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Sirens' Rapture


1st Level Red Feather
Oct 25, 2002
Sirens' Rapture -- MMM/F (tickling, explicit sex)

This is a story I've been working on in some way shape or form for a number of years. I posted some earlier drafts over on the TMF a few years back. Well, I'm reworking it a bit, an actually intending to submit this for publication to couple of sci-fi/fantasy erotica publishers. This is the first part of chapter one, and any feedback anyone has will be greatly appreciated, good or bad. Let me hear from ya, and enjoy!



The locker room was bustling with activity. The last fitness classes of the day had finished, and women were streaming through the locker room to shower, change, and leave. Doors rattled and banged as gym bags and clothes were removed. The ZZIP of bags being opened and shut, the hiss of the water in the shower stalls, and the chatter of the women filled the air. They were in various stages of undress, some stripped and stepping into the showers, some toweling off, some dressed and packing their belongings back into gym bags and purses. Slowly, the room was emptying. There were roughly a dozen women left inside when Donna entered.

Donna was an instructor at the gym. She taught several standard aerobics classes, but had also introduced into the curriculum a few dance oriented classes. The most popular of these were the belly dancing classes. Donna’s students found these to be not only effective, but great fun. Donna’s last class of the day had been a belly dancing class, but she had stayed behind after class to straighten up her room, and to assist some of the other instructors with clean-up before she headed to the showers.

Donna was still dressed for her last class as she entered the locker room. She was wearing tight a gray halter top which left her midriff bare, and a pair of tight gray biker shorts. Over her shorts, she was also wearing a long, flowing, thin blue skirt. This was Donna’s favorite skirt for the class. It flowed well with the dances, whirled nicely as she spun, and jingled as she moved, due to the tiny bells stitched around the waist. She walked now with her sandals held loosely in one hand, grabbing a towel with the other as she approached her locker. She nodded and smiled at three of her students as she dropped her sandals and the towel on one of the long, wide benches that ran the length of the room. She opened her locker door, keeping an eye on the number of women left in the room, and pulled out her gym bag. She easily slipped the skirt off, and peeled off the halter top as two women exited. She sighed in relief as her breasts spilled free. She stripped off her shorts and panties, and headed for the showers. Four of the women were in deep conversation about something. Donna didn’t pay any attention; she just wished that they would leave soon. She much preferred solitude when she showered at the end of the day. It had nothing to do with modesty; she had a much better reason.

Donna stepped into the shower, cranked up the heat, and welcomed the billowing steam that rose around her. She had had a long day and she let the hot water envelop her, and ease the slight tension she had built up all day. Water streamed through her hair, over her face, and down her body. As she grabbed the soap and began to scrub the day away, the locker room continued to empty. Donna stretched and luxuriated for a few minutes in the hot streaming water. By the time Donna emerged from the shower, dripping wet and pink skinned from the hot water, a towel wrapped around her torso, the only women left were her three students. They continued to chat amiably as she grabbed another towel and began to wring her long hair dry. Donna ran a brush through her hair, and had opened her bag to pull out her clothes when the three women turned to leave.

“Bye, Donna. It was a blast today.”

“Good. I’m glad you guys enjoyed it!” Donna replied, smiling.

“We’ll see you next week?” one of them asked as she slung her purse over her shoulder.


“Well, bye!”

“See ya!”

“Bye!” Donna called, waving as the heavy wooden door swung shut. Silence fell. Now Donna was finally alone.

She abandoned her gym bag and the towels for a moment, and turned, still wrapped in a towel, to survey the room. The locker room’s walls were lined with lockers. Another double-sided row of lockers ran the length of the room, effectively bisecting it. Long, wide benches ran down both rows in the room. At either end of the room, along the west wall, were the entrances to the room. At the east wall was the entrance to the showers. And at one end was a small maintenance closet which also held a small door that led to the boiler room. This closet was rarely used anymore. Donna checked both rows of lockers, stepped back in the showers, and even checked inside the closet. The door to the boiler room was locked. She seemed to be alone.

