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Sirens' Rapture: The Forest (*/f, */f, */f)


1st Level Red Feather
Oct 25, 2002

Hello all! This is the next chapter in my Sirens' Rapture series. I hope everyone enjoys it!

by Wingman
[email protected]

The silence was the most remarkable thing about the forest. Donna, Rachel, and Meaghan threaded their way through the thick flora slowly, picking their way carefully. The three women had been in the forest for several hours now. The small path they had followed when they first entered had vanished quickly. They had retraced their steps, looking for another path to follow, but there had been no sign of one. So they continued to head deeper into the forest. Donna hoped they were not going in circles. They were trying to move in a straight line, but the lack of any paths, or a clear view of the sky to orient their direction, was making that difficult. And the forest was absolutely still. There wasn't even the usual sounds of insects, birds, or small creatures rustling in the brush. Donna had to admit, if only to herself, that the effect was quite unsettling.
The three women walked a few more yards when Meaghan, a petite, athletic blonde who was leading them through the forest, halted. She cocked her head to one side.
"Do you guys hear that?" she asked. Donna listened.
"Is that..." she began, then paused, listening harder.
"Water?" finished Rachel. Meaghan looked back at them, excitement dancing in her eyes.
"I think so." She started forward again. Meaghan picked her way forward with renewed energy, but still moved carefully. Meaghan, like Donna and Rachel, was totally naked. They had to be careful of branches in the dense forest. The three women were Sirens; agents of a group called the Enclave. The Enclave was dedicated to foiling a group called the Cult. The Cult was bent on world domination. The two organizations waged their battles using tantric magic - a type of magic fueled by sex. A few years ago, the Cult had opened a new front in the conflict by making an alliance with an extradimensional race of beings called Pleasure Parasites. The Parasites fed on pleasure energy, particularly the sexual pleasure of human females. Donna, Rachel and Meaghan had been captured by the Parasites during their last sexual battle. Somehow, the Parasites had altered their bodies, making them sexually hypersensitive. After the battle, they had been pulled through a dimensional nexus to the Parasites homeworld. The Sirens had found themselves on a beach, and were promptly assaulted by a massive purple Parasite, and several dozen smaller Parasites, who tickled the three Sirens until they had massive orgasms. They had passed out, and upon waking, left the beach, and the apparently sleeping Parasite. The three women now made their way through a dense forest, looking for water and shelter.
Meaghan pushed through a dense thicket, and saw that the land sloped gently downhill. The sound of rushing water was now unmistakable. The trees began to thin out. Meaghan could see a hint of a stream in the distance, running down the hill.
"This way!" she shouted to Donna and Rachel. She darted forward. The three quickly reached the bank of a fast-running stream. Meaghan bent down, dipping her hands in the water. It was cool; it felt wonderful! She scooped a handful to her mouth, and took a long drink. Donna and Rachel dropped down next to her, sipping the water and splashing it on their faces. After a brief rest, Meaghan rose, and followed the stream down the hill. The hill bottomed out into a shallow valley, hills sloping up on either side. Upon reaching the bottom, they discovered a small pond formed by several streams running down the hills. The Sirens eagerly waded into the water. It was cool and refreshing. They splashed around for several minutes, rinsing off the dirt and sweat of their hike through the forest. Finally, they waded back to the bank of the pond, sprawling out on a mound of soft grass. The light was fading fast. Although it was cool in the forest, it wasn't frigid cold. Despite that, they were soon shivering.
"We're gonna need to start a fire," said Meaghan through chattering teeth.
"What do we need to d-do?" asked Donna. Meaghan sent Donna and Rachel to collect dry twigs and grasses. Meanwhile, she found some dry wood, and set about striking a flame. After a few minutes, a small but warming fire crackled on a dry patch of dirt Meaghan found several yards away from the pond.
"Is anyone hungry?" asked Rachel, stifling a yawn. After the day's exertions, both on the beach with the Parasite, and in the forest, she was exhausted.
