later because i have no written it yet.
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