The recent activity still seemed to echo around the walls. She could almost still hear the chatter, clanging, zipping, and laughter. She could smell a mixture of soap, steam, deodorant, and sweat in the heavy air. All of that activity created energy, and that energy still resonated in the space. It wasn’t a kind of energy Donna was used to dealing with, but it was still there. She could feel it, and she could make some use of it. She had a feeling that she wasn’t actually alone. She breathed in slowly, and exhaled, extending her Senses as she did. She used the energy in the room, the echo of that noise and chatter and intention and life, she felt along the ripples it cast in the room, using it almost like radar. She was looking for any disturbances in the patterns, but could find none. If there was anyone still there, she couldn’t Sense them. She still had a hunch that she wasn’t alone. It was rather common for her to have an encounter somewhere in the gym at the end of the day. It was part of why she liked to be in the locker room alone; it was a matter of privacy. Finally, she turned back to her clothes. Either she was alone or she wasn’t. It made little difference to her. But she liked to be prepared.

Donna slid the towel off and draped it over the bench. She pulled out her clothes, and then stuffed her gym wear, skirt, and sandals into the bag. She slipped a pair of light blue panties on, and fastened her bra. She pulled on a white blouse, and a comfortable pair of blue jeans. She was pulling on one of her boots when she heard her cell phone chime.

Donna froze.

That chime was keyed to a specific number, and only sounded when she received a text message. It was one she received every two weeks, almost like clockwork. But that chime had sounded just last week. It chimed again. Donna dropped her boot, seized her purse, and rummaged around until she found her cell phone. She flipped it open, and read the text message, already knowing what it would say.

Come at once. It is time.

Donna read and reread this familiar message several times. Her brow furrowed in confusion. Why was this sounding a week early? She knew there was only one place she would get answers. She keyed a response, dropped her phone back in the bag, and pulled her boots on. She grabbed her purse, gym bag, and jacket, and dashed to the door.

Donna froze.

There was no chime this time. Donna simply froze in place. Her hand was stretched towards the door handle. All her muscles refused to obey her commands. She was completely still. Damn, she thought. I should have expected this. Donna heard footfalls. She also felt a familiar swoop in her belly.

The footsteps echoed around the room, and made it difficult to tell how many there were. She was certain there were more than one set. Whoever they were, Donna knew they had to have considerable skill; not only had they managed to conceal themselves from her Senses, but they had managed to weave a binding spell that had trapped her completely. As the footfalls grew louder and closer Donna probed the Bind. This was a pretty sophisticated spell; Donna figured it would take at least two people to weave a spell like that. Usually Binding spells caught specific areas. She had been Bound before; once she had had her arms and legs frozen, but she had still been able to move her head. This was different. She found that while she couldn’t move her body, she could still breathe. She couldn’t even move her eyes, but she could blink. This bind had taken time and energy to construct. And she had walked right into it without even Sensing it. Of course, she had been rather distracted by that unexpected summons.
The footsteps were right behind her now. Donna felt two pairs of hands grasp her body and pull her away from the door. There was another swoop in her belly. A figure entered her field of vision, but she was unable to follow him. He was headed for the south door to the locker room. While he busied himself there, the hands lifted her gently away from the north door. They maneuvered her around the benches while the first man strode to the north door. Donna was set down, and had a glimpse of the man at the door. He was tracing his finger around the edge of the door. As he did, a faint golden light trailed behind. He finished tracing this glowing line, and placed his palm in the center of the door. The glow spread to cover the entire door. He reached for the handle and gave it a firm tug. The door didn’t even budge. He turned and faced Donna.

She in the meantime had set about breaking the Bind. Donna reached deep into herself, to the seat of her own power. This would take a great deal of energy, and she knew full well how aroused she was about to become. Donna decided it was worth it; it would put her back on an even footing, and maybe unnerve her opponents. She coaxed the power within her, imagining it swelling within her. Soon she could set it against the Bind. She knew she could break it, but she needed some time.