"Not really," Donna replied. Meaghan merely shook her head. Her eyes were drooping.
"We'd better look for something tomorrow," Meaghan said sleepily.
"Okay, but right now, I think we need sleep," said Donna. Rachel yawned and stretched, laying herself down by the fire.
"I think we should have a lookout," Meaghan said. Her head was drooping.
"I'll take the first watch, then," said Donna, glancing over at Rachel and seeing that she was already asleep.
"If you see any..."
"Go to sleep, Meaghan. I'll be alright." Meaghan nodded, and gratefully flopped herself down. Within seconds, she was fast asleep.
Donna rose and stretched. Truth be told, she was tired too, but not nearly as tired as the others. She walked over to the small pile of branches they had collected, and tossed a couple onto the fire. It cackled merrily. Donna felt much safer by the fire. She knew it could attract attention, but it's light and warmth were quite welcome in this strange place. In fact, the three Sirens had long since attracted some attention. The Parasite on the beach had been a sentry, a lookout. After feeding on the Sirens' pleasure, it had sent a message. The message had traveled far and wide, and had caught the attention of several denizens of the forest the Sirens now camped in. Donna, and the sleeping Rachel and Meaghan, were unaware of this. She stared into the flames, thinking about their situation, and how they got to this point. It seemed like only a few hours ago that the three of them were preparing for a standard sexual encounter with the Pleasure Parasites. That encounter had been anything but standard. She realized that she didn't really know how long ago that had been. It could have been hours, it could have been days. The same could be said of their ticklish ordeal on the beach. They had passed out afterwards, but had it been minutes? Hours? Days? How did time behave here? Idly, she ran her hands down her bare legs. They were smooth as silk. She ran them back up again. Smooth. Her brow furrowed. That couldn't be right. Her legs felt as if she had just shaved them. She had shaved her legs just before going to the cave where she encountered the Parasites, but surely, by now, some growth would be visible.
Donna was considering this when she heard a rustle. Her head shot up. She scanned the trees surrounding them. She couldn't see anything, but she had definitely heard something. She rose. She circled the fire, looking into the dark forest. She heard another rustle, this time above her. She looked up, and the world went dark.

Rachel stirred. Her eyes fluttered open. She fancied she could see the first hint of light. Dawn must be near, she thought. She tried to rise, when she realized she couldn't. All at once, she was wide awake. She was lying on the ground. Her arms were bound above her head. They were bound tight at the wrist and elbow. Her waist, knees, and ankles were similarly restrained, with her legs pulled wide apart. During the night, someone or something had tied her up. Her head was free though, and she looked around, trying to catch a glimpse of Donna and Meaghan. There was no sign of them. She could see that she was tied down with dozens of tiny strands of what looked like vines. And she saw that she was surrounded by dozens of tiny figures. The light was too faint for her too see any of them clearly, but she could see their shadows all around her. One of the figures approached her. It stepped into a small patch of light. It was only about 12 inches tall. It was brown, with large yellow eyes, large ears, short legs. The arms were long, and the fingers slender and nimble. Rachel didn't know what it was, but it reminded her of the pictures she had seen in storybooks of trolls. The troll looked back towards the large group that was now approaching.
"Are we sure this is the one?" it said in a high pitched voice. Another troll approached her.
"This is the one," he said. He? Rachel wondered. None of them wore anything resembling clothing, but she couldn't see any sign if the creatures were male or female.
"There is only one," the first troll continued. "The sentry said there were three." Three. Rachel had a feeling they were talking about her. And Donna and Meaghan. Where were they?
"I think I saw some arboreals carry one off," said a third troll.
"And I know a centivine took another," said the second troll. Rachel couldn't keep quiet anymore.
"What have you done with my friends?" she asked. The trolls all turned back to her.
"They are...elsewhere," said the first troll. For the first time, Rachel saw it didn't move its mouth when it spoke. She heard its voice in her head. Telepathy, then, Rachel thought. It explained how she could understand them.
