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She-ra Princess of Power Tickling Story Part Two


TMF Regular
Sep 15, 2002
Here's part two. As you can see a part three will be necessary. Please let me know what you think.




She-ra Princess of Power Tickling Story Part Two

Chapter Two

Bow felt uncomfortable in the Hoardesman armor they had stolen. He couldn’t understand how they moved in such cumbersome armor. If he needed his bow, he’d hardly be able to fire and much less aim the weapon.

He had Adora, Glimmer and Peekablue march before him as his prisoners with their arms tied behind their backs. This had been Adora’s plan to get them into the Frightzone. And although risky, it was the best way to get deep into the Fright Zone where they knew Angela was being kept prisoner.

Bow had had a ball tying up the girls. With their hands tied up behind their backs, they were easy prey for tickling attacks. Glimmer laughed the most at the poking around her ribs, and Peekablue went into violent spasms and screamed on the floor, but it was Adora’s playful giggles and laugher that made Bow’s imagination soar.

Getting into the Frightzone had been easy. Finding their way to Angela would prove to be more difficult than they imagined, Bow thought.

They had been lucky so far. Three Hoarde outposts and no questions were asked. The most they got from each outpost was a quick nod and a finger pointing in the direction of the Fright Zone’s dungeon.


“Power her up, Angela!” Entrapta shouted as Angela climbed upon her Machine of Darkness.

Angela placed her hands on the two large black spheres on top of the 5 meter tall and 20 meter long ship-like piece of Hoarde Engineering. She felt the machine begin to hum as she slowly began to send light energy into the two spheres.

“A machine powered by light to create darkness!” Entrapta whispered to herself as the machine began to lift off the ground. “Five years of intense development is about to pay off!”

The huge machine lifted two meters off the ground when an alarm began to sound on the computer panel where Entrapta was watching the experiment. She checked the readings and could not believe what she was detecting.


“No!” Entrapta cried out pounding her fist on the computer screen.

Hordak approached Entrapta and his arm turned into a powerful plasma cannon.

“Back to the drawing board, Entrapta?” Hordak questioned as he took aim at the Machine of Darkness.

“No, Hordak!” Entrapta cried stepping in between her invention and Hordak’s already glowing plasma cannon. “The fool queen’s powers are not as potent as they were when she was a Rebel. She should have had power in excess. I did the calculations myself. That is the only explanation.”

“That doesn’t change the fact that this is just a piece of Hoarde junk laying here in my ship dock,” Hordak rebuked. “I refuse to be reminded of failure, so step aside or be blasted along with your contraption!”

“Hordak,” Catra interrupted from another computer panel. “A Hoarde Trooper in Outpost 7 has returned with three Rebel prisoners.”

“So?” Hordak asked still more intent in blasting the useless machine. “What is so special about that?”

“One of the three is Ex-Force Captain Adora and another one is Angela’s daughter, the Rebel called Glimmer.”

Hordak scoffed. “One Hoarde Trooper single-handedly took three high level Rebels prisoner and marched them back here to the Fright Zone? What do they take me for? A fool? It would take an entire squadron of Hoarde Troopers just to take in one of those Rebels. It’s a trick. Send in Heavy Hoarde Infantry and have them blasted to smithereens!”

“Wait, Hordak!” Entrapta exclaimed gently pointing the plasma cannon away from her invention. “I have a plan that might still get this pile of Hoarde rubbish off the ground and over the Whispering Woods before the day is through. Here is what we must do….”



“We’ve been discovered!” Bow cried out.

They had been marching calmly by outpost after outpost, but finally someone had discovered them and an alarm had been set off.


“I’d sooner eat this Hoarde armor, than trust Hordak’s word!” Bow exclaimed as he cast off the Hoarde Trooper armor and cut his “prisoners” loose.

“What are we going to do now?” Glimmer asked in a very concerned voice.

“Follow me,” Adora commanded as she dived down a narrow corridor. “The Fright Zone has not changed much since I was Force Captain. Let’s hope they haven’t made substantial changes.”

The four Rebels ran as fast as they could down the corridor. They could hear footsteps of Hoarde Trooper approaching from behind in many directions. Adora’s choice appeared to be correct until they abruptly stopped at the end of one of the corridors.