The two men who had pulled her away from the door were relieving her of her jacket, gym bag, and purse. They finished tugging these out of her frozen hands as the man from the door stepped up to her. He placed his hands on either side of her head, and a red light flashed. He had released part of the Bind; Donna could move her head again. There was another swoop in her belly, but it was much lower this time, and much stronger. She glanced around at the other two men. They walked around to join their comrade. So there were apparently three of them. And she couldn’t hear anyone else. Donna knew what was coming, and truth be told, she welcomed it. She had expected it anyway, and had been preparing all day. What she had not expected was that early summons.

The man who had unfrozen her face looked straight at her. He had a rather weathered face. His hair was a light brown which was now liberally graying. He had a nearly completely gray beard. His eyes were an icy blue, and seemed to Donna to be too young in a face so lined and gray. It’s the power, she thought. This is the toll it can take on a man. Whatever his age, there was no denying he had power--and confidence.
“Think you’re gonna be late, Siren,” he said, smirking. Donna narrowed her eyes as she faced him. She couldn’t conceal the growing desire in them. She glanced down at her body, and then looked back at him.

“Pretty slick spellcasting. I didn’t even see it coming.” Play for time, she told herself. She let the power grow. She could feel it begin to press against the Bind. She could also feel the swoop in her belly turn into a dull throb. A need was rising along with the power, and it was growing more insistent.

“Kinda the point, Red,” he said. He glanced at the man on his right, a dark-skinned man with burning eyes, and nodded his head in the direction of the long benches that ran the length of the locker room. The man moved off towards the benches. Graybeard turned back, and looked her over. Something suddenly clicked in her head.

“You know something about the summons, don’t you?” Her body felt as if it was submerged in warm water, with the pressure rising. Her power continued to swell, pressing against the Bind. This wouldn’t be quite so easy. Small Binds, simple restraints were relatively easy to snap. A Bind this thorough would take quite an effort. She had to make sure she didn’t miss any part of the Bind. Otherwise, the energy would be wasted. She could simply wait. She knew they would free her very soon of their own accord. But she wanted to gain an edge. So she kept pressing, kept the energy swelling. And she tried very hard to conceal it from them. She didn’t want them to Sense her power building up just yet; more to the point, she didn’t want them to see the full extent of her arousal yet.

“Well,” Graybeard’s smirk fell from his face a little. He had realized his little slip of the tongue. “Whether we do or don’t, you’ve got a more pressing matter to attend to, don’t you?”

“What, you think you three can take me?” she purred in reply. She put as much confidence as she could in her voice. And she let a bit of her growing desire slip in as well. She felt her power straining against the bind. She could feel her body straining as well. Her nipples had grown hard. Her breathing had increased, she felt her pulse race. The low throbbing in her belly grew. And she was sure her eyes were burning with lust right about now.

The three men chuckled. Graybeard’s eyes met hers confidently.
“Red, we’ve handled Sirens before. Do you really think you can take all three of us?”

In answer, Donna took a deep breath, gave her power one final push. A brilliant white light flashed, energy burst free, and he three men were blown off their feet across the locker room. There was a tremendous boom as Donna shattered the Bind and stood free, and only slightly shivering from the explosion of energy. She could move again. Donna felt drained, slightly dizzy, and incredibly horny. The price of tantric power, she knew. She strode over to her dazed opponents. She took a breath to compose herself, to put on an air of almost invincibility she didn’t truly feel.

“As a matter of fact, I think I can.” Donna turned away from them. She saw that several towels had been folded and placed atop one of the benches. She unbuttoned her blouse, and as she turned slightly as if to face the men again, she let it slip from her shoulders. She reached behind and unhooked her bra, pushing her breasts out slightly as she did so. She turned away from them as it slid down, her breasts spilling free and just out of their line of sight, and Donna tossed it to the floor. She was nude from the waist up, her bare back to her opponents. They in the meantime, were slowly dragging themselves to their feet, not taking their eyes off Donna as she stripped. Next, Donna pulled her boots off, placing each foot on the bench, and bending to unzip them on the sides, making sure to thrust her hips out as she did. With her back still to the men, she undid the button to her jeans. She hooked her thumbs on her panties as well. She slid them, jeans and panties, slowly down over her hips, baring her buttocks, slowly revealing her legs. She stood and kicked her jeans away. She turned back to the intense stares of the men, completely nude.