"What do you mean?" she asked, dreading the answer. They implied something carried off Donna and Meaghan. Could they be dead.
"The forest hold many creatures. We were told about you by the sentry. Some of these creatures will want to...feed," said the little creature, a nasty smile playing across his face. Somewhere in the distance, she heard a cry.
"Sentry?" Rachel suppressed a shudder at the next thought. "Feed?" All the troll did was nod.
"And now," she continued, struggling against the vines holding her down, and fighting her growing fear, "you're going to...feed on me?" The troll shook his head. His wicked smile remained.
"Then wh-what are you gonna do?"
"We are merely the harvesters," the troll said. Rachel saw the mass of trolls parting. The light was growing brighter. Rachel could make out two more figures moving toward her. They had no resemblance to the trolls whatsoever. They looked somewhat like giant jellyfish. They were a translucent, bluish color. They used long, delicate looking tentacles to make their way forward. They paused at the edge of the mass of trolls. They settled down, pulsing slightly, the tips of their limbs flicking in the air every so often.
"They shall feed." The mass of trolls approached her. Rachel pulled mightily against the vines. But it was no use. She was too tightly held. The trolls swarmed over her, scrambling up on her hips, her legs, her chest. They all turned to the first troll, who was right between her ample breasts.
"Begin," he said.
"" Rachel's eyes shot wide open in surprise. These creatures weren't trying to hurt her. All at once, a few of them began using their tiny but nimble hands to massage and squeeze her nipples. At the same time, more were stroking the exposed folds of her vagina. Her hypersensitive skin sent ripples of pleasure through her. She hadn't been prepared for this! More nimble hands joined in, stroking her breasts, feeling for her swelling clitoris. It wasn't too hard for them. Her newfound sexual hypersensitivity meant that sexual arousal was extremely for her now. She could feel her clit swelling. Sure enough, she felt little prickles of sensation on her little bud as the trolls found and teased her clitoris. She arched her back, and moaned deeply. Her moans quickly turned to gasps as the little creatures gently pinched and squeezed, sending shudders of ecstacy through her groin. She felt a surge of moisture. Now, they began reaching inside the folds of her pussy, towards her pink depths. Rachel felt a buildup of pressure in her groin. So soon? she thought through the haze of pleasure clouding her mind. Within seconds, she felt her body tense, her back arch, and the pressure spike.
"OOOOHHHHH GGGO-O-O-DDDDD!" she moaned as she orgasmed. The trolls slowed down their stimulations. But now the rest moved in for the second phase. Little fingers began to poke and prod her ribs, her underarms, her feet. Rachel's heaving gasps changed to giggles. The trolls were tickling her. The tingling, tickling feeling was everywhere. Rachel wriggled, surprised at how much it tickled. She remembered her ordeal the day before on the beach with the Parasite. That tickling had been intense, a byproduct of her sensitivity. It was just as bad now, if not worse. The trolls teased and stroked her everywhere. Her upper arms and her underarms. Her ribs, her belly, her hips, the trembling hollows between her legs and her lower stomach. Her legs, her knees, her feet, the inside of her thighs.
"NO! NO STOPP HAHAHAHAHA! EEEEEHEEHEEHEEHEE! NO! NOT THERE!" she shrieked, as the trolls now turned their tickling fingers to her breasts. Rachel thrashed helplessly. The vines held her fast. Rachel had always been extremely ticklish. The Parasites had made her infinitely more so. Rachel knew that after an orgasm, her body was even more sensitive. So now, after her quick but intense climax, she was more ticklish than ever before.
Now the trolls began to sexually stimulate her again. They squeezed her nipples, her clit. She felt, through the swarm of tickling, the trolls were parting her swollen, glistening pink labia. The strange jellyfish-like creatures rose, and approached her. Gingerly, the tips of their tendrils touched her quivering flesh.