A dead end.

”This can’t be right,” Adora said puzzled at the steel wall that seemed come out from nowhere. “I passed here a thousand times. There is no way this can be a dead end, unless of course the wanted us to come this way and it’s a traaaaaaaaaaaaap!”

A large trap door in the floor opened and all four Rebels plummeted down into the darkness.


Evil laughter filled the chamber as the Hoarde watched the Rebels fall straight into the trap.

“When you need a trap, I’m the one to call,” Entrapta said smugly as she watched her trap door work like a charm. “And I must add, this is a vast improvement of Hordak’s standard trap door mechanism. All four of them are being sent as we speak straight to the dungeon for interrogation.”

“Then we should get on our way to the dungeon,” Catra purred. “I’m dying to sink my panther teeth into fresh Rebel.”

“Do what you will with the rest, fellow Hoardsmen,” Angela declared having descended from the craft on her dull grey wings, “but Glimmer is mine and mine alone.”

Hordak shrugged. “You heard the lady. Let’s get down to business.”


Peekablue fell through the trap door and slid on a chute through the darkness for several moments. Her fall was suddenly broken by a cushioned floor of a dark and dank dungeon room. Before she could get her bearings, a cylinder of holding glass rose from the ground around her.

Trapped in the glass prison, she pounded against the glass with both fists trying to break her way out. It was futile. She had just given up when a soft hissing sound could be heard and sleeping gas filled the glass chamber. She held her breath and fought the gas, but she could not resist the sweet smelling sleeping gas. She surrendered to the gas’s effect, collapsed to be bottom of the chamber and her head nodded off to one side in a deep and soundless sleep.


Adora fell into her cell and was also trapped in the holding glass. Realizing she was alone in the cell, she took her sword and raised it above her head. Sleeping gas filled the glass holding chamber and she shook her head to clear her head and she said the words: “By the Honor of… By the Honor of…”

Drawing a breath of sleeping gas to utter the words for her transformation had been too much for her. Adora fought hard to remain conscious, but the sword had become too heavy for her to lift and it fell from her hands to the floor of the holding chamber. She placed her hands against the glass and gazed outside only to see the glowing eyes of Shadow Weaver staring back at her.

“Don’t try to fight it,” Shadow Weaver whispered. “It’s a soothing and restful sleep. When you awaken I will be here waiting for you, child.”

Adora’s eyelids were so heavy that she could barely keep them open. Her knees weakened and she slid against the glass making a last supreme effort to stay awake. She took one last breath and succumbed to gas. Her body lay asleep at the bottom of the chamber.


Glimmer was snoring softly her own cell when Angela, Entrapta and Grizzlor entered the cell.

“How touching,” Entrapta said observing the young woman in the chamber. “Mother and daughter finally reunited.”

Angela looked upon her daughter and smiled. She pressed a button on a panel near the chamber and the glass slid down into the floor.

“Take her with us, Grizzlor,” Angela commanded.

Grizzlor lifted Glimmer off the ground and tossed her over his shoulder.

“To the Machine of Darkness!” Angela declared.


Bow had fallen into his glass cell just like his fellow Rebels.

He heard the hissing gas and took a deep breath before the chamber was filled. He pulled an arrow from his quiver and pressed the tip of the arrow against the glass. The tip scratched the surface of the glass and Bow drew a full circle. As his breath began to run out he pressed his feet against the glass and pressed with all his strength.

The glass shattered and he was free.

“A diamond tipped arrow is a Rebel’s best friend,” Bow muttered to himself as he stood up and dusted away the broken pieces of glass. He looked around his surroundings and discovered he was in a dungeon. “Well, if this is the dungeon, then Angela and my Rebel friends can’t be far away.”

Bow heard footsteps approaching the door and he drew another arrow from his quiver and notched it. “I’m ready for you Hoardesman,” he whispered as he pulled back the arrow and prepared to let it fly.

The door opened and Catra appeared. Her eyes went from the broken cell to the Rebel with an arrow pointed at her. She gasped and turned for the alarm on the control panel.