Donna was, in a word, breathtaking. She was slightly above average in height, with a dancer’s slender, willowy physique. Long, smooth legs led up to round hips. Her waist was taut and slim. Her breasts were full and pert, with hard pink nipples jutting forward. Donna’s face was like her body, long and lean. She had sharp features, with red hair still damp from the shower spilling halfway down her back in loose curls. Her eyes were a bright, almost emerald green, and sparkled with anticipation. A glimpse at the small tuft of strawberry colored curls atop her legs revealed she was a natural red-head, and pointed to the pink folds that led to the source of her power. Her complexion was fair with a slightly ruddy color. She had very few freckles for a redhead, and was still pink-skinned from the heat in her shower. Donna was lithe and lovely, still shimmering with unleashed energy. She threw a leg over the bench, and sat on the makeshift cushion of towels. She drew her legs up, placing her feet on the towels, knees bent, bracing her arms behind her, and leaning back. Her breasts thrust forward invitingly, her legs pressed together, the pink folds of her pussy now tantalizingly out of sight. She arched an eyebrow at the men, a challenging, inviting look in her eyes.

The men began to hurriedly undress. Donna couldn’t help but shake her head as they did. Men, she thought. No sense of seduction. As they had studied her, she now studied them, evaluating each one as he moved. The man in the center, the Graybeard, was obviously the man in charge of this little troop. He was tall, and lean with a wiry musculature. She could see by looking he would be much stronger than he appeared. His skin was tanned and looked tough, like he had spent the better part of his life outdoors. His hands had been very gentle when he released her head from the Bind, though. He moved with confidence, sure of himself, his skill, his power. Donna was sure he had skill; she was sure he had been the central power in weaving that Bind. But her instinct told her he could be overconfident. That would be his weakness, underestimating her.

Donna turned her attention to the man on Graybeard’s left. He was a good head shorter than Graybeard, but still a bit taller than Donna. He was fair-skinned and had sandy blonde hair, and looked like he had been sculpted from marble, like a Greek statue. He was well muscled; not overly so, like a bodybuilder, but it was obvious he worked out and had sculpted his physique perfectly. He had broad shoulders, large forearms and biceps, and carried himself with an obvious sense of power. He was beautiful. But something in his manner, the way he kept glancing at Graybeard, the furtive looks he shot her, and his apparent youth – Donna judged him to be in his early twenties if that – told her that he would be the weak link. He had power and some skill, or else the Cult would never have sent him up against a Siren, but he was relatively inexperienced. Despite Graybeard’s earlier boast, she was sure this kid had never encountered a Siren before.

The last man in the group, the man on Graybeard’s right, gave Donna pause. There was something about him, something that nagged at Donna’s subconscious. She was sure she had encountered him before. It was entirely possible; she had lost count of the number of encounters she’d had over the years. He was very dark-skinned. His head was shaved smooth, and the rest of his body was smooth. He was fit and strong – he didn’t have the build of the Kid, but was stockier than the lean Graybeard. It was his eyes that caught Donna’s attention. They burned with a ferocious intensity. She sensed no malice in him, just a fierce determination and focus. He would be the one to worry about. That kind of focus always made for challenging opponents. And Donna was sure he had also had a hand in the Bind.

The men finished stripping, and the three of them now faced Donna. She was pleased to see that the three of them had already grown erect; the power had affected them as well as her. She raised an arm, and crooked her finger at them with a smile spreading over her face. The message was clear. The three men approached. The Quiet One leaned over to Graybeard and muttered something she couldn’t hear. Graybeard merely nodded. But Donna had no time to make anything of this. The Kid and the Quiet One approached on either side of the bench. Graybeard made straight for her legs. Donna parted them, revealing the pink folds of her pussy. She lay back on the bench as the two men on either side of her began to fondle her breasts. She raised her legs, and Graybeard ran his tongue lightly down their length, slowly working his way to her pussy. He had to admit, he had not expected the Siren to break the Bind he and his comrades had woven for her. She was definitely one to exercise caution around. So he would take things slow.