"AAAAAAHHHHHH!" Intense pleasure surged through her. It was like they were stinging her, but instead of pain, they were stinging her with pleasure. Pleasure spikes mixed with tickling strokes. Rachel writhed, giggling and moaning, shrieking with laughter, and crying with pleasure. Then the tentacles eased into her pussy.
"OOHHH! OH MY GOD! OOOHHHHH YESSSS! YESSSSSS!" Despite the intensity, Rachel's body eagerly welcomed the penetration. Powerful surges of pleasure pulsed up her passage. She tensed again, this time her pussy gushed as she rode another climax.
Rachel gasped for air, her chest heaved. The trolls scrambled out of the way of the jellyfish creatures. They stopped teasing her erogenous zones. Now the jellyfish wrapped tendrils around her breasts and nipples. Two thin cords wrapped around her clit. The pleasure sting arced through her like an electric current. Everywhere the tips touched her, explosions of ecstacy blossomed inside her. And still, the trolls continued to tickle her. Rachel was overwhelmed with sensation. An ordinary woman would have been overcome. The intensity of the sexual stimulation would have left the victim with little sense of the tickling. This was not so with Rachel. She felt every stroke, every poke, every squeeze, every sting, with startling clarity. It was as if the feelings were both mixed together, and isolated. Dimly, she was aware that her body was beginning to glow. It was the Rapture. The Rapture was an intense form of sexual pleasure so powerful, it was actually visible. Very few women who could produce it could do so for more than an instant. Rachel could produce it for at least several minutes.
The tendrils in her gushing pussy stroked in and out steadily, each thrust brought the tip of a pleasure stinger in contact with one of her g-spots. Each touch brought a fresh surge of pleasure, and a cry from her lips. She felt the pressure build again, and again her body spurted with release. Her orgasms were long, sustained symphonies of pleasure. The jellyfish finally began to slow their thrusts. Their tentacles began to withdraw from Rachel's glowing body. The tickling ceased as the trolls all backed away from her. The jellyfish made one last stab into her pussy, bringing her to one last climax. As its tendrils withdrew, they drew the light of the Rapture in. They left Rachel lying there, gasping and trembling, the last orgasm still echoing in her body.
The jellyfish reached tendrils out to each other. They joined, and rose up over Rachel's body. The bluish figures shuddered themselves, then began to emit golden rays of light. These rays bathed the trolls, who all stood still, drawing this new light into themselves. For a few minutes this lasted. Finally, the glow faded altogether. The jellyfish glided away, and Rachel could see them make their way to the edge of the pond, and slip under the water. The trolls began to move away, disappearing into the grasses and bushes. A few scampered over to where she lay, and suddenly she felt slack on her restraints. Before she could gather enough strength to get up, they, too, had disappeared. Finally, Rachel rolled into a sitting position, her body still tingling. She didn't move for several minutes. She needed to rest a bit. Then she would see about finding Donna and Meaghan.

Donna was immobilized. She hadn't had time to cry out, before something wrapped around her face. Then, something powerful coiled around her body, and lifted her into the air. Her arms were pressed to her sides, her legs bound tight. She had no leverage. She cried out, but they were muffled by whatever had wrapped around her head. She had the sensation of moving fast, but lost her sense of direction. Suddenly, she felt an impact. She had landed on something. The coils slackened a bit, but before she could try to free herself, new coils pulled her arms up above her head. She could feel her ankles seized, and her legs pulled open, and immobilized. The thing moved off her face. Donna gasped. She was staring at a snake.
The serpent stared at her, its forked tongue flicking out, tasting the air. I wasn't baring fangs, or hissing. It was the most unusual serpent she had ever seen. It's head was wide, and flat, somewhat like a copperhead from Earth, but much larger. A fluttering ridge of what she decided were fins ran down both sides of its silver body. She noticed, also, two small arms retracting into its body. Its tail parted at the end into two long, sweeping fins that could contract and expand like a fan. Unbeknownst to Donna, the serpents were arboreal water snakes; snakes who were designed to live and swim easily in water, but who could also come onto the land, and, using their retractable arms, could climb into the trees as easily as a primate. Donna chanced a glance at her wrists. Two other snakes had her restrained, their long bodies coiled around her wrists and forearms, the end fins slowly waving in the air. The same was true at her ankles, with the snakes bodies coiled around her legs up to her knees. She returned her gaze to the serpent hovering over her. Its body was wrapped around her hips and waist. The two fins of its tail were raised over her exposed crotch. Given the strength she could feel in the coils around her, she knew that at any moment, this thing could easily squeeze her to death. She wondered why it hadn't done so, if it was going to eat her. Then, she had a chilling realization.