“Not so fast, kitty,” Bow said as he let loose the arrow and it flew past his target. The arrow was attached to a rope and the front of the arrow was curved in an angle. It swung in the air and looped around Catra several times leaving her arms effectively bound to her sides.

“Release me, Rebel!” she hissed struggling to get her mask over her eyes and transform.

“I’ll be taking that,” Bow said removing the mask and tossing it into a corner of the dungeon chamber. “We don’t want a big kitty cat loose in the room, now do we?”

“I can be good,” Catra said purring softly blinking her eyes seductively at the Rebel archer.

“Be a good kitty then and tell me what this is all about,” Bow suggested as he twisted a few strands of Catra’s blue hair around his fingers.

“I’ll never tell,” Catra said pouting and turning her head away from Bow.. “Hordak and the rest will be here any moment and then we’ll see who has the last laugh!”

“I don’t mind leaving the last laugh to you, Catra,” Bow said with a smile. “In fact I think I don’t mind leaving ALL the laughing to you.”

“What?” Catra said in confusion.

“Allow me to explain,” Bow said approaching with a wide grin.


Peekablue awoke refreshed from the Hoarde sleep gas. She looked at her surroundings and discovered that she was in a dungeon. Mechanical arms had her by the wrists and ankles and try as she might she could not get free.

“You had a restful sleep, I imagine,” a voice snorted from behind her.

“Hordak!” Peekablue exclaimed.

“The one and only,” Hordak replied striding in front of his prisoner. “I usually leave interrogation of prisoners to my henchmen, but in this case I think I’ll make an exception. You know what they say: If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.”

“I don’t understand,” Peekablue said puzzled. “I’m not even a Rebel. I don’t know any of their secrets. I only accompanied them out of the deep friendship share with Glimmer and Queen Angela.”

“Where is my violin, when I need it?” Hordak asked sarcastically. “You -- the seer, the one who can see all – you have the greatest potential to betray the Rebellion. What you do not know, you can see. And what is secret can be revealed to you only by concentrating upon it.”

Peekablue went pale. “Impossible!” she shouted. “I would never betray my friends.”

“My dear, Rebel,” Hordak said as he pushed a button on a control panel and Peekablue was hoisted into the air and spread eagle by mechanical arms. “Thanks to Hoarde Science, we no longer have use for such words as ‘Impossible’ or ‘Never’.”

“What?” Peekablue gasped as the mechanical arms held her in check.

“Tell me, seer,” Hordak snorted. “Tell me the Great Rebellion’s secrets.” His arm glowed and transformed into a flower with long petals attached to a bolt inserted into an electric motor. A whir of the motor set the petal spinning and Hordak approached Peekablue’s squirming body.

“Tell me, or else.”


Adora awoke and shook the slumber from her eyes as she studied her surroundings.

“Hello, Adora,” Shadow Weaver whispered.

Adora turned and saw the red cloaked witch observing her. She frantically felt her arms and legs and realized she was free. Her next impulse was to look for her sword.

“Looking for this?” Shadow Weaver asked as Adora’s sword appeared suspended next to her.

Adora knew she was no match for the witch’s magic-- especially if she didn’t have her sword. She lunged for the sword hoping to take Shadow Weaver by surprise and recover her sword.

Shadow Weaver anticipated this and the sword magically moved and hovered well out of Adora’s reach. Shadow Weaver moved her hands in a circular motion and shadowy strands issued from her fingertips and wrapped around Adora pulling her down to the ground and holding her tight.

“Shadow Coils,” Shadow Weaver explained. “They are strong enough to hold She-ra in check. I imagine they will do much better holding you bound my dear.”

“What do you want from me?” Adora asked struggling with all her will to free herself.

“I have your sword,” Shadow Weaver said. “I will study it in time. I think it has secrets to reveal. As for you, I want only to set our record straight. You were like my daughter, but you betrayed me. Now I must hate and despise you.”

Adora continued to struggle against her bonds.

“I could turn you into stone or transform you into a pig,” Shadow Weaver said pondering Adora’s fate. “But that would rob me of the thing I miss most of you: your laughter.”

“What?” Adora asked as Shadow Weaver pulled off her red boots.