Donna let out a sigh as the Kid closed a mouth over her right nipple and began to gently suckle it. She gasped and tensed slightly as the Quiet one gently pinched and rolled her left nipple between nimble fingers. Graybeard continued to kiss and lick his way up her legs. She let out a sigh as he worked his way to her upper thighs. Donna was pleasantly surprised. In most encounters, usually her opponent plunged straight in, so to speak. These three were taking their time; actually engaging in foreplay. Good foreplay, too, Donna thought as the Quiet One leaned in to take her nipple into his mouth, and Graybeard’s tongue skated just outside her pink folds.

Donna was by now breathing very deeply. She arched her back slightly, pushing her breasts towards the two men suckling them. They ran their hands slowly over her stomach and waist. Graybeard worked his tongue around and around her pussy. Her muscles clenched and unclenched in growing anticipation. Her pink folds were glistening in her mounting arousal. He saw a small pink nub emerge from under its protective hood. Time to take it to the next level, he thought. He lightly played the tip of his tongue over her pussy. Donna gasped, tensing at the quick, welcome jolt of pleasure. He ran his tongue over the outer folds of her pussy again, slower this time, and lightly flicking her swelling clitoris. She jumped slightly again, moaning softly, then sucking her breath in as the Kid and the Quiet One each gave a hard, deep pull on her nipples. Graybeard’s tongue slid over her pussy again, this time slipping between the folds and sinking into her. Donna moaned as pleasure flooded her body. Her skin grew more flushed, her breasts swelled, and the air grew charged as her pleasure, and the tantric energy it released, filled the air. The three men were able to draw small amounts of that energy into themselves. Without more intimate contact there was very little Donna could do to prevent that; although without more intimate contact, there was only so much of that energy they could draw in.

Graybeard’s tongue ran around and into her, occasionally moving to lightly tease her sensitive nub. He placed his hand on her hips to hold her steady. The Quiet One was now caressing her body and fondling her breasts. The Kid had moved up and was nibbling along her neck, over to her earlobe, sending shivers up and down her back. Slowly, deliberately, they increased her excitement, her pleasure. Donna could feel pressure building in her groin. Her breathing quickened, and her stomach tensed. She was quickly approaching climax. The three men could all sense it. Donna knew if she came, it would put her in a more vulnerable position. Orgasms were the best way to wear her down. But there was very little she could do to stop herself. It all felt so good! Her legs hugged Graybeard’s body; she raised her arms over her head to grip the sides of the bench. She groaned as the orgasm she had been trying to hold off began to overcome her. Graybeard pulled away from her. Donna grunted in arousal and frustration. Her body quivered on the edge of climax, and began to pull back. After a minute of gentle caresses, they began to pleasure her again. And again, just at the edge of climax, they pulled back and denied her release.

Donna panted and trembled with excited frustration. This was a new trick, and it was playing havoc with her focus. She wasn’t sure how much longer they were going to keep up this orgasm denial, but she hoped it wasn’t much longer. Not only did she really want to come, but she hadn’t forgotten she was on a time limit. After the third orgasm denial, Graybeard straightened up. Donna was still quivering on the edge. It wouldn’t take much to push her over. He straddled the bench, and lifted her legs. He pressed the tip of his swollen shaft against her. He slid it across her labia, coating his cock with her honey. Now able to focus for a moment, she drew in her willpower, focused on the energy that was now pouring out of her, and drew in a small amount of it. She shaped the energy, focused on what she wanted through the haze of her pleasure, and fired the spell through her body. The three men could feel the rush of energy, but were unconcerned. It was a spell of protection, and was always used in these encounters. It prevented any type of infection, and would prevent any chance of Donna being impregnated. But her partners, her opponents had more interest in what they were drawing out of her than what they would put in. Graybeard pressed the tip of his cock against her, and easily pushed inside.

