Thx for the comebacks, guys, it was a real thrill snapping these pics as well as sharing them.
Bondo: I love ALL Asian women, always have. Filipinas and Thais just seem to appeal to me the most. Just my luck I happen to live in possibly the most Asian-deprived region in this hemisphere. What part is your wife from? Last time we were there was in '02. BTW, HELL of a cool site you have!
Prime: With all the wonderful posts you have put up, your comment makes me feel like I've won an Oscar!
Pdxguy: I'm gonna ruin your day. Sorry, Dude, that button seems to be the only place on that woman that I can't get a giggle from. Go an inch 360 degrees around it and she'll skitter across the room like a crab on crack. I know, it's like telling me the only place not ticklish is the feet.
Darvon96: Yes, there's more to that story. It was HER idea! What, you think i didn't tickle her? It would less painful to hold my pee.
Chimp: Did you see the other post, Leaving Paradise? No pics of the gals, just scenery and stuff, but there was one pic with you in mind.