“I miss your laughter,” Shadow Weaver replied as she drew her dark green claws across Adora’s soles.

Adora released gales of involuntary laughter as Shadow Weaver gently scratched from heel to toes and back again.

“Stop!” Adora exlclaimed between laughter. “Please stop!”

“Alas, I must,” Shadow Weaver said as she paused in her tickling and stood over Adora’s panting and exhausted body. “Hoarde business calls. But I will not leave you without proper company.”

She waved her hand again in a circular motion and another strand of shadow appeared. “This is not a Shadow Coil,” she explained. “This is a Shadow Snake I have conjured. Its sole purpose in this world is to keep you company and slide and slither its way all over your body. You will appreciate its soft and gentle touch. I guarantee that before the day is done, his gentle touch will rob you of your will, your sanity and your desire to lead that petty band of rogues you call the Great Rebellion.”

The Shadow Snake shot out at Adora. Her bare, ticklish and vulnerable feet were easy prey, but apparently the invocation took no interest in such a target. The shadow was not a thick as a real snake and slipped through Adora’s hands and traveled up her sleeve.

The tickling sensation was incredible. Adora screamed out in laughter as the Shadow Snake tickled her arms, her neck and swirled around her belly. No part of her body was safe. No part was spared from the quick and agile movements of the Shadow Snake under her clothing.

Shadow Weaver looked down on the squirming Rebel as tears ran down her cheeks from the intense laughter. She gave Adora’s feet a final tickle and then rose to leave the room.

“No need for light,” she said over the loud laughter. “They damper the potency of the Shadow Coils. We wouldn’t want that, now would we?”

She shut off the lights, stepped out of the cell and the door closed plunging the room in darkness.


Glimmer had her arms spread out to each side with her hands bound to a pair of black spheres upon a huge machine. She’d been there for a few minutes already and she had begun to worry that she had been forgotten.

She needn’t have worried.

“Hello, Glimmer,” Angela said as she approached her daughter.

”Mother!” Glimmer exclaimed. “I never though I’d see you again!”

Angela smiled but it was not her usual good-natured smile. It was a twisted mockery of the smile Glimmer remembered.

“You look different, Mother,” Glimmer stated as she observed the darkened black hair and the grey color of her feathered wings. “What have they done to you?”

“Nothing we won’t do to you when time is not so pressing,” Angela answered impatiently. “But for now we have a pressing need. A need you can help us with.”

“I won’t help the Hoarde, Mother,” Glimmer said defiantly. “I joined the Great Rebellion to keep Eternia free from the Hoarde. I could never help them.”

“Use your light powers, child,” Angela demanded. “The ship needs pure light energy to take off. Use your powers for time is running out.”

“No, Mother!” Glimmer said turning away as she tried to hide tears of frustration.

“I thought you might say something like that,” Angela replied as her smiled twisted to a somber frown. “But that just isn’t good enough.”

Angela stood behind her daughter and extended her wings. With a graceful movement, the stiff grey feathered wings then surged forward the tips traveling up and down the sides of her daughter.

Glimmer screamed as the feathers touched her body. Despite her clothes, the tickling sensation could be felt. Light surged at her hands and the ship began to hum and rock from side to side. Glimmer contained her power and tried to assume control of her light powers despite the cruel tickling attack.

“You simply lose control, Glimmer,” Angela observed smiling as her wings sent titillating sensations though her daughter’s body. “You are a powerful wielder of Light, but you have never had any control. The slightest distraction sets your powers off without control. Look what just a little tickling can do.”

Glimmer squirmed and laughed and screamed. From time to time bursts of light would appear at her hands, but she tried her best to maintain control. But that control was fading fast.

“It is only a matter of time, Glimmer,” Angela said laughing evilly. “You can’t resist forever and when you finally do lose control, together will power this ship out of the Fright Zone and over the Whispering Woods. Bright Moon will fall within a fortnight and we will rule as Queen and Princess under the Hoarde.”

Glimmer twisted violently and gritted her teeth as she tried to restrain her laughter and her powers. She realized that each time her bursts of light were longer and more potent.

It was just a matter of time….

To be continued.
AWESOME!!! I can't wait for part 3!!!!!!!!! 🙂
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