Donna arched her back as he entered her. His cock was, like his body, long and lean. He slowly pressed about half his length into her. She responded with a long groan. He pulled back and pressed in again. The Siren was wonderfully tight, slippery and silky smooth. Graybeard paused a moment to gather his will. He focused, pushing the pleasure of being inside her aside, and felt for the energy she was releasing. From without, he could Sense it and was able to draw in a small amount of the power. From within, he could feel the energy churning, could seize it with his will, and could draw it into himself, giving him more raw tantric fuel for his powers. But he could also Sense the Siren’s will working against his. She pulled back on the energy, and a kind of tug of war began, with each pulling on the power building up in the air around them.

Despite his boasts, he was no fool. Sirens were unique agents of the Enclave. They were skilled, had remarkable control, and phenomenal endurance. It wasn’t exactly easy to defeat one in an encounter. He’d heard stories of one Siren located in Australia who defeated her Cult opponents using sheer endurance alone. She had average sexual skills, but usually let her partners spend themselves inside her. But if one could manage it, Sirens were vast sources of energy. The key, he knew, lay in wearing down their will, eroding their resistance, their ability to pull the energy away, and chipping away at that endurance. This Siren, Donna, was particularly infamous for her potential power levels, her skill, and her endurance. He could still sense the remnants of the energy she had unleashed to break the bind. He had to admit to himself, he had dismissed accounts of her control of the Magics as exaggerated. But she had surprised him. A woman who could command the Magic like that was rare, and not to be underestimated. Her control in this sexual situation was proving to be equally strong. Despite the long foreplay, the long minutes of careful and deliberate orgasm denial, and the extra stimulation of his two partners, her focus remained strong. It was a matter of control, and he was sure his was superior. He had superior numbers, and superior techniques. Plus, they had an ace in the hole.

He began a series of slow, short thrusts. Graybeard’s hands pressed against her hips again. His hands felt hot to the touch. Each thrust sent bursts of pleasure through her body. His hands moved up her legs to gently grip her ankles. He parted her legs further, rested her legs against his chest, and slipped a little deeper into her. Donna arched into the thrusts, and felt the long denied orgasm building again. The other two gripped her hands, still clutching the sides of the bench above her head, then slid back down to her breasts. They closed mouths over her hard pink nipples again, and Donna received a fresh surge of pleasure as they suckled hard. Suddenly, Graybeard pushed deep into her, burying the full length of his shaft in her pulsing depths. Donna gasped, as fiery pleasure burned through her body. Her toes clenched, the muscles in her groin began to tense. She was very close to climax now. She struggled to stave it off, to deny it for a few more minutes. It was harder than it used to be. And Graybeard was very good. He moved slowly, filling her with his shaft, then slowly pulling out, pausing to tease her labia with the tip, then slowly pressing in again. All the while, the other two continued to fondle her breasts, to tease and suckle her nipples. Warm flushes gave her skin a rosy glow. Donna knew she couldn’t hold out against the orgasm much longer.

The Quiet One had been suckling her left nipple, and now began to run his tongue around it, around the dark pink areola, describing a growing circle around her breast. He looked at the Kid and at Graybeard. He nodded at them. He and the Kid reached towards Donna’s hands again, pressing them briefly against her wrists. They were exceedingly warm to the touch, but Donna, lost in the pleasure, took little notice. Her whole body was flushing with desire. Graybeard pulled her legs away from his chest, warm hands gripping her ankles and spreading her legs a bit further, then sliding down the grip her knees. The Quiet One was now licking around her breast at the base. His tongue reached a spot just below and to the left, and he dug in just a bit. Donna shrieked in surprise, her whole body tensing.

“Ahhhhh! <gasp>!” The four of them froze. There had been a sudden surge in her pleasure. The three men had felt it, Graybeard most of all. He had been surprised by a sudden and welcome clenching of her vagina around his shaft. He responded with a deep thrust that nearly sent Donna over the edge, but he paused, buried deep within her. Donna’s eyes opened wide in surprise. She looked at the Quiet One, recognition flaring in her eyes. She knew exactly where she had seen him, encountered him before. She also found that she was Bound at the wrist, elbows, hips, knees and ankles. There were no physical restraints, but she could see as she looked up at her wrists, and down her body, the dull golden glow surrounding her Bound joints. Again, she hadn’t been aware of this, so lost had she become in the pleasure. She looked back at the Quiet One, and saw the wicked gleam in his fierce eyes.