"Can you understand me?" she asked it.
The serpent's head bobbed up and down.
"What do you want with me?"
In reply, the serpent lowered its head to her breasts. It's forked tongue flicked lightly across one of her nipples. It tickled lightly. A small gasp escaped her lips. She hadn't expected that. The serpent again flicked its tongue, this time across the other nipple. Again, Donna gasped lightly. She could see and feel her nipples hardening in response to the stimulation. A third time, the serpent's tongue flicked across Donna's hard nipple. Donna jumped, squealing with surprise. One of the snakes coiled around her arms had flicked its tail fin lightly across her underarm at the same time. She hadn't expected that either. Without warning, two fins brushed the sensitive soles of her feet. Donna jerked and tried to pull away in response, but she couldn't even budge the coils wrapped around her. The serpent's head rose in front of her face again. It's eyes seemed to gleam hungrily in the feeble light.
"Not again," Donna groaned. Then the snakes struck.
"NOOO-OHHH-HO-HO-HO-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!" She shrieked with sudden laughter as the snakes flicked fin and tongue across her sensitive flesh. Intense ticklish sensations quickly consumed her. She pulled mightily, but futilely, against the serpents' powerful coils. The snakes' flicks were feather light. Most women would have barely felt them. Donna, however, was not a normal woman anymore. And the feather light flicks tickled. Oh, how they tickled!
Slow, gentle, light strokes tickled intensely. The snakes strokes her soles, her underarms, her nipples. The snake wrapped around her torso now began to brush its fins against the tender skin of her inner thighs. Donna shrieked in response. Her hips swivelled, trying to escape. But she was held fast. There was no escape.
Donna gasped for air. Her skin grew flushed and pink. She could feel a tingle building deep in her loins. She knew through the haze of tickling that she was growing wet. Her body, always so close to arousal these days, was now fully aroused. She twisted and wriggled furiously. Her feet wiggled, her toes curled, desperate to escape the sensations assaulting them. It was no use. The serpents had her trapped and helpless. The serpent curled around her torso continued to flick its tongue lightly across her hard nipples. They were swollen and throbbing, and highly sensitive. Its head bobbed and weaved in response to her thrashing, and it didn't lose contact with her for a second. Its tail fins brushed her thighs lightly, working their way toward her glistening labia. Donna's head was thrown back as she shrieked and squealed with laughter. She didn't see the snake begin to extend something from between its tail fins. A long, red, phallic organ pushed out. As flexible as the serpent, the phallus moved down to her groin. Effortlessly, it eased its tip against the entrance to her passage, and slid inside. Donna's head shot up, her eyes wide with surprise. A powerful surge of intense pleasure flooded her body. Her laughter mixed with a deep gasp. Her back arched in response, her head falling back. Her long, curly red hair dangled and swayed from the treetops.
"OOOOHHH! OOOHHHH-HO-HO-HA-HAA-HAAAAHHHHHH!" The serpent began slowly pumping its cock in and out of her pussy, while the other serpents continued their light tickling of her body. She tensed as her first orgasm shook from her.
