Things to look forward to:
1)DISEMBARKING FROM BUS, at Lackland AFB...the young man or woman climbing aboard at the gate, yelling and screaming at you to move it, move it, grab your gear and go, move your asses, really bears no ill will, no matter how the situation looks. This person just feels it's right that he or she has fun now.
2)HAIRCUT: they're gonna cut all of your friggin' hair off. This is not as traumatic as when I sat in the barber's chair in Great Lakes, and everyone was getting a very long mane of hair cut off, but if you've never had it done, be prepared for your head sliding off the pillow at night.
3)THE FIRST REVEILLE: those are not bombs going off, just a couple of E-6s taking the trash cans and smashing them all over the place at 0430 or 0500. They're serious, though, you better get your ass out of that bunk, after all, THEY had to wake up earlier than you.
4)CHOW: yes, that slop they troweled onto your tray in the chow hall at 0530 really is food. Doesn't look like it, but you better eat it, because it's good to have something in your stomach when you're running in place to the next event. Yes, running.
5)DRILL INSTRUCTOR: that's the person yelling and screaming in your face. Usually an NCO with anywhere from eight to twelve years active service, who had to attend a fairly long school in order to learn how to yell and scream in your face with a straight face of his or her own, because by this point in their careers, the DI experience could be either very unnerving or very funny.
It's what you make of it, and remember, Basic doesn't represent the service as a whole. Get passed it, and you'll have stories to tell for the rest of your life...