“Oh shit,” she breathed.

“Oh yeah,” he whispered back. And then it began.

The Quiet One dug his tongue back under Donna’s breast. She shrieked again, tried to pull away, as his tongue continued to dig in, tickling her breast in a spot that she had discovered was very sensitive. She pulled away, only to immediately pull back with a sudden gasp and a release of laughter as the Kid began tracing his fingers up and down her smooth underarm. Graybeard shifted his cock inside her, but still kept relatively still, but released her ankles. Her legs hung in the air, as if restrained by invisible ropes. He reached to her feet and ran the tips of his fingernails across the soles of her feet. Her toes flexed, and she pulled helplessly at the golden bonds. Her hips were secured to the bench, all she could manage was to rock them a little as she arched her back, twisted and pulled trying instinctively to escape the sudden tickling. She rocked her hips, and the tip of Graybeard’s cock pressed against Donna’s g-spot. She groaned amidst the laughter as a fresh surge of pleasure shot through her. Graybeard pulled back and thrust deep into her, sliding across her spot.


Donna’s whole body tensed even as she wriggled under the sudden tickling onslaught. Graybeard thrust into her again, again, and again. Donna cried out through her giggles as the orgasm finally came thundering through her body. Graybeard buried his cock as deep as he could manage, and felt a spurting wetness against him. He pulled back, and watched as her pussy gushed out a clear, slippery liquid. Graybeard paused, and the other two stopped tickling her for a moment, allowing her a chance to stop trembling. A few more drops spurted from her glistening pussy, and Donna relaxed, panting from the exertion. She gasped and jumped as Graybeard plunged back into her, and pulled as much energy in as he could. Shaken from the orgasm, Donna only managed a token resistance, and he drank in the energy. The other two also drew in some of the energy she had released, but dribbles compared to what Graybeard was drinking in. No matter; they knew their turn would come soon.

Graybeard nodded to his two comrades, and they resumed tickling Donna. She jumped as fingers traced up her arms, and down her waist. After the orgasm, her body was tingling like mad and felt twice as sensitive to the ticking as it usually did. She squealed with laughter and wriggled like mad, but was unable to pull away. Despite herself, she felt her arousal growing, if it were possible. She was extremely ticklish, and found that being tickled was a major turn on. Each of the men could detect the surge of pleasure the tickling was causing her. She writhed and wriggled like mad, squealing and shrieking with laughter. New groans came into the mixture as Graybeard resumed thrusting into her clenching depths.

The Kid alternated between tracing his fingers slowly down her arm, starting at her elbow, and drawing his fingers around the swell of her breasts. Then he would lightly scratch his fingers in the hollow of her underarm, and Donna struggled to pull away, but could not. Her wrists and elbows were bound above her head, locked to the sides of the bench, and her hips were locked down as well. She could only manage to rock her torso back and forth. The Quiet One also traced fingers in her underarms, but also continued to occasionally poke his tongue at the spot under her breast, a spot he had discovered during a long, and intense encounter with her a number of years ago. He also rolled her nipple between his fingers, lightly, and causing tickling sensations to jolt through her breast. Graybeard abandoned the slow approach, and began to thrust with deep, rhythmic strokes that slowly increased in tempo. He also continued to tease and tickle Donna’s helpless feet. He teased her arches, tickled her soles, even managed to poke his fingers between her toes. Her legs were locked in place at the ankle and knee, and she couldn’t pull them away. Soon, she tensed and shook with release again, her pussy spurting its wetness. Again, the men paused to give her a chance to shudder and grunt as she came. Graybeard sucked in the energy. He felt her will weaken a bit against his. Already her resistance was crumbling. The plan was working. She couldn’t focus through this onslaught of sensation. Donna slumped back, panting as the orgasm released her. He could see the effort in her face as she tried to pull against him. They began again.