Her pussy clutched at the cock thrusting into her. Fluid gushed out as she squirted with release. The snake suddenly began pumping Donna fast and hard. She came again in seconds. As the climax claimed her, the tickling grew more intense. The orgasm mixed with tickling launched her to a new plateau of pleasure. She came again, harder than before. Her pussy gushed. Her body began to glow with the light of the Rapture. The serpent basked in the glow of her pleasure energy, drawing it into itself. As the orgasm subsided, Donna slumped back, breathing heavily. Her body tingled like mad. The serpents shifted position, sliding and flowing around her. A new serpent coiled around her body. The flicking resumed. Fin and forked tongue lightly brushed her again. After her orgasms, she was even more sensitive, more ticklish than before. She wriggled and writhed. Again, a serpent penetrated her. Pleasure flooded her, mounting to a higher level. Soon, Donna was in the throes of a toe-curling orgasm. The glow of the Rapture returned, brighter than before. For several minutes (or was it hours? she couldn't be sure), the pattern repeated itself. The serpents tickled her, one of them thrusting its long, probing cock deep into her. She was driven to powerful orgasms. Her orgasms were like riding tidal waves. The pleasure built to towering heights, then crashed like thunder through her. Then, the waves built again. And through it all, the snakes continued their incessant tickling.
Countless orgasms later, the serpents began to ease off. They had fed long and deep. Donna was exhausted, and dripping with sweat. Finally, they uncoiled from around her body. Two serpents eased her gently down through the branches. Finally, they settled her limp body on the ground, a few meters away from the Sirens' campsite. She took deep breaths, gathering her strength. A few minutes, she thought. A few minutes and I'll get up. And I'll try to find Rachel and Meaghan. A few feet away, a spent Rachel was thinking the same thing.

The first thing Meaghan was aware of was the smell. It was like roses, jasmine, and lilacs mixed with some unusual odor she couldn't identify. The next thing she was aware of was the unusual color of the light. Her eyes fluttered open. Everything had a green tinge to it. As her eyes focused, she realized she wasn't looking at the sky. She wasn't looking at any trees either. It looked like a large leaf, covering her entire field of vision. Her head began to clear. She tried to sit up. It was then that she noticed that she couldn't sit up. She was lying back on an angle. Her entire body was wrapped tightly by some kind of vines. She pulled against her bonds, but it was to no avail. The vines were too thick, and far too numerous for her to break. Something about her struggles must have gotten something's attention, because suddenly, more vines began whipping around her. The giant green leaf in front of her split down the center and peeled back. Meaghan could see the sky. It was still dark, but she could see the first glimmers of daylight. She was still surrounded by a green glow. She realized it was coming from the leaves and vines around her. Meaghan had no way of knowing she was trapped by a centivine. A centivine was a plant rather similar to a venus flytrap. The centivine was immense. Its head sat atop a stalk the size of a tree trunk. The head was large enough to hold a grown human. But its name came from the dozens of vines that grew all over the plant. Most were located at various points along its stalk. Several dozen grew from inside the mouth, and these were what now held Meaghan fast. The vines began to shift and move. Meaghan had been completely covered, almost mummified. Now, the vines slid away from her body, leaving her sensitive skin exposed. The vines pulled her arms above her head, leaving her underarms exposed. The vines also pulled her legs up. They were spread, her knees pulled back toward her chest. Her hips, waist, feet, legs and thighs, and her womanhood were completely exposed as well. Vines wrapped tightly around her wrists and elbows, her ankles and knees. Dozens of vines now approached her. Feather-like leaves unfurled from several of them. Meaghan had no way of knowing that the centivine had learned about her from the Parasite beach sentry. She didn't know that the sentry had told all creatures within range of its message about the vulnerabilities of the three Sirens. But she was about to find out.
All at once, the vines attacked Meaghan. They whipped out to her feet, legs, thighs, stomach, and underarms. Caught unprepared for the assault, Meaghan screamed and laughed as the vines tickled her.