This time, as she came, they did not relent. They did not stop. Graybeard fucked her right through her third orgasm, and the three of them kept tickling her. Her head tossed back and forth, her cheeks almost apple red. Her hair swayed as she wriggled. She tensed, arched her back, and her body shook as she came again, surging against Graybeard. Tears began to form in the corners of her eyes. She never protested, never cried out “NO”, she simply endured the onslaught of pleasure, mixed and heightened with tickling. A fourth, then a fifth orgasm overtook her, and Donna could hardly summon enough focus to try and pull back the energy she was releasing. The air around her shimmered and almost hummed with power. And Graybeard became aware of an odd feeling along the length of his shaft. It was a fluttering feeling, almost like fingers rippling along its length.

Donna had trained hard during her time with the Enclave. She had mastered numerous techniques for pleasuring her partners. And many of those had become second nature to her now. In spite of the pleasure, in spite of the tickling, in spite of the hammering her focus was taking now, her body reacted of its own accord; born of reflexes drilled into her by intense training. She began squeezing the muscles in her vagina, clenching them in a rippling fashion. Graybeard hadn’t been aware of it at first since his focus had been on tickling Donna’s feet. But now he was aware of it, he couldn’t shake the feeling. His own pleasure was beginning to mount. And now that he thought about it, it was delicious thrusting into her as she writhed and wriggled against him.

Graybeard’s control was beginning to falter. Donna came again, a fresh surge of moisture enveloping his cock. Watching her cum, feeling her cum against him, was increasing his own need. His control slipped further, and his own orgasm was now approaching. He could no longer concentrate on tickling her feet, and he gripped her ankles, bit his lower lip, and began driving into her with abandon. Sensing what was coming, The Quiet One and the Kid also stopped tickling Donna, and withdrew. The energy built up between them had become intense, and Graybeard was buried in it now. He felt his need increase, his control finally falter. Without his focus, the Binds around her legs and hips faded. Donna bucked her hips to meet Graybeard’s thrusts, and wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him into her. Donna could feel the energy he had drawn from her, mingled with the energy he had stored previously. Donna concentrated, marshaled her will, and waited. A few more thrusts, and the two were both on the brink of explosive climax.

She felt his cock swell slightly inside her, felt him begin to tense. She tried to ignore her own imminent climax as she reached out to the power they had built up, and pulled. She pulled with all the strength she could muster. He cried out, grunting with effort, and she could feel him spurting into her now. He tensed, pulled back, and jabbed his shaft into her, each thrust bringing a fresh spurt of seed. Donna could also feel the tantric energy flow into her now, draining his strength as she drained his seed. Donna teetered on the edge of another climax, but she mastered the feeling, and managed to draw away from it. Graybeard spent himself inside her, quite literally. The two stayed locked together for a minute, gasping and panting, tensing and shaking. Finally, he pulled away, slumping back on the bench for a moment as he gasped for air. Donna was already breathing heavily, but she fought to bring it under control. She shuddered slightly. The spell she had woven through her body absorbed the seed just as she had absorbed the tantric energy. She laid back, her skin tingling, her body almost glowing as a light sheen of sweat coated her and shone under the lights. One down, two to go, she thought.

Graybeard slid off the bench and slumped against the lockers. He was drained, and the swaggering confidence he had coming in was gone. At a nudge from the Quiet One, the Kid stepped forward.

He didn’t have his leader’s cocksure attitude. In fact, after seeing her defeat him, he seemed just a bit…nervous. But he hid it well. His massive figure loomed over her, and he reached for her hands. With a touch, he released the Binds on her arms. Donna took his hands, and was lifted up effortlessly. She was still aroused, especially with all the tantric energy that had built up, and was still shaky from her last orgasm, but she fought hard not to swoon as this Greek god of a man lifted her body, and turned her around. Reading his intent, Donna put one knee on the padded surface of the bench, put her foot on the floor, and placed her hands in front of her. She bent over, and lifted her hips to him, her pink folds glistening. He eased the tip against her entrance, placed his hands on her hips with surprising gentleness for one so strong, and entered her.

End part one of Chapter one. Stay tuned for part two!
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Holy frigging crap...i've so missed your stories...this is terrific..i love the premise..i can't wait to read more...you are unique..i've always said that..
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