It was unlike the encounter at the beach. Then, the Parasite had slowly teased her body, tickling one spot then another, slowly adding more tentacles, slowly increasing its speed and intensity. The centivine had other ideas. Feather-like leaves teased and brushed her tender skin. Meaghan squealed and wriggled, but to no avail. The vines were far too strong for her to break. Tips of soft leaves tickled her underarms, vines brushed across her hips. The vines teased her toes, the balls of her feet, and her sensitive arches. More vines whipped around, drawing circles down her arms, and across her chest to her breasts. They jiggled as she thrashed and laughed, her hard nipples providing a tempting target. Soon, leaves began to stroke her nipples, around her swelling breasts, down her waist. The centivine left no part untouched. For a few seconds at a time, it would slow its teasing, giving Meaghan a brief chance to catch her breath, but it would quickly resume its merciless torment.
Meaghan squealed, shrieked, and laughed. She wriggled and writhed desperately, trying to escape the tickling, tormenting vines. But her elbows were locked, her legs were tightly restrained. No matter how hard she pulled, she could barely move an inch. The centivine kept her restrained and exposed. Meaghan, like the other Sirens, had been extremely ticklish even before the Pleasure Parasites had hypersensitized her body. But she had been the most ticklish of them all. Now, she was excruciatingly ticklish.
The centivine's feather like leaves were easing closer to Meaghan's glistening pink vagina. She pulled her hips as hard as she could, but couldn't escape the sensations skittering up her legs. Just as on the beach hours ago, Meaghan was overwhelmed with tickling sensations, and she was growing aroused. Her pussy was moistening, her nipples and clitoris had hardened. Meaghan had always been turned on by tickling. One of her first encounters with agents of the Cult had involved her being tied and tickled by several of their agents. News of her ticklishness, and her arousal as a result of it, had quickly spread throughout the Cult, and Meaghan had been the victim of several tickle-attacks. Secretly, she enjoyed them thoroughly. But this was unlike anything she had ever encountered before. This was torture, pure and simple. And she couldn't escape.
Meaghan begged between squeals. If anything, the tickling grew in intensity. She worried in some dim corner of her mind that she would go mad if this kept up much longer. It was at that moment that the leaves reached the folds of her vagina. She threw her head back and shrieked with laughter. Her hips thrashed and pulled, overwhelmed with the new stimulation. More vines wrapped around her legs, and coiled around her waist and hips, holding her bucking hips still. The leaves were free to feather across her pussy. The tip of a vine dangled down, and began to lightly stroke her swollen, red, throbbing clitoris. Tears ran down her face. Beads of sweat rolled down her body as she pulled mightily against the immovable bonds. Meaghan was flushed a bright pink. The tingle her body always seemed to have now was actually growing more intense. She could feel every stroke, every brush. The sensations arced through her like electric currents. She could feel them not only on the surface of her quivering flesh, but could feel them deep inside her body. The tickling penetrated the very core of her being. She was aware of little else. Her body pounded with desire. Her pussy yearned for a deeper stimulation. Her nipples ached to be squeezed. Her clitoris begged to be stroked. She was desperate for the torture to end, and she was desperate to feel the orgasm she knew was building in her body. She needed the release.
Meaghan had been tickled many times before, and had even been tickled during sex. She had even experienced tickling during orgasms, most recently on the beach, at the hands of a Pleasure Parasite. But something new was happening now. The centivine, like the Pleasure Parasite before it, was expertly teasing her body. It alternated between light strokes and deep digs. The leaves and vines danced around her sensitive skin, playing with every available inch of her. At no point had it tried to directly sexually stimulate her. It hadn't penetrated her, or stroked her clit hard enough to release the pleasure building inside her. But Meaghan could feel the pleasure building. It was like steam building inside her, demanding release. The tickling continued. The vines found every secret spot on her body and tickled them mercilessly. It found the spots just to the sides of her breasts. It found that small but tender spot just above the sandy blonde curls of her groin. It tickled her just outside her anus. It even found a new spot, tickling just below her vagina. And Meaghan could feel an orgasm building, building, building with each brush, each touch, each stroke. With each passing second, the feelings grew more intense. She was unable to form coherent words anymore, was barely aware of anything outside of the torturous tickling.
STOP! she screamed in her mind. STOP! PLEASE! I'M GOING INSANE! I CAN'T STAND IT! I CAN'T!
Two dark green tendrils emerged from the depths of the head of the centivine. The tips flexed and opened like flowers. A clear, slippery substance, like aloe, began to dibble on Meaghan's thrashing body. The vines and leaves quickly rubbed the strange lotion onto her body. Meaghan was beginning to weaken. The tickling was as intense, more intense, than ever. But as the aloe-like lotion hit her skin, every nerve fired up with new sensitivity. She squealed and screamed. Her body was glowing as the Rapture began to manifest itself. Meaghan felt herself dancing on the edge of the most intense climax she had ever experienced. Small leaves circled around her swollen clitoris. Vines slid over hard nipples. The tickling sped up, intensified. Meaghan's breath caught. Her body shuddered, then tensed. Her back arched, her hands clenched and unclenched unconsciously. Her toes curled. The orgasm that had been building inside her for so long now spilled out of her like water. Her honey flowed out of her vagina. The flow turned into a surge as the orgasm intensified. It was unlike any climax she had ever had.
Meaghan's orgasms usually pulsed through her rapidly, and frequently. This orgasm was long and sustained. She shook and writhed in pure ecstacy, unaware of what her body was doing, unaware of the moans and squeals she uttered. She knew only the unbearable pleasure flooding her body. Through it all, the tickling continued. The two dark vines that had been coating her with the aloe-like substance now moved to her groin. Effortlessly, one eased into her dripping wet pussy, the other slid into her ass. She gasped, and was launched to a new orgasmic plateau. The tickling eased only slightly as the vines began an alternating thrusting rhythm. Within seconds, she came again, and began the familiar rapid-fire orgasms she usually had. Each climax brought a fresh spurt from her pussy. The light of the Rapture was building in intensity. The centivine absorbed as much of the pleasure energy as it could, its bioluminescence growing brighter.
Finally, after long minutes spent in this state of orgasmic bliss, the centivine ceased its stimulation. The vines withdrew from her body, the leaves pulling away. Meaghan continued to shudder, overcome by her ordeal. The now bright-green, glowing centivine lowered Meaghan down through the thick canopy of branches and leaves. It eased her gently back onto the ground, mere feet away from where it had captured her. She was only a few yards from Rachel and Donna.

Rachel finally managed to get to her feet. She looked around, and spotted Donna also getting shakily to her feet.
"Donna!" she called out. Donna turned her head.
"You okay?" Donna called back. Rachel nodded. Donna was about to ask another question, when she spied Meaghan still lying on the ground. She gestured for Rachel to follow her. The two made their way over to Meaghan. After a few minutes, Meaghan began to stir.
"Easy, hon," Rachel said as the two Sirens helped their friend to her feet.
"Water," Meaghan whispered. Wordlessly, the three made their way back to the pond. The three drank and rinsed themselves off. Despite their best efforts to stay awake, the three soon fell into a deep sleep.
They woke during the night. The forest was still. They shared their experiences with each other. When dawn's light began to creep into the sky, they began to trek through the forest again. Over the next few days, they experienced similar sexual assaults by the denizens of the forest. Sometimes it was the ever-present centivines. Sometimes, the trolls that seemed to populate every nook of the forest. Around evening, as the light fled the sky, the three Sirens finally reached an area where the trees thinned. Off in the distance, they could see a group of buildings. The exhausted Sirens camped down at the edge of the forest, intending to make their way toward the city tomorrow. They fell into a deep sleep.
While the Sirens slept, a small group of armored men trudged along the edge of the forest. Lights flashed across their sleeping forms. The lead figures spotted the sleeping women, and called out to their comrades. The group turned toward them. They approached silently, carefully. When the group surrounded the Sirens, one of the men turned to another.
"Looks like they came through the forest," he said to his partner.
"Looks like," the other responded. "Incredible."
"What should we do with them?"
"We take them back to the city. The leader will want to examine them." He gestured to his men. They prepared to carry the Sirens to